Minecraft Fabric Modding (model problems) - minecraft

I'm new to modding and I have been trying to add blocks to Minecraft 1.17.1 that I feel are missing. I've had problems before that I solved after a while but this one has had me stumped for a couple days now.
As you can see, my item block models are working just fine along with any cube_all block models. Cube_column models however, are not being registered.
Game Image
Here is my blockstates file along with their models. Maybe you can see the obvious mistake that I can't appear to find.
"variants": {
"axis=x": {
"model": "expansion:block/stone_pillar_horizontal",
"x": 90,
"y": 90
"axis=y": {
"model": "expansion:block/stone_pillar"
"axis=z": {
"model": "expansion:block/stone_pillar_horizontal",
"x": 90
"parent": "minecraft:block/cube_column",
"textures": {
"end": "expansion:blocks/stone_pillar_top",
"side": "expansion:blocks/stone_pillar"
Horizontal Model
"parent": "minecraft:block/cube_column_horizontal",
"textures": {
"end": "expansion:blocks/stone_pillar_top",
"side": "expansion:blocks/stone_pillar"
Here is also the terminal message I receive when launching the mod. As you can see, the program for some reason takes issue with 'axis' and claims that my models are missing.
[Worker-Main-11/WARN] (Minecraft) Exception loading blockstate definition: 'expansion:blockstates/stone_pillar.json' in resourcepack: 'Expansion' for variant: 'axis=z': Unknown blockstate property: 'axis'
[Worker-Main-11/WARN] (Minecraft) Exception loading blockstate definition: 'expansion:blockstates/stone_pillar.json' in resourcepack: 'Expansion' for variant: 'axis=x': Unknown blockstate property: 'axis'
[Worker-Main-11/WARN] (Minecraft) Exception loading blockstate definition: 'expansion:blockstates/stone_pillar.json' in resourcepack: 'Expansion' for variant: 'axis=y': Unknown blockstate property: 'axis'
[Worker-Main-11/WARN] (Minecraft) Exception loading blockstate definition: 'expansion:blockstates/stone_pillar.json' missing model for variant: 'expansion:stone_pillar#'
I have double and triple checked that all of my files are where they should be, that there are no simple spelling mistakes and that nothing was left untied. IntelliJ also says that all my work has no flaws that it can tell. Please help me because I can't find it anywhere else :(


Can you use separate files for json subschemas?

I am new to using JSON schemas and I am pretty confused about subschemas. I have done many searches and read https://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/structuring.html but I feel like I am not getting some basic concepts.
I'd like to break up a schema into several files. For instance, I have a metric schema that I would like nested in a category schema. Can a subschema be a separate file that is referenced or is it a block of code in the same file as the base schema? If they are separate files, how do you reference the other file? I have tried using a lot of various values for $ref with the $id of the nested file but it doesn't seem to work.
I don't think I really understand the $id and $schema fields. I have read the docs on them but leave still feeling confused. Does the $id need to be a valid URI? The docs seem to say that they don't. And I just copied the $schema value from the jsonschema site examples.
Any help would be appreciated about what I am doing wrong.
(added the following after Ether's reply)
The error messages I get are:
KeyError: 'http://mtm/metric'
and variations on
jsonschema.exceptions.RefResolutionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='mtm', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /metric (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fe9204a31c0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known'))
Here is the category schema in category_schema.json:
"$id": "http://mtm/category",
"title":"Category Schema",
"required":["category_name", "metrics"],
"properties": {
"description": "The name of the category.",
"description": "The list of metrics for this category.",
"items": {
"$ref": "/metric"
And here is the metric schema in metric_schema.json:
"$id": "http://mtm/metric",
"title":"Metric Schema",
"description":"Schema of metric data.",
"required": ["metric_name"],
"properties": {
"description": "The name of the metric in standard English. e.g. Live Views (Millions)",
"metric_format": {
"description": "The format of the metric value. Can be one of: whole, decimal, percent, or text",
"type": "string",
"enum": ["integer", "decimal", "percent", "text"]
Yes, you can reference schemas in other documents, but the URIs need to be correct, and you need to add the files manually to the evaluator if they are not network- or filesystem-available.
In your first schema, you declare its uri is "http://mtm/category". But then you say "$ref": "/mtm/metric" -- since that's not absolute, the $id URI will be used as a base to resolve it. The full URI resolves to "http://mtm/mtm/metric", which is not the same as the identifier used in the second schema, so the document won't be found. This should be indicated in the error message (which you didn't provide).

Understanding JSON Schema errors using ajv

I have the following schema and json to validate using ajv.
const schema = {
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
"type": "object",
"required": [ "countries" ],
"definitions": {
"europeDef": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["type"],
"properties": { "type": {"const": "europe"} }
"asiaDef": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["type"],
"properties": { "type": {"const": "asia"} }
"properties": {
"countries": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
{ "$ref": "#/definitions/europeDef" },
{ "$ref": "#/definitions/asiaDef"}
const data = {
{"type": "asia"},
{"type": "europe1"}
const isValid = ajv.validate(schema, data); //schema, data
if(! isValid){
and the error is:
keyword: 'const',
dataPath: '/countries/1/type',
schemaPath: '#/definitions/europeDef/properties/type/const',
params: { allowedValue: 'europe' },
message: 'should be equal to constant'
keyword: 'const',
dataPath: '/countries/1/type',
schemaPath: '#/definitions/asiaDef/properties/type/const',
params: { allowedValue: 'asia' },
message: 'should be equal to constant'
keyword: 'oneOf',
dataPath: '/countries/1',
schemaPath: '#/properties/countries/items/oneOf',
params: { passingSchemas: null },
message: 'should match exactly one schema in oneOf'
I know why the error is appearing (reason: as I have used 'europe1' and it is not conforming the schema standard)
I have following questions from the above error situation:
Being, I have provided 'asia' as a valid const, the error stills talks about 'asia' as part of second entry in the array. Why did it showing as an error despite schema is absolute fine from asia perspective. Is this because 'oneOf' getting used ? In other words, it is very hard to understand, what and where is the error and what is not?
For asia, 'message: 'should be equal to constant' (2nd item of the array) is misleading imo. It gives an impression that there are still some problems with the 'asia'.
How to parse this error: on the basis of schemaPath or dataPath? Also in any case, it will still give an impression that there is a problem in terms of 'asia' (and actually its not)
Also, how to explain the above error output to a novice, as the novice will still say, why asia is coming part of error despite its correct?
Also, if the schema become more complex using oneOf/anyOf,allOf or using if-then-else, the ajv.errors output becomes more complex to understand and to explain (when certain condition are accurate but displayed as error, example asia here)
Are there any theory/documentaion/guidelines to understand the errors in a better way?
For JSON Schema draft 2019-09, we created several standardised output formats. ajv provides one of the most useful outputs from a draft-07 schema in comparison to many libraries.
When looking at the errors, what you might be overlooking is the dataPath value.
In answer to 1, the errors reported are all when applying to data path /countries/1. /countries/0 is fine, as you say. Arrays in javascript start at 0.
I think knowing that also answers all your other questions.
I think you may have assumed that arrays start at 1, and the data path was referring to asia object while it's actually targeting europe1 object.
Please do comment if I'm missing something or you're still confused on this.

stylelint on create-react-app #import-normalize throw error

I followed this doc to add CSS reset to my app.
But it showed this message:
"stylelint": {
"extends": "stylelint-config-recommended",
"rules": {
"at-rule-no-unknown": null
How to fix this problem?it is annoying...
To fix this warning you just need to add this line to.vscode/settings.json inside your project (you can create this file if it doesn't already exist):
"css.lint.unknownAtRules": "ignore"
Source: https://create-react-app.dev/docs/adding-css-reset/#indexcss
For VS Code -
To make the VS Code recognise this custom CSS directive, you can provide custom data for VS Code's CSS Language Service as mentioned here - https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-css-languageservice/blob/master/docs/customData.md.
Create a CSS custom data set file with the following info. Place it at location .vscode/custom.css-data.json relative to the project root.
"version": 1.1,
"properties": [],
"atDirectives": [
"name": "#import-normalize",
"description": "bring in normalize.css styles"
"pseudoClasses": [],
"pseudoElements": []
Now, if you don't have already, create a .vscode\settings.json file relative to project root. Add a field with key "css.customData" and value as the path to custom data set. For example,
"css.customData": ["./.vscode/custom.css-data.json"]
Now, you will no longer get "Unknown at rule" warning. When you hover over "#import-normalize", you will see the description you set for it in custom.css-data.json
#import-normalize is a non-standard at-rule. From the rule's documentation:
This rule considers at-rules defined in the CSS Specifications, up to and including Editor's Drafts, to be known.
However, the rule has an ignoreAtRules secondary option for exactly this use case, where you can list the non-standard imports you are using.
For example, in your package.json:
"stylelint": {
"extends": "stylelint-config-recommended",
"rules": {
"at-rule-no-unknown": [true, {
"ignoreAtRules": ["import-normalise"]
Or within your .stylelintrc file:
"extends": "stylelint-config-recommended",
"rules": {
"at-rule-no-unknown": [true, {
"ignoreAtRules": ["import-normalise"]

Bigcommerce stencil what is customLayouts used for?

I noticed that after using the command stencil init to generate a .stencil file for a new stencil project, the generate file contains a customLayouts attribute. For example, the file might contain this:
"normalStoreUrl": "http://www.my-store.com",
"port": 3000,
"username": "Stencil",
"token": "11223344556677889900",
"customLayouts": {
"products": {},
"search": {},
"brands": {},
"categories": {}
Can someone please explain the purpose of this customLayout object and how it can be used?
It isn't presently in use. It will be available for use to have customized templates per each of those types of pages once we have finished some engineering work. It is a placeholder at this time.

Taking screenshots with Selenium Builder

Using Selenium Builder, I've created the following json file:
"type": "script",
"seleniumVersion": "2",
"formatVersion": 2,
"steps": [
"type": "get",
"url": "http://stackoverflow.com/"
"type": "saveScreenshot",
"file": foo.png"
"data": {
"configs": {},
"source": "none"
"inputs": [],
"timeoutSeconds": 60
I tried running it on Windows 7 and two different Ubuntu machines. Instead of the filepath "foo.png" I had also inserted "E:\foo.png" / "/home/swege/foo.png". However, I always get the "exception":
Could not take screenshot of current page - [object Object]
At least I would like to be able to read the "error object", but every system just puts out that the error is a JavaScript object. Any idea how to fix the issue or read the full error message?
Try following :
Above can help you to get exact code that how you can take screenshots using selenium.
So I pulled down and looked at the source for Selenium Builder 2 and found two files that I think show the origin of the error, command_processor.js and driver_component.js.
I can't make out why the error is occurring - maybe someone here can build on this?
Try using a full file path, not just foo.png. On Mac, these worked for me: ~/foo.png and ~/Downloads/screenshots/foo.png.
It's also important that the folder exists and is writable by the account running the web browser.