Feature Disabled error when trying to download a Briefcase - bentley-itwin

After months of working fine, my primary test iModel no longer appears to be accessible. Was working with iModel API 2.3, but, even after upgrading to 2.18 and switching over to BriefCaseManager.downloadBriefCase, I still can't fetch the BriefCase. The error I recieve: Error |imodelhub-client.iMdoelHub| 501 iModelHup.FeatureIsDisabled: Feature is disabled.
Any insights on what I can do to get past this? I'm not seeing any options in PlantSight to enable/disable features that might be related to this

2.18.0 version contains the fixes which address the FeatureIsDisabled error. Could you please verify that you've built your project with 2.18 version?


power automate desktop not connecting with browser extension

I have installed the latest versions of power automate desktop and browser extension, and I'm using the Microsoft Edge browser, before the latest update come, it worked perfectly, but after the update it not working.
every time I run the flow it shows this error:
"Failed to assume control of Microsoft Edge (Communication with browser failed. Try reloading extension)."
With the new version you also have to make sure developer tools are enabled in your browser.
See the information here about manifest v3
When I updated to the latest version of PAD I also had major issues lucky I was able to roll back to the previous version.
I'm aware this might not solve your issue, but the only way I could get mine working again was to uninstall 2.27 and reinstall 2.26, lucky I had the install for 2.26 as I couldn't find a previous version download link on the MS website anywhere.

inVerse (from Converse.js) plugin to OpenFire doesn't work on IE11

We have an internal Windows server with OpenFire 4.5.1 with inVerse 6.0.1 Release 1 installed. The plugin works great from Chrome browser and Edge browser, but I really need it to also work from IE11, if possible. When initial page loads, there are 2 errors:
IE11 console image
If you can't see the image: 1. Syntax error converse.min.js (55,35487) 2. 'converse' is undefined inverse (43,17).
Looks like a show-stopper. Not sure how or if a fix is available.
From the Converse Github issue, we can see that there have many threads about Converse plugin not support IE browser. Such as: Support for IE 11 and iOS Safari 9.3
According to these issues, we can know that Converse uses quite a few features not supported by IE11, not just arrow functions. So, perhaps this plugin doesn't support IE browser or it needs to install some Polyfill. You could contact Converse developer team and ask them whether there have a workaround, or feedback this issue to Converse Issue forum.

Ryu OF version error

I'm trying to integrate the REST API to a simple switch based on the example in the Ryu book, here: chapter 4 here
now when I run my code I get an error stating the OF version i'm using isn't supported and breaks at the event EventOFPHello. Even though I explicitly set the OF version to 1.3 as required as well as make sure the ports on mininet and ryu are matching!
am I missing something ?
Here's a screenshot of the error message I'm getting
Ok, I'm not entirely sure if this was causing the problem, but I managed to get it working by updating openvswitch from 1.1 to a newer version (2.3.0)

Android Studio 2.3 emulator freezes / crashes

I updated from studio 2.2 to 2.3 and here the emulator appears showing "Android is starting" and at various numbers of for example
"Optimizing app 22 of 45." it freezes.
Restarting is not possible as I can not terminate "qemu-system-i386.exe" (access denied).
I already uninstalled the emulator version 26 (version 25 had the same problem) with SDK manager
(even undeleted ...\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\emulator) and reinstalled it and did a lot of other things
but nothing helps. Any ideas how I can debug the problem (can I set a longer timeout anywhere if that would be the reason) ?
Since, even after re installing SDK is causing you problem. Download 2.3 Freshly again and tell if it's working.
Updates may have created problem, just to be sure do this and post your result.

OneUI app layout, error with pulldown menus

I am using the applayout and OneUI 3.0.2 theme. I have pulldown menus in the banner (application and utility links) but the menu won't show up. Instead I get this JS error:
Uncaught lang.hitch: scope["_onKeyPress"] is null (scope="[Widget extlib.dijit.OneUIv302Menu, extlib_dijit_OneUIv302Menu_2]")
I have a Windows 9.0.1FP1 where these do work. On a 9.0.1FP1 Linux / 9.0.1FP2 Windows it doesn't work. The Linux machine had FP2 installed before I just downgraded it to FP1 (it was a test to see if this is the cause). But I noticed before that even after downgrading some files are still available - so a next test should be installing the machine completely from the scratch.
Double checked it this morning: another 9.0.1FP1 Win machine - everything working fine.
I also checked out that this only a OneUIv3.0.2 problem.
Do you know this issue?
A fix for this issue has been included in the latest XPages Extension Library (901v00_10.20141105-0922) on OpenNTF.
However, another issue was found in the dropdown mneu once it does appear successfully. Unfortunately a fix was not found for this secondary issue in time for the above ExtLib release. It has been logged as SPR# BGLN9PXG53.