How to return no duplicates for records that have many-to-many values - google-bigquery

I am trying to find the correct join construction to join together the relevant customer info from the Rentals table with the Accidents table. I often run into this issue where my joining fields aren't unique but not sure what else to join on. The accidents table only has about 1500 records but when I join it to pull in more customer data, I get like 35k records. I can do some joins but frequently have joins like this at work and I feel like a dummy because I am not sure how to troubleshoot...
SELECT a.*,,
FROM `accidents` a
LEFT JOIN `rentals` r -- I also tried an INNER JOIN
USING (customer_id) -- Other fields I tried to match on: Full Name
ORDER BY accident_dt DESC


How to join 4 tables in SQL?

I just started using SQL and I need some help. I have 4 tables in a database. All four are connected with each other. I need to find the amount of unique transactions but can't seem to find it.
transaction_id pk
Partyinvolved pk
type (buyer, seller)
Companies pk
pk = primary key
The transaction is unique if the conditions are met.
I only need a certain sector out of Companies, this is condition1. Condition2 is a condition inside table Partyinvolved but we first need to execute condition1. I know the conditions but do not know where to put them.
FROM group
INNER JOIN groupB ON groupB.group_id =
INNER JOIN companies ON = groupB.company_id
WHERE condition1 AND condition2 ;
I want to output the amount of unique transactions with the name.
It is a bit unclear what you are asking as your table definitions look like your hinting at column meanings more than names such as you are probably meaning the column that stores the relationship to PartyCompany column Id......
Anyway, If I follow that logic and I look at your questions about wanting to know where to limit the recordsets during the join. You could do it in Where clause because you are using an Inner Join and it wont mess you your results, but the same would not be true if you were to use an outer join. Plus for optimization it is typically best to add the limiter to the ON condition of the join.
I am also a bit lost as to what exactly you want e.g. a count of transactions or the actual transactions associated with a particular sector for instance. Anyway, either should be able to be derived from a basic query structure like:
Companies co
INNER JOIN PartyCompancy pco
ON co.PartyCompanyId = pco.PartyCompanyId
INNER JOIN PartyInvolved pinv
ON pco.PartyInvolvedId = pinv.PartyInvolvedId
AND pinv.[type] = 'buyer'
INNER JOIN Transactions t
ON ping.TransactionId = t.TransactionId
co.sector = 'some sector'

Select distinct record with join count records

I have two tables: Company and Contact, with a relationship of one-to-many.
I have another table Track which identifies some of the companies as parent companies to other companies.
I want to write a SQL query that selects the parent companies from Track and the amount of contacts that each parent has.
SELECT Track.ParentId, Count(Contact.companyId)
FROM Track
ON Track.ParentId = Contact.companyId
GROUP BY Track.ParentId
however The result holds less records than when I run the following query:
FROM Track
I tried the first query with an added DISTINCT and it returned the same results (less then what it was meant to).
You're performing an INNER JOIN with the Contact table, which means that any rows from the first table (Track in this case) with no matches to the JOINed table will not show up in your results. Try using a LEFT OUTER JOIN instead.
The COUNT with Contact.companyId will only count rows where there is a match (Contact.companyId is not NULL). Since you're counting contacts that's fine as they will count as 0. If you were trying to count some other set of data and tried to do a COUNT on a specific column (rather than COUNT(*)) then any NULL values in that column would not count towards your total, which might or might not be what you want.
I used an INNER JOIN which returns only records that are identical in both tables.
To return all records from Track table, and records that match in the Contact table, I need to use LEFT JOIN.

Select Query producing duplicate results of the same records (Access 2010)

I had a select query, which I designed in the SQL view of the query design tool. With some of my results I found duplicates of the same records. As in there were not multiples in the table, only the query (Same Primary Key). Here is the original query.
FROM Inventory AS t1 INNER JOIN Inventory AS t2 ON
t1.Part_ID = t2.Part_ID WHERE (t1.Inventory_ID<>t2.Inventory_ID);
I aimed to query Inventory for records with the same Part_ID (FK) but different Inventory_ID(PK). There is a composite key between part_ID (FK) and location_ID (FK), if that makes any difference.
I have since changed this query to:
FROM Inventory AS t1 INNER JOIN Inventory AS t2 ON t1.Part_ID = t2.Part_ID
WHERE (t1.Inventory_ID<>t2.Inventory_ID);
This removes the duplicate records, however, I don't believe that my original query should produce replicate data results. I am worried that this suggests that there is something wrong with my tables?
My table looks like the following:
The thing is that you might have multiple occurences of part_ID on the INNER JOIN side of your select. So if a part with the same part_ID and a different inventory_ID exists in 2 other locations, you will get duplicates.
To check that, you could do a test on a few duplicates, or rewrite your original query with a GROUP BY instruction on the INNER JOIN side of the query.

SQL query with loop

I am having trouble with writing a SQL query in Access with foreign keys. There are two tables, 'Customers'(ID, Name, Surname) and 'Orders'(ID, Customer, Date, Volume). ID fields are primary, and Orders.Customer is a foreign key linked to Customers.ID, so a customer can have many orders or none.
My goal is to do a search on customers based on many criteria, one of which being if customers have at least an order which volume is superior to a certain quantity. I tried joins with SELECT DISTINCT but it still gives me duplicate results, plus I had to create an empty order for every customer without orders if the query didn't use the above condition.
Does anyone have an idea about that? Maybe some special instruction on foreign keys or 2 separate queries?
Based on the information you give, i only can give you hints on what I think you're doing/understanding wrong :
SELECT DISTINCT does select you a unique record, not a unique value, so if your statement selects all fields (*), distinct won't help you much there.
My guess is you had to create an empty order for each customer because you used INNER JOIN, try LEFT OUTER JOIN instead
For example :
FROM Customers
ON (Orders.Customer =
WHERE Volume > put_your_value

SQL like clause is not returning any results

I have following query, but it doesn't return any results for where clauses, even when there is row with that kind of name what is queried. If I remove where clause, then all records in Company table which have OfficeLocation table are returned. What is wrong in my query?
FROM [MyDb].[dbo].[Company] AS c
INNER JOIN [MyDb].[dbo].[CompanyOfficeLocation] AS col ON c.Id = col.CompanyId
INNER JOIN [MyDb].[dbo].[OfficeLocation] AS ol ON ol.Id = col.OfficeLocationId
WHERE ol.Name like '%Actual Name In This Table%';
Table structure :
etc ...
etc ...
Two things for a record to show up given your query:
The OfficeLocation you specified (given the ol.Name value) must have an Id value that is used by a record in the CompanyOfficeLocation table in its OfficeLocationId.
The CompanyOfficeLocation record that you got in #1 must have a CompanyId that exists in the Company table.
If any of those two criteria are not met, then no records will show up in your query result. The INNER JOIN is essentially an 'AND' clause. If a record could not be related to at least one INNER JOINed table, then that record will not show up at all.
If you want a record to show up despite not having any related records in the joined tables, you may want to consider using OUTER JOINs. A RIGHT JOIN in your case to be exact.
I do not find any mistake however I'd suggest you switch the columns after ON when joining to maintain standards.
Instead of - INNER JOIN [MyDb].[dbo].[OfficeLocation] AS ol ON ol.Id = col.OfficeLocationId
Do - INNER JOIN [MyDb].[dbo].[OfficeLocation] AS ol ON col.OfficeLocationId = ol.Id