I don't receive any logs from azure container instance whereas logs are in the container tab - azure-container-instances

I've launched my instance with the right --log-analytics-workspace and --log-analytics-workspace-key.
I can see ContainerEvent_CL logs.
but I can see no ContainerInstanceLog_CL logs.
I'm using gcr.io/distroless/cc-debian10:nonroot as image
and logging with rust tracing library at info level.
I can see logs in the container logs tab.
Container is running properly.
Any idea?

The logs finally came in, 12h or so later.


Azure Container Instance is immediately killed on Startup

I am trying to run an azure container instance but it appears to be getting killed off the second I run it. This works fine in 2 other resource groups but not my production resource group where I see the following:
In events I see 'Successfully pulled image
selenium/standalone-chrome:latest' with count 1 and then 'Started
container' and then 'Killing container' with count 31. The times for
started and killed are the same.
In logs, it just says 'No logs available'
The metrics for CPU and memory on the container never show any change from zero.
Looked at this article but the proposed solution didn't work: Azure Container Group Instance I have tried putting on both an empty directory volume and 2Gb of ram as advised here: https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/docker-selenium but nothing works.
This is the code I am using to create the container:
containerGroup = await azure.ContainerGroups.Define(containerName)
.WithRegion("West Europe")
.WithVolumeMountSetting("devshm", "/dev/shm")
.WithDnsPrefix(configuration.AppServiceName + "container")
How do I debug what is going wrong?
What is wrong with the container?
In case this helps someone I renamed the "containerName" parameter in the above example from myinstance to myinstance1 and changed the region from West Europe to UK South. This fixed the issue. I can only think that Azure caches instances somehow to reduce start up times and the cached image I was using was poisoned somehow.
One issue could be the restart policy - have a look at the Microsoft restart policy troubleshooting on Microsoft's ACI troubleshooting page. According to the website under the Container continually exits and restarts (no long-running process) header in the page:
Container groups default to a restart policy of Always, so containers
in the container group always restart after they run to completion.
You may need to change this to OnFailure or Never if you intend to run
task-based containers. If you specify OnFailure and still see
continual restarts, there might be an issue with the application or
script executed in your container.
In your case you may need to adjust the code as follows using the withStartingCommand:
containerGroup = await azure.ContainerGroups.Define(containerName)
.WithRegion("West Europe")
.WithVolumeMountSetting("devshm", "/dev/shm")
.WithDnsPrefix(configuration.AppServiceName + "container")
This link is helpful for this issue.
linux => "tail -f /dev/null"
windows => "ping -t localhost"
# .yml
command: tail -f /dev/null
It will keep your azure instance running.
As now azure do have a endpoint to connect/analyze the process on.

Create Cluster Configuration in Ignite web console is not working

Create CLuster COnfig The "Create Cluster Configuration button" not working from webconsole https://console.gridgain.com/configuration/overview..
Moreover when i launch the console.gridgain.com from my browser. I am getting below error
Failed to load clusters: Cannot start/stop cache within lock or transaction [cacheNames=ClusterCache, operation=dynamicStartCache]
I think this means you have tried to use getOrCreateCache from within an Apache Ignite Transaction.
I recommend getting all of your caches before you start a Transaction. Maybe there's something else but you will need to share more details.
Seems Gridgain ignite team has made a fix and it is now resolved.

Timeline server application logs pointing to

I have setup timeline server on my Hadoop 2.7.
Enabled timeline server on http port 8188
It is working fine, able to view all jobs on UI.
Now whenever I check application attempt logs, container logs (link)
It points to
Now I want it to point to correct host and logs directory.
I have enabled below properties in yarn-site.xml - Yarn.log-aggregation-enable=true and Yarn.nodemanager.remote-app-log-dir=
In mapr 6.1 , there is hidden property
Yarn.timeline-service.webapp.all-ifaces =false
It should work
Validated and tested.

Stackdriver Trace not showing traces from Zipkin by Express API correctly

In our cluster, we have set up a Zipkin collector for Stackdriver Trace (like this) so we can trace our apps.
I am running the simple JavaScript web example that is offered. It works correctly when I configure the app to send the traces to the collector that is running in the cluster (in recorder.js).
However, when I want to inspect the traces in Stackdriver Trace, something seems to be going wrong:
The HTTP Method column is empty, and the URI column seems to show the HTTP method. How can I make these columns display the correct information?
Let me know if I need to add more information.

IBM MobileFirst Platform 6.3 Operational Analytics Failed installation for Tomcat

I have installed MobileFirst 6.3 appcenter console, worklight console successfully, they are operating fine on Tomcat/7.0.57. However when I try to install Operational Analytics, the documentation has the following
I am using tomcat manager http://localhost:8080/html to deploy the war files. logging in as manager, with the manager-gui role.
worklight-analytics.war - deployed with no issues
when I select the worklight-analytics-service.war file and deploy in the GUI, it throws a blank page first, indicating "connection error", and when I refresh the page, on the status bar in Tomcat manager GUI, I get this message - "FAIL - Tried to use command /upload via a GET request but POST is required";
Please provide some direction on what I need to do get this fixed. I am not sure If I have provided all required information - please bear with me and ask, if anything relevant (obviously I can't figure out what is relevant yet) is required to debug.
So I was able to reproduce your error and I saw this in the logs:
the request was rejected because its size (57353297) exceeds the
configured maximum (52428800)
It looks like by default, the web UI will only upload WARs of size 50MB or smaller. The analytics service WAR file is larger than this, so that is why this is failing. I was able to increase the limit by modifying the following lines in
This will increase the limit to 100MB. After I did this, I was able to successfully deploy the service WAR.
Just as a heads up, once you get the WAR deployed, you'll be presented with the login page. You'll need a tomcat user with the 'worklightadmin' role in order to get past the login screen.
The worklight-analytics-service WAR file does not have a user interface. It is simply referenced by the worklight-analytics WAR file. When both WARs have been deployed, can you see the analytics console? And does data load just fine? If so, then everything is fine. There is only an issue if you are unable to use the user interface provided by the worklight-analytics WAR file.