ActiveJob::SerializationError: Unsupported argument type: Date/Class - serialization

I am getting a weird error while passing class and date to an ActiveJob with the Sidekiq adapter.
1] pry(main)> StripeTransactionsSyncJob.perform_later(Stripe::SyncCharges, nil, 3.days.ago.to_date)
ActiveJob::SerializationError: Unsupported argument type: Class
from /home/amit/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.8#immosite/gems/activejob- `serialize_argument'
[2] pry(main)> StripeTransactionsSyncJob.perform_later('Stripe::SyncCharges', nil, 3.days.ago.to_date)
ActiveJob::SerializationError: Unsupported argument type: Date
from /home/amit/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.8#immosite/gems/activejob- `serialize_argument'
As per the doc, ActiveJob should support both types of arguments out of the box. What is wrong here?

The guide you have referenced in your post refers to the v6.1.4 of Rails. See the version info on top-right corner on that page.
The guide for v5.0 doesn't explicitly specify about the arguments types supported. And looking at the source code (see below) for the version of Rails you are using i.e
def serialize_argument(argument)
case argument
when GlobalID::Identification
when Array { |arg| serialize_argument(arg) }
when ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
result = serialize_hash(argument)
result[WITH_INDIFFERENT_ACCESS_KEY] = serialize_argument(true)
when Hash
symbol_keys = argument.each_key.grep(Symbol).map(&:to_s)
result = serialize_hash(argument)
result[SYMBOL_KEYS_KEY] = symbol_keys
raise"Unsupported argument type: #{}")
your passed argument types Class and Date are not supported and hence you are getting SerializationError.
Note: Whenever referring to the API-docs or Guide I would recommend to view them for the specific version of Rails you are using.

The Class/Date/DateTime/Time etc were not supported in Rails 5.0. So I need to use String form of data being passed to the Job.
For reference, here is the method(simplified) that does deserialization
def serialize_argument(argument)
case argument
when *[ NilClass, String, Integer, Float, BigDecimal, TrueClass, FalseClass ]
when GlobalID::Identification
when Array { |arg| serialize_argument(arg) }
when ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
result = serialize_hash(argument)
result[WITH_INDIFFERENT_ACCESS_KEY] = serialize_argument(true)
when Hash
symbol_keys = argument.each_key.grep(Symbol).map(&:to_s)
result = serialize_hash(argument)
result[SYMBOL_KEYS_KEY] = symbol_keys
raise"Unsupported argument type: #{}")


Make Pydantic chuck error for wrong argument names

Suppose I have the following class:
class ModelConfig(pydantic.BaseModel):
name: str = "bert"
If I were to instantiate it with model_config = ModelConfig(name2="hello"), this simply ignores that there is no name2 and just keeps name="bert". Is there a way to raise an error saying unknown argument in pydantic?
You can do this using the forbid Model Config
For example:
class ModelConfig(pydantic.BaseModel, extra=pydantic.Extra.forbid):
name: str = "bert"
Passing model_config = ModelConfig(name2="hello") will throw an error

Gatling use session.set and feed simultaneously

If I use .get("/***/quotes-${endPoint}/quotes?source=rtbp&userid=test&symbol=${pTypeSymbol}${authM}${pEqSymbol}") then ${pEqSymbol} work but
${pTypeSymbol} will be ${pEqSymbol} it's incorrect example of get it should be in code below
val getApiKeyScenario = scenario("getApiKey")
.exec(session => session
.set("endPoint", "v1")
.set("pTypeSymbol", "${pEqSymbol}")
.set("authM", "&apikey=***********"))
.check(checkIf(doLogResponse) {
.doIf(doLogResponse) {
If I try .set("pTypeSymbol", pEqSymbolFeed.readRecords.head("pEqSymbol")) will be loop
If I try .set("pTypeSymbol", s"${pEqSymbol.isDefined}") not found: value pEqSymbol
If I try s"${pEqSymbol}" not found: value pEqSymbol
I logs now is GET *******/quotes-v1/quotes?source=rtbp&userid=test&symbol=${pEqSymbol}&apikey=******
But should be GET *******/quotes-v1/quotes?source=rtbp&userid=test&symbol="Here my value from feed"&apikey=******
Please read the official documentation:
This Expression Language only works on String values being passed to Gatling DSL methods. Such Strings are parsed only once, when the Gatling simulation is being instantiated.
For example queryParam("latitude", session => "${latitude}") wouldn’t work because the parameter is not a String, but a function that returns a String.
In your example, you don't need to copy pEqSymbol into pTypeSymbol, you can directly write:
.exec(session => session
.set("endPoint", "v1")
.set("authM", "&apikey=***********"))
But if you insist on copying, you have to use the Session API:
.set("pTypeSymbol", session("pEqSymbol").as[String])

Getting an invalid token on an interpolated string sent from python/jinga2 backend

I'm sending a variable called apiID from a tornado/jinja2 python file to my vuejs template like this:
class SmartAPIUIHandler(BaseHandler):
def get(self, yourApiID):
doc_file = "smartapi-ui.html"
dashboard_template = templateEnv.get_template(doc_file)
dashboard_output = dashboard_template.render(apiID = yourApiID )
then in vuejs I'm interpolating the variable with no problem except it gives me an error
it says: Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
I checked on the python handler file and apipID is a string, so I don't see the problem. I'm quite new to python so maybe the answer is more obvious to one of you. I appreciate the help!!
Because of dashboard_output = dashboard_template.render(apiID = yourApiID ), you must have, in your template, something around the code:
this.apiID = {{ apiID }};
Due to the value being not a number but a string, add the 's:
this.apiID = '{{ apiID }}';

python ldap "Bad search filter" error

This filter works just fine in my LDAP browser by python ldap won't pick it up:
resulting in:
Request Method: GET Request
URL: http://localhost:8000/ldap_find/%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D1%82/
Django Version: 1.4
Exception Type: FILTER_ERROR
Exception Value: {'desc': 'Bad search filter'}
here's the code that does it:
scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
filter = '(&(!objectClass=computer)(sn=*%s*))' % search_string
result_set = list()
result ='utf-8'), scope, filter.encode(encoding='utf-8'),['cn','mail'])
res_type, res_data = LDAPClient.client.result(result)
for data in res_data:
if data[0]:
return json.dumps(result_set)
except Exception, e:
raise e
it works fine with simple filters, like
filter = 'sn=*%s*' % search_string
so I'm guessing this is some kind of escaping of & or something inside ldap lib but can't find the root yet.
The search filter syntax is incorrect. Use (&(sn=*%s*)(!(objectClass=computer))). Search filters are well-documented in RFC4511 and RFC4515.

grails internationalization (i18n)

i work on grails project
def result = "customer"
//(this value is according to returned method parameter,
//it may be customer, company,... & so on)
def messages = "${message(code: 'default.result.${result}', default:'${result}')}"
i need to send a variable inside message code as i mention above
problem: this code appears as
that there is no code in refer to these code
there is default.result.customer ....$ so on
Question: how can i send variable inside message Code?
Try omitting the double quotes (GString) and it should work like the following:
def xxx = "bar"
def m = message(code: "foo.${xxx}", args: ['hello world'])
Results in following message-code
def messages = message(code: 'default.result.' + result, default: result)
If you want to pass in some values, e.g. a string, you can define your message like this:
default.result.success = Action {0} was successfull.
And resolve your code like this:
def m = message(code: 'default.result.' + result, args: ['delete User'])