My simulation is run in the dum kinetics module, the code was written in vb automation in Visual studio 2010 environment. My problem is when I ran the simulation in Catia R18, the process was completely smooth and successful, but when I tried to run it in a different version, like R20 or R21, an error occurs.
Through the breakpoint, I found out that the error was caused by the failure of acquiring the "Mechanisms" in the product of Catia. Here is the code :
theMechanism = product1.GetTechnologialObject("Mechanisms")
When the breakpoint executes this sentence, variable theMechanism shows "Nothing".
The only way I know to solve this problem is run the code again in visual studio 2012 environment, then the simulation works in Catia R20 or R21, but after that you can't run the simulation in Catia R18, if you want to revert back to the version R18, you have to run the code in visual studio 2010.
Can anyone explain what is the cause of the conflict between versions of Catia and give me a solution for this? Thanks!
I think You have defined theMechanism as Mechanism Instead try it as variant.
Returns Mechanisms, not Mechanism.
theMechanisms = product1.GetTechnologialObject("Mechanisms")
theMechanism = theMechanisms.Item(1)
Also, if you have multiple CATIA versions installed on one PC, check which one is the main one (check RegServer command). Check if Visual Studio versions have references to the same CATIA version or not. In theory, they should, if you didn't change the main CATIA version.
You could also get the mechanism through the following:
KinematicsWorkbench kinWork = (KinematicsWorkbench)productDocument1.GetWorkbench("KinematicsWorkbench");
Mechanisms mechanisms = kinWork.Mechanisms;
Mechanism mechanism = mechanisms.Item(1);
This is C# code, but the VB.NET code should be nearly identical outside of some slight syntactical differences.
If multiple CATIA versions are installed on one machine, the last one which is installed will be a default one. To change a default CATIA version, follow these points (taken from here):
Open cmd.exe
Change Directory in the CMD window by typing “CD /code/bin” (Typically CD C:\Program Files\Dassault
Systemes\Bxx\win_b64\code\bin) and then press Enter.
In the next line type in “CNEXT.exe /regserver” and press Enter.
This will appear to have done nothing but will display the next line. At this stage restart the machine and then enjoy.
I have the below code to create an instance of Visio from Excel. It works on machines where I have a single version of Visio installed, but on some machines I have 2 versions (2010 and 2016) installed. On these machines it fails to run with the error "Method 'Visible' of object 'IVApplication' failed". When I check AppVisio its empty, and I am guessing it is because both applications are visio.exe. Is there a way to create the object from a specific path, or any way to createobject when 2 versions are installed?
Set AppVisio = CreateObject("visio.application")
AppVisio.Visible = False
Set docsObj = AppVisio.Documents
There are some options I believe.
Solution 1 (I would recommend this one). Install only Visio 2010 on your development machine (and uninstall 2016). It's safest to have the lowest version you want your app to run with on your dev machine anyways. Add a reference to Visio 2010's type library in Excel. Remove the reference to Visio 21016 type library. Visio versions are upward-compatible, so the code should run properly even on the machine with Visio 2016.
Solution 2. Use late binding. Remove the reference to the Visio from your excel project altogether and use only script-like access. In this case, you will lose auto-completion though. If your app is not a big one, that should not be an issue.
Solution 3. (if you want to run a specific version). You can start the Visio application from the program files (like any other executable), and then connect to it using "GetObject(...)" instead of "CreateObject(...)"
BTW, there is a better way to run Visio as invisible app (without flashing):
Set appVisio = CreateObject("Visio.InvisibleApp")
If you early-bind it by adding a reference (Tools | References) to the desired version then Diming your object as that type, you'll be guaranteed which version you're using.
Dim visioApplication as Visio.Application
Set visioApplication = new Visio.Application
However, that may not be the full solution if your company is mid-upgrade and some folks have the new version and some the older version. You'd get run-time issues on the machines that don't have your chosen version.
To solve that issue, you could create MyApp2010 and MyApp2016, each linking to the appropriate version of Visio, but that becomes a bit of a maintenance nightmare for you...
Early-binding does add loads of benefits like IntelliSense and turning most run-time errors into compile-time errors, so it's probably still worth it.
My WiX bundle behaves very badly on a specific XP machine (x86). It stalls for six minutes during the "initializing" phase (before any bundled installers are run). From the logs it seems extremely likely it is due to the dodgy state of windows update on the machine:
[090C:0FC0][2018-03-27T19:31:17]i358: Pausing automatic updates.
[090C:0FC0][2018-03-27T19:37:23]w308: Automatic updates could not be paused due to error: 0x80080005. Continuing...
[090C:0FC0][2018-03-27T19:37:23]i360: Creating a system restore point.
I am using WiX v3.10 to make the bundle. I can find very similar situations from google search but the solution always revolves around updating the target machine. I need this installer to work as expected regardless. When I test a regular msi on the same machine it goes through fine.
Is there any way I can mitigate this issue? E.g. can I stop the WiX bundle from trying to pause windows update or something similar? The fact that the installer doesn't even notify what the issue is is extremely problematic, any user is likely to be confused.
The whole point of this WiX installer is to make an install package portable and simple but this actually seems LESS portable than just the msi...
Update: Also tried building the bundle with WiX 3.11 but got same problem. Though now it produces an actual error rather than installing regardless, which I suppose is an improvement.
UPDATE: after looking in the WiX source code it looks like WiX's Burn feature is making a few calls to Microsoft.Update.AutoUpdate (%SystemRoot%\System32\usoapi.dll - %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\wuapi.dll) and a few other COM objects here and there.
See towards the bottom (screenshot) for a hot COM tip to quickly get an overview of different COM object models.
It must be this AutoUpdate call which hangs causing a timout along the lines of what is described in this blog. I believe you can find the exact source code location by searching for hr = WuaPauseAutomaticUpdates(); in the elevation.cpp WiX Burn source file (Github link). The actual calls to the COM object are in wuautil.cpp.
I am not familiar with the Windows Update Agent Object Model, but I suppose you could try to call the Pause function in a test VBScript just to see what kind of error you get on your problem system (if any). I can't see how you would get anything but a lockup on your problem system, so maybe try first on your main box? This is obviously at your own risk. I would assume a reboot or a call to Resume will continue the process as normal. I also see a call to SystemInformation.RebootRequired in the C++ code, which I have also added to the VBScript:
Set autoupdate = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.AutoUpdate")
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Set sys = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.SystemInfo")
MsgBox sys.RebootRequired
' autoupdate.Resume() ' Enable to resume AutoUpdate
Set sys = Nothing
Set autoupdate = Nothing
Let's face it: Windows Update is broken on your XP machine - isn't it? Maybe the WiX guys can add a shorter timeout? I am not sure what is better - 1) to shorten the timeout, 2) to remove the whole call or 3) to just bomb out telling the user that Windows Update is broken? Frankly the latter would probably alert the user to something very serious (often malware).
UPDATE: as you state yourself, Windows Update is almost certainly broken on this particular machine. I would try the MSI properties suggested below for testing, and then zap Windows Update as suggested here (same link as below) (techical).
But wait, maybe a malware check is in order, before wasting time on anything else?
Maybe try this free Sysinternals tool? Checks all running processes by hash using almost 70 scanning engines (no heuristics though). Fire up all you got (only running processes are checked)
Go File => Show Details for All Processes and then elevate to get to scan system processes as well. Now click "System" to scan drivers for example (*.sys files).
Often a great way to get your system admin to agree to rebuild a problematic machine for everyone. Suddenly you go from "deployment problem" to "machine specific problem" - and it is out of your hair. GIGO problem.
Nicely formatted and phrased question BTW. And just for reference: Sysinternals.
I have never seen this, but I have seen some MSI files suddenly pausing for a long time whilst installing whereas they would install quickly during test installs just minutes before.
My guess is that this could be related to system restore and the creation of a restore point at certain "intervals". I am not sure what algorithm is used to determine when such a restore point is created and not, but I wrote an answer many years ago on the issue of speeding up MSI installations: How can I speed up MSI package install and uninstall?
As you will see, you can disable the creation of a restore point for your setup by setting an appropriate command line involving the property MSIFASTINSTALL (and a few other tweaks - please just read the linked answer). I would try this to see if your setup stops locking up / hanging.
Some hits from the web:
Could it be that Windows Updates is also trying to create a restore point at the same time as your MSI-package? Setup hang when trying to disable windows updates (PhilDW)
Could it be that the Windows Update feature is corrupted?
Similar issue: WiX Toolset installs VC++ redistributable (x86) 2015 too slowly
I would first try the MSI properties mentioned as a "workaround" above, and if that doesn't work, I would try to see if fixing Windows Update as explained in the link directly above works. Crucially I would also let Windows Update complete its task of installing all available updates before running your bundle again.
Hot Tip (COM)
I don't like to recommend commercial tools, but we all need some quick tricks and quick wins at times - which is what this is about. Get hold of VbsEdit and use its light weight object browser to quickly see details from any COM object model. Just do a CreateObject and you will instantly see the object model in the object browser to the right in the application window (View => Object Browser if it is not there).
Just type in something like this:
Set installer = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
I find this to be a time-saver when I need to deal with legacy COM stuff and Visual Studio is very sluggish. I just have the VbsEdit trial version, and it allows basic editing. And let's throw in a rant: why on earth do they not make a Javascript version? I am missing something - as usual :-).
Throwing in a second screen shot to show a more interesting object model information tidbit:
Should you want to try it, here are some other CreateObject statements you can try:
Set autoupdate = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.AutoUpdate")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set scriptshell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
Set dictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set shell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
I develop in VB.Net using Visual Studio Community Edition. From version 2015 on I noticed a strange behavior when debugging: if I halt execution with an interruption point and then make some changes in code, no matter how harmless (like editing a string, for instance ) VS will accept my changes but then it will halt again and that's because the variables that contained valid objects are now empty, that is, have the value of Nothing. Is that a known bug or is there something I can do to avoid or circumvent it? Thank you very much!
Editing code while the program is running is generally not a good practice. This is because when you hit the "run" button in Visual Studio, the code is compiled in to assembly language that the computer can read and execute.
If you pause at a breakpoint and edit code, Visual Studio is not able to re-compile while in the middle of executing your program, and this is likely why your variable has "Nothing" in it.
One way to debug certain sections of code is to put the code you want to test into its own subroutine, and then have a button on your form (if using winforms) execute the subroutine.
Each time you edit your code, however, it is best to stop the program and hit run when you done making your edits so that VS will make a fresh build (compile) of your program.
Recently I noticed in my current project that sometimes (depending on the value), if I enter a double value the editor changes my input, for example:
When I type ...
Dim x As Double = 0.6
...after commiting the line by pressing Enter it becomes:
Dim x As Double = 0.59999999999999998
If I directly undo the action, then it gets reverted back to the original value I typed in. Any future edit in that line will again produce the undesired results.
I'm aware that internally 0.6 is calculated as 0.59999999999999998 so it doesn't make a difference for the running application, but it's very annoying and the strange thing is: this hasn't always happened and, if I create a new project, it doesn't happen there either.
So my questions are: How can I prevent VS from doing this? Why does it happen at all? Why isn't it always like this (previously in my current project or in a new one)?
I'm running 64bit-Windows 8.1 on an Intel CPU - if that has anything to do with it.
Has anyone got any ideas?
EDIT: I'm using Visual Studio 2013 Professional (12.0.31101.00 Update 4) and, yes, the project has been migrated from several earlier VS versions. There are no relevant Add-Ins or extensions installed. Disabling "Pretty Listing" does indeed prevent the problem, but of course then the other highly useful aspects of the option are disabled as well :o(
EDIT2: After the tip leading to "Pretty Listing" I found the following SO article, but there also no solution was found: Visual Studio VB pretty listing settings
Several years ago I had a project where this was happening. As you wrote, the reason for the number is that some numbers can't be represented exactly in a binary floating point variable. More on this here.
My project had been upgraded through several versions of Visual Studio. It was also shared with developers using VS Express.
If I ran into this problem again today I would open and check the project-file manually, or just simply create a new project and re-add the files if I could not quickly locate the problem and the project was small enough.
If you have upgraded the project through multiple versions of Visual Studio like I had, it might be dragging some settings along that are no longer visible in the projects options dialog.
Just as an interesting experiment you could also try to turn off Visual Studio's Pretty Listings to see if that is what is actually changing your code.
I'm new to VB6 but i'm currently in charge of maintaining a horror of editor like tool with plenty of forms, classes, modules and 3rd party tools all chunk together like the skin faces on that guy in the texas chainsaw massacre...
What i don't understand is why i get different results when i run the app in debugging mode, vs when i compiled it and run it on my devevelopment pc vs when i installed it on a different pc.
Yes i know i'm dumb, so please direct me to where i can find out more about this. I'm hoping to find out something like different linking, registry related etc connection that i'm simply not getting right now, i.e. something like wax on, wax off :P
The main pain in the neck is when i'm trying to debug some errors from my QA and i need to find a spare pc to test this on plus i can't directly debug because i don't know where the code is if i do it that manner.
i run the app in debugging mode vs when i compiled it and run it on my
devevelopment pc
When you compile you have the option of compiling to native code or pcode. The debugger runs using pcode only. Under rare circumstances when you compile to native code there will be a change in behavior. This particular is really rare. I used VB6 since it's release and I may get it once or twice a year. My application is a complex CAD/CAM creating shapes and running metal cutting machine and has two dozen DLLs. Not a typical situation. At home with my hobby software I never ran into this problem.
There are another class of errors that result from event sequencing problems. While VB6 isn't truly multi-tasking it has the ability to jump out of the current code block to process a event. If it re-enters the same block for the new event interesting things (to say the least) can result. I think this is the likely source of your problems as you software is an editor which is a highly interactive type of software.
In general the problem is fixed by reordering the effected areas. You find the effected area by inserting MsgBox or write to a text file to log where you are. I recommend logging to a text file as MsgBox tend to alter behavior that are timing or multi-tasking related.
Remember if a event fire while VB6 in the middle of a code block and there a DoEvents floating around then it will leave the code block process the event and return to the original code block. If it re-enters the same code block and you didn't mean for this to happen then you will have problems. And you will have different problems on different computers as the timing will be different for each.
The easiest way to deal with this type of issues is create some flag variables. In multi-tasking parlance they are known as semaphores or mutexes. WHen you enter a critical section of code, you set it true. When you leave the routine you set it to false. If it is already true when you enter that section of code you don't execute it.
when i installed it on a different pc.
These are usually the result of the wrong DLL installed. Most likely you have an older version while the target has a newer version. I would download the free Virtual PC and create a clean Window XP install to double check this.
If your problem is event timing this too can be different on different computers. This is found by logging (not MsgBox) suspect regions.
If you can display a screen shot or the text of your specific errors then I can help better.
The first thing to check would be the versions of all the dlls that your app depends on - including the service pack version of the VB6 dll.
Have you any more specific details about what's behaving differently?