Check if an element is there but do not fail if it's not codeception - codeception

Is there a native way in codeception to just check for the presence of an element without failing the test if element is not found?
I see this answer which uses try/catch, but isn't there a native way of doing this?
try {
} catch (\PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException $e) {

Looks like there's no other way, so here's a little function that you can use. Pass it valid xpath through $element and $I is your codeception object
* If element is found return true if not return false
* #param $element
* #return bool
public function elementIsPresent($I, $element)
try {
$isFound = true;
} catch (\PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException $e) {
$isFound = false;
return $isFound;
for simple text swap seeElement for see


Is Sylius PayumBundle handling payment details incorrectly?

I am testing Bitbag/PayUPlugin and I was stopped by gateway API with error "Required data missing".
After some debugging, I realised that Sylius Payment entity, specifically "details" property, is not fulfilled with data.
After change condition on line 53:
if ($status->isNew() || $status->isUnknown()) {
payment gateway seems to work correctly.
Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong ?
Sylius/Sylius v1.4.6
Bitbag/PayUPlugin v1.8.0
Unlikely there is an error in PayumBundle/CapturePaymentAction (because more people used PayumBundle than PayUPlugin, so probability of bug is less), conceptually payment object status at the beginning should be "new" instead of "unknown", so the condition should work.
So you should find out class, why it doesn't reach markNew() line.
I guess the BitBagCommerce/SyliusPayUPlugin is dead as this issue hasn't been addressed yet, since July.
In order to fix this I had to decorate the StatusAction class:
namespace App\Payment\PayU;
use BitBag\SyliusPayUPlugin\Action\StatusAction;
use BitBag\SyliusPayUPlugin\Bridge\OpenPayUBridgeInterface;
use Payum\Core\Action\ActionInterface;
use Payum\Core\Bridge\Spl\ArrayObject;
use Payum\Core\Exception\RequestNotSupportedException;
use Payum\Core\Request\GetStatusInterface;
final class StatusActionDecorator implements ActionInterface
private $action;
public function __construct(StatusAction $action)
$this->action = $action;
public function setApi($api): void
public function execute($request): void
/** #var $request GetStatusInterface */
RequestNotSupportedException::assertSupports($this, $request);
$model = ArrayObject::ensureArrayObject($request->getModel());
$status = $model['statusPayU'] ?? null;
if (empty($status) || OpenPayUBridgeInterface::NEW_API_STATUS === $status) {
if (OpenPayUBridgeInterface::PENDING_API_STATUS === $status) {
if (OpenPayUBridgeInterface::CANCELED_API_STATUS === $status) {
if (OpenPayUBridgeInterface::WAITING_FOR_CONFIRMATION_PAYMENT_STATUS === $status) {
if (OpenPayUBridgeInterface::COMPLETED_API_STATUS === $status) {
public function supports($request): bool
return $this->action->supports($request);
then in the services.yaml:
decorates: bitbag.payu_plugin.action.status
arguments: ['#App\Payment\PayU\StatusActionDecorator.inner']

Assert ElementNotPresent Webdriver

Can I assert an element that is not present? I want to assert that the element "textarea" is not present on the site.
try {
} catch (Error e) {
private boolean isElementPresent(By by) {
try {
return true;
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
return false;
The code in your question ought to work.
Another method is to call driver.findElements instead of driver.findElement (note the added s). Instead of throwing a NoSuchElementException, driver.findElements will return an empty list if there are no matches. From there, you just have to assert that the size of the returned list is zero.
Method #1
import junit.framework.Assert;
System.out.println("Text Not Available");
} else
Method #2
In your case, please go with negative use case given below
positive case
import junit.framework.Assert;
boolean b = driver.getPageSource().contains("your text");
negative case
import junit.framework.Assert;
boolean b = driver.getPageSource().contains("your text");
There are numerous ways to do this. The above is few :)
Method #1 is highly suggested!

How can I handle the element locator selection type(xpath or tag or id or class) changing frequently using Selenium?

In my application during releases, I'm forced to change id to xpath or class name or tag. So I can't use any of the element selection methods like driver.findElement(
In the next build I might have to use driver.findElement(By.xpath()) OR driver.findElement( for the same element location. This means I will have to visit each and every class file I have written and modify to the respective selector.
Is there any way to avoid this by parametrising or some other way to resolve this issue?
Thanks in advance.
Had similar issue so came up with this generic method
public WebElement getElement(Identifier identifier, String expression) {
By byElement = null;
switch (identifier) {
case xpath: {
byElement = By.xpath(expression);
case id: {
byElement =;
case name: {
byElement =;
case classname: {
byElement = By.className(expression);
case linktext: {
byElement = By.linkText(expression);
case paritallinktext: {
byElement = By.partialLinkText(expression);
case tagname: {
byElement = By.tagName(expression);
WebElement element = driver.findElement(byElement);
return element;
public static enum Identifier {
xpath, id, name, classname, paritallinktext, linktext, tagname
You can also use properties file to store values. Like
# login
and in Java you can write
SeleniumUtil.getElement(prop.getProperty("login.username.identifier"), prop.getProperty("login.username.expression")).click();
So you will not need to change any Java code
You can also make use of key=value in your locators as a good practice which was seen in Selenium 1.0 and accordingly the selector will be selected.
So you can have a common getByLocator method that returns you with the By class object, example code
public By getByLocator(String locator) {
By by = null;
if (locator.startsWith("class=")) {
by = By.className(locator.replace("class=", "").trim());
} else if (locator.startsWith("css=")) {
by = By.cssSelector(locator.replace("css=","").trim());
} else if (locator.startsWith("link=")) {
by = By.linkText(locator.replace("link=", "").trim());
} else if (locator.startsWith("//") or locator.startsWith("/")) {
by = By.xpath(locator);
} else if (locator.startsWith("id=")) {
by ="id=", ""));
} else {
by ="name=", ""));
return by;
Here I made use of link=, css=, id= as some of factors to identify the locator type and accordingly I got the By locator object.
The usage of this would be something like below
List<WebElement> element = driver.findElements(getByLocator("css= input[type=input]"));
You have to work on your framework. Make it more generic. My code handles the problem. I have used key and value concept. In my .properties file, I have defind the object like
after that my code get the value and spits it from ||. Here I have mention the type of locator if its BY id then id||username etc.
public By extractWebElement(String keyobject){
currentWebElement =;
}else if(keyobject.startsWith("xpath_")){
currentWebElement =By.xpath(actualLocator);
}else if(keyobject.startsWith("linkText_")){
currentWebElement =By.linkText(actualLocator);
}else if(keyobject.startsWith("id_")){
}else if(keyobject.startsWith("cssSelector_")){
currentWebElement =By.cssSelector(actualLocator);
}else if(keyobject.startsWith("tagName_")){
currentWebElement =By.tagName(actualLocator);
return currentWebElement;
public String extractActualLocator(String locatorInSheet ){
int underScoreIndex = locatorInSheet.indexOf('_');
return locatorInSheet.substring(underScoreIndex+1);
Now actual locator is in the "currentWebElement", we can use this in our methods. See how my keywords are written
public String enterTextt(By object,String data){
APP_LOGS.debug("Writing in text box");
}catch(Exception e){
return Constants.KEYWORD_FAIL+" Unable to write "+e.getMessage();
return Constants.KEYWORD_PASS;

MonkeyTalk boolean logic

I'm trying to write scripts in JavaScripts to test the UI of an iPhone app with MonkeyTalk. How do I use logic and conditionals with this? Right now I have a block:
if ("name").verify())
do this if button exists
The problem is verify doesn't return a bool, it just throws an error in the test if the button doesn't exist. Is there a way to catch the error and run a script accordingly?
This seems to work :
function verifiedViewOrNull (view)
var exists = false;
exists = true;
catch (e)
return exists ? view : null;
and you can just call it as such :
if (verifiedViewOrNull("name")) != null
// It exists
} else
//doesn't exist, not gonna throw exception

How do I verify that an element does not exist in Selenium 2

In Selenium 2 I want to ensure that an element on the page that the driver has loaded does not exist. I'm including my naive implementation here.
WebElement deleteLink = null;
try {
deleteLink = driver.findElement(By.className("commentEdit"));
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
assertTrue(deleteLink != null);
Is there a more elegant way that basically verifies to assert that NoSuchElementException was thrown?
If you are testing using junit and that is the only thing you are testing you could make the test expect an exception using
#Test (expected=NoSuchElementException.class)
public void someTest() {
Or you could use the findElements method that returns an list of elements or an empty list if none are found (does not throw NoSuchElementException):
List<WebElement> deleteLinks = driver.findElements(By.className("commentEdit"));
You can use this:
Boolean exist = driver.findElements(By.whatever(whatever)).size() == 0;
If it doesn't exist will return true.
I split out page classes so I don't have to define elements more than once. My nunit and mbunit test classes call those page classes. I haven't tried this out yet but this is how I'm thinking about doing it so I can use .exists() like I did with WatiN.
Extension Class:
public static class ExtensionMethods
public static IWebElement ElementById(this IWebDriver driver, string id)
IWebElement e = null;
e = driver.FindElement(By.Id(id));
catch (NoSuchElement){}
return e;
public static bool Exists(this IWebElement e)
if (e == null)
return false;
return true;
Page Class:
public IWebElement SaveButton { get { try { return driver.ElementById("ctl00_m_m_body_body_cp2_btnSave")); } }
Test Class:
MyPageClass myPageClass = new MyPageClass(driver);
if (myPageClass.SaveButton.Exists())
Console.WriteLine("element doesn't exist");
You can retrieve a list of elements by using driver.findElements("Your elements") and then search for the element. if the list doesn't contains the element you got yourself your desired behavior :)
If you're using the Javascript API, you can use WebElement.findElements(). This method will return a Promise with an array of found elements. You can check the length of the array to ensure no items were found.
driver.findElements(By.css('.selector')).then(function(elements) {
I'm using Chai assertion library inside the Promise's callback to expect a certain value.
Best solution
protected boolean isElementPresent(WebElement el){
return true;
catch(NoSuchElementException e){
return false;
public boolean exist(WebElement el){
try {
return true;
}catch (NoSuchElementException e){
return false;
if(exist("Locator details"))==false)
WebElement el= driver.findElementby(By.locator("locator details")
public boolean exists(WebElement el)
if (el!=null){
if (el.isDisplayed()){
return true;
}catch (NoSuchElementException e){
return false;
Using webdriver find_element_xxx() will raise exception in my code and take us the waiting time of implicit/explicit webdriver wait.
I will go for DOM element check
webdriver.execute_script("return document.querySelector('your css class')")
Also found similar discussion on our QA-main sister site here
For full check for visibility+existence
# check NOT visible the :aftermeet and :viewintro
# ! . . ! !offsetWidth to check visible in pure js ref.
css='yourcss'; e=wd.execute_script(f"return document.querySelector('{css}').offsetWidth > 0") ; assert not e
# check NOT exists :viewintro
css='yourcss'; e=wd.execute_script(f"return document.querySelector('{css}')") ; assert not e
Use assertFalse :)