Can't save query statement as a view - sql

I don't know why the following code is working in a SQL Server query, but it can't be saved as a view (I get an error around the where statement when trying to save it).
The content of the source table is very simple:
I have two columns, one called SCP, and one called addressee. For each SCP there might be one or more addressees, and my aim is to get a tabular result where for each SCP you have all the related addressees concatenated in one record.
Could someone indicate where the problem is?
Thanks in advance.
,Grouped_Address = STUFF((SELECT N', ' + [addressee]
FROM [test].[dbo].[addressees] AS p2
FROM [dbo].[addressees] AS p


Finding every instance of XML Element in SQL output

I'm a beginner when it comes to SQL and have no experience with XML so I'm after a little bit of help.
At the moment I am looking at a single table and just using the query below
convert(xml, convert(varbinary(max), orders)) ClientOrders
from client;
In the second columns of SQL output, I have a very lengthy bit of XML similar to the example below. I've used "..." just to skip over some of the output and give a general idea.
<report ... ><QueryParameter></QueryParameter Name = "#hello1"><commandtext> ...<value>Example1</value>....<value>Example2</value>...<value>Example3</value>...</commandtext></report>
<report ... ><QueryParameter></QueryParameter Name = "#hello2"><commandtext> ...<value>Example4</value>....<value>Example5</value>...<value>Example6</value>...</commandtext></report>
I have this for a lot of rows and this output is so long that it exceeds the Excel cell character limit. I'm only looking for the values Example1 through to Example6 in the example given above. Is there an SQL command I can run to get the above string between the open and close value?
I am using SSMS version 18.9.1

Getting error "Only one expression can be specified in the select list..."

I am trying to add a column to a view with the following code:
SELECT ';' + CONTEXT as DriverNotes,
(STUFF((SELECT CustomerID FROM Notes E2 WHERE E2.CustomerID IN (Notes.CustomerID)
FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE, ROOT).value('root[1]','nvarchar(5)'),1,0,'')) as CustomerID FROM NOTES
On it's own it works just fine. When I run it within a View however, I get the following error:
"Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS."
I realize that the code here is trying to call two columns and that is what is giving me the error, but I only want one, and that would be CONTEXT. I need this to correlate with Notes.CustomerID but without the column appearing in the query.
I am still quite new to this, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Check this query. I think this is what you want :
SELECT Notes.CustomerId,
WHERE E2.CustomerId = Notes.CustomerId
FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1, ''
) DriverNotes
FROM Notes /*Probably it should be Customer table */
GROUP BY Notes.CustomerId

Combine 2 XML Output Statements into one XML file

I've been working on outputting from SQL to XML and have finally come up with 2 queries that work fabulously for what I need with one problem. I did these independently as I am a novice with XML and now I need to combine them into one file for output. What I have is pretty complicated using dynamic SQL so I'm just going to post the dynamic part and exclude all of the variable and un-pivoting stuff I'm doing at the beginning. If I could just get result set 1 to be at the top and result set 2 just below it would suffice. I would like a wrapper tag (not sure if that's the term) as the very first and very last lines in this file. I'm not sure if anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong just by looking at the dynamic code but I thought it would be worth a try. As I said, both of these work great but produce 2 separate files. Thanks in advance!
FROM PM_TEMP.dbo.tmpKansasCancerCenterExtract FOR XML PATH(''''), ELEMENTS, TYPE),
DataCol as VARNAME,
Question as QUESTION_TEXT,
AnswerValue as ANSWER_TEXT
from PM_TEMP.dbo.tmpKansasCancerCenterCodeSheetExtract FOR XML PATH(''QUESTION''), ROOT(''QUESTION_MAP''), ELEMENTS, TYPE)
SELECT VarName,Value
FROM PM_TEMP.dbo.tmpKansasCancerCenterExtract_AnalysisPivot P
INNER JOIN PM_TEMP.dbo.tmpKansasCancerCenterExtract E ON E.PatVisitID = P.PatVisitID
FOR XML PATH(''Response''), TYPE, ROOT(''Analysis'')
SELECT VarName,Value
FROM PM_TEMP.dbo.tmpKansasCancerCenterExtract_DemoPivot P
INNER JOIN PM_TEMP.dbo.tmpKansasCancerCenterExtract E ON E.PatVisitID = P.PatVisitID
FOR XML PATH(''Response''), TYPE, ROOT(''Demographics'')
FROM PM_TEMP.dbo.tmpKansasCancerCenterExtract
FOR XML PATH(''PatientLevelData''),TYPE, ROOT(''PatientLevelData'')

Converting xml node string to strip out nodes

I have a table that has a column called RAW DATA of type NVARCHAR MAX, which is a dump from a web service. Here is a sample of 1 data line:
<descr>Warrant/Capias/Commitment served</descr>
<dktTxt>Signature bond set</dktTxt>
It was suppose to go in a table, with the node names representing the column names. The table it's going to is created, I just need to exract the data from this row to the table. I have 100's of thousands records like this. I was going to copy to a xml file, then import. But there is so much data, I would rather try and do the work within the DB.
Any ideas?
First, create the table with all the required columns.
Then, use your favorite scripting language to load the table! Mine being groovy, here is what I'd do:
def sql = Sql.newInstance(/* SQL connection here*/)
sql.eachRow("select RAW_DATA from TABLE_NAME") { row ->
String xmlData = row."RAW_DATA"
def root = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlData)
def date = root.eventDate
def histSeqNo = root.histSeqNo
//Pull out all the data and insert into new table!
I did find an answer to this, I'm sure there is more than one way of doing this. But this is what I got to work. Thanks for everyone's help.
pref.value('(caseNo/text())[1]', 'varchar(20)') as CaseNumber,
pref.value('(countyNo/text())[1]', 'int') as CountyNumber
dbo.CaseHistoryRawData_10 CROSS APPLY
RawData.nodes('//CourtRecordEventCaseHist') AS CourtRec(pref)

SQL CONCAT IF Statement?

Morning All,
Im not to sure how i need to solve my following query... I have the following query which pulls back the desired records in SQL server...
SELECT agenda.AgendaItemNumber,Agenda.AgendaName, AgendaType.AgendaTypeDescription, userdetails.fullName
FROM Agenda
JOIN AgendaType ON AgendaType.AgendaTypeID=Agenda.AgendaTypeID
JOIN UserDetails ON Agenda.AgendaID = Userdetails.AgendaID
WHERE agenda.AgendaTypeID = '2'
AND AgendaItemNumber = AgendaItemNumber
AND AgendaName = AgendaName
AND AgendaTypeDescription = AgendaTypeDescription
AND AgendaItemNumber >= '3'
The above query works but i need to enhance this slightly. It pulls back the following results, which essentially are duplicate records except for the 'fullname' column...
What i would like to do is be able to add some extra code to this query so that when i run the query i am able to display one record for each 'AgendaItemNumber' and for it to concat both of the fullnames for this record. However i have additional AgendaItemsNumbers in this table that only have 1 x user fullname assigned to them. its just these few records within the image file i need to do something clever with.
Maybe there is a better way to complete this task?
Many thanks in advance. Any queries please dont hesitate to ask.
SELECT agenda.AgendaItemNumber,
STUFF(( SELECT ';' + FullName
FROM UserDetails
WHERE UserDetails.AgendaID = Agenda.AgendaID
), 1, 1, '') AS fullName
FROM Agenda
ON AgendaType.AgendaTypeID=Agenda.AgendaTypeID
INNER JOIN UserDetails
ON Agenda.AgendaID = Userdetails.AgendaID
WHERE agenda.AgendaTypeID = '2'
AND AgendaItemNumber = AgendaItemNumber
AND AgendaName = AgendaName
AND AgendaTypeDescription = AgendaTypeDescription
AND AgendaItemNumber >= '3'
The XML extension in SQL-Server allows you to concatenate multiple rows into a single row. The actual intention of the extension is so you can output as XML (obviously), but there are some nifty tricks that are byproducts of the extensions. In the above query, if there were a column name in the subquery (FullName) it would output as <FullName>Joe Bloggs1</FullName><FullName>Joe Bloggs2</FullName>, because there is no column name it simply concatenates the rows (not forming proper XML). The PATH part allows you to specify an additional node, for example if you use PATH('Name') in the above you would get <Name>;Joe Bloggs</Name><Name>;Joe Bloggs2</Name> If you combine Path with a column name you would get Joe Bloggs.
Finally the STUFF just removes the semicolon at the start of the list.