How to update multiple occurrence a specific value of a object present in array of object within Postgres JSON Field - sql

Here is my JSON field where has multiple users with the same name. I want to update all users whose name is Devang to Dev
"user": [
"user_name": "Devang",
"user_weight": 0.7676846955248864
"user_name": "Meet",
"user_weight": 0.07447325861051013
"user_name": "Devang",
"user_weight": 0.056163873153859706
"address": [
"address_name": "India"
After Update The JSON would be
"user": [
"user_name": "Dev",
"user_weight": 0.7676846955248864
"user_name": "Meet",
"user_weight": 0.07447325861051013
"user_name": "Dev",
"user_weight": 0.056163873153859706
"address": [
"address_name": "India"
Here I have tried this query but update only the first occurrence due to subquery.
with cte as (
select id, ('{user,'||index-1||',user_name}')::text[] as json_path
from user_table, jsonb_array_elements(json_field->'user')
with ordinality arr(vals,index) where arr.vals->>'user_name' ='Devang'
update user_table
set json_field = jsonb_set(json_field,cte.json_path,'"Dev"',false)
from cte where;
Please also look at this DEMO
Any answer will be appreciated

You may use string function REPLACE:
UPDATE user_table
SET json_field = REPLACE(json_field :: TEXT, '"user_name": "Devang"', '"user_name": "Dev"') :: JSONB;


Query an array element in an JSONB Object

I have a jsonb column called data in a table called reports. Here is what = 1 looks like
"Product": [
"productIDs": [
"groupID": "Food123"
"productIDs": [
"groupID": "Electronic123"
"Package": [
"groupID": "Electronic123"
"type": "Produce"
"Product": [
"productIDs": [
"groupID": "Clothes123"
"Package": [
"groupID": "Food123"
"type": "Wearables"
and here is what = 2 looks like:
"Product": [
"productIDs": [
"groupID": "Food123"
"Package": [],
"type": "Wearable"
"Product": [
"productIDs": [
"groupID": "Clothes123"
"Package": [
"groupID": "Food123"
"type": "Wearables"
I am trying to get a list of all entries in reports table where at least one of data column's element has following:
type = Produce AND
where any elements of Product array OR any elements of Product array's groupID start with Food
So from the example above this query will only return the first index since
The type = Produce
groupID starts with Food for first element of Product array
The second index will be filtered out because type is not Produce.
I am not sure how to query to do AND query for groupID. Here is what I have tried to get all entries for type Produce
select * from reports r, jsonb_to_recordset( as items(type text) where items.type like 'Produce';
Sample structure and result: dbfiddle
select r.*
from reports r
cross join jsonb_array_elements( l1
cross join jsonb_array_elements(l1.value -> 'Product') l2
where l1 ->> 'type' = 'Produce'
and l2.value ->> 'groupID' ~ '^Food';

How to replace a string value with an object inside a column the contains json object

I'm using PostgreSQL and I have a table that has a text column named additional_info.
This columns on this table currently contains a JSON object as below:
"dbServiceAccount": {
"aggregationMode": "DbServiceAccount",
"destinationIp": "",
"db": "xe",
"dbType": "Oracle",
"dbUser": "system"
"clients": [{
"user": "user5"
}, {
"user": "user4"
I want to replace the value of the key 'dbServiceAccount' with an object.
The object should have a key 'name' that holds the original string value, like below:
"dbServiceAccount": {
"aggregationMode": {
"name": "DbServiceAccount"
"destinationIp": "",
"db": "xe",
"dbType": "Oracle",
"dbUser": "system"
"clients": [{
"user": "user5"
}, {
"user": "user4"
How can I do this?
This can be done using jsonb_set.
with t(oldj) as
select '{
"dbServiceAccount": {
"aggregationMode": "DbServiceAccount",
"destinationIp": "",
"db": "xe",
"dbType": "Oracle",
"dbUser": "system"
"clients": [{"user": "user5"}, {"user": "user4"}]
) -- the original JSONB object
select jsonb_set
array['dbServiceAccount', 'aggregationMode'],
jsonb_build_object('name', oldj -> 'dbServiceAccount' ->> 'aggregationMode')
) as newj -- the resulting JSONB object
from t;
/* result:
"clients": [
"user": "user5"
"user": "user4"
"dbServiceAccount": {
"db": "xe",
"dbType": "Oracle",
"dbUser": "system",
"destinationIp": "",
"aggregationMode": {
"name": "DbServiceAccount"
I finally solved this:
WITH aggregationMode AS (
select additional_info::json ->'dbServiceAccount' -> 'aggregationMode' as aggregationMode from incidents."groups" g where id in ('3085875798')
incidents."groups" g
additional_info = REPLACE(additional_info,CONCAT ('"aggregationMode":"', (select * from aggregationMode), '"'),
CONCAT ('"aggregationMode": {"name": "', (select * from aggregationMode), '"}'))
where id = '111'

Use Athena SQL to get a value from JSON key

I need to get the email address from this 'facets' table I created from my firehose logs (JSON).
Now, I am using Athena to get particular information.
I need to get the email addresses from this:
This is my out of 'facets' when I pass-
SELECT * FROM "sampledb"."facets" limit 10
{email_channel={mail_event={mail={message_id=oadfosadu6237864237615, message_send_timestamp=1622696691764,, destination=[], headers_truncated=false, headers=[{name=From,}, {name=To,}, {name=MIME-Version, value=1.0}], common_headers={, to=[]}}, send={}, rendering_failure=null}}}
Assuming you have one column which stores json in provided format you can use json_extract with needed paths (and maybe some casts):
with dataset1 as (
select * from (values(JSON
"email_channel": {
"mail_event": {
"mail": {
"message_id": "oadfosadu6237864237615",
"message_send_timestamp": 1622696691764,
"from_address": "",
"destination": [
"headers_truncated": false,
"headers": [
"name": "From",
"value": ""
"name": "To",
"value": ""
"name": "MIME-Version",
"value": "1.0"
"common_headers": {
"from": "",
"to": [
"send": {},
"rendering_failure": null
}')) as facets(facet))
json_extract(facet, '$.email_channel.mail_event.mail.from_address') mail_from,
CAST(json_extract(facet, '$.email_channel.mail_event.mail.destination') AS ARRAY(VARCHAR)) destination
from dataset1
And output:

How to update value in nested json Postgres

I have following JSON stored in "Info" column
"customConfig": {
"isCustomGoods": 1
"new_addfields": {
"data": [
"val": {
"items": [
"Code": "calorie",
"Value": "365.76"
"Code": "protein",
"Value": "29.02"
"Code": "fat",
"Value": "23.55"
"Code": "carbohydrate",
"Value": "6.02"
"Code": "spirit",
"Value": "1.95"
"storageConditions": "",
"outQuantity": "100"
"parameterType": "Nutrition",
"name": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
"label": "1"
"name": "b4589168-5235-4ec5-bcc7-07d4431d14d6_Для ресторанов",
"val": "true"
I want to update value of nested json
"name": "b4589168-5235-4ec5-bcc7-07d4431d14d6_Для ресторанов",
"val": "true"
and set "val"to "Yes" str so the result should be like
"name": "b4589168-5235-4ec5-bcc7-07d4431d14d6_Для ресторанов",
"val": "Yes"
How can i do that ? Assuming that i need to update this value in json for many records in database
Considering you have a constant JSON Structure and a primary key in your table. Idea is to get the exact path of element val having value true (which can be at any index in the array) then replace it with desired value. So you can write your query like below:
with cte as (
('{new_addfields,data,'||index-1||',val}')::text[] as json_path
with ordinality arr(vals,index)
arr.vals->>'val' ilike 'true'
update test
set info = jsonb_set(info,cte.json_path,'"Yes"',false)
from cte
We can use jsonb_set() which is available from Postgres 9.5+
From Docs:
jsonb_set(target jsonb, path text[], new_value jsonb [, create_missing boolean])
Query to update the nested object:
UPDATE temp t
SET info = jsonb_set(,'{new_addfields,data,1,val}', jsonb '"Yes"')
where id = 1;
It can also be used in select query:
jsonb_set(,'{new_addfields,data,1,val}', jsonb '"Yes"')
FROM temp t

Extract data from json array in Karate

In the below JSON response, I need to extract the 'cid' for the record that has the 'nationalityDecription' as 'USA'. By using this query as a reference, I used the below loc in the karate feature file, but 1st line itself fails with syntax error(tried different combinations). For now, I'm using the custom javascript as a workaround which is working fine. I need help to check if i'm missing anything in syntax. Thanks
"header": {
"Id": "12345678",
"timeStamp": "2018-09-17T10:09:812.000"
"dataRecords": [
"cid": "31H678",
"cidMeta": "00",
"nationalityDecription": "CHINA"
"cid": "31S421",
"cidMeta": "01",
"nationalityDecription": "USA"
Feature file:
* def record= $response.dataRecords[?(#.nationalityDecription=='USA')]
* def cid = record.cid
* def response = { "header": { "Id": "12345678", "timeStamp": "2018-09-17T10:09:812.000" }, "dataRecords": [ { "cid": "31H678", "cidMeta": "00", "nationalityDecription": "CHINA" }, { "cid": "31S421", "cidMeta": "01", "nationalityDecription": "USA" } ] }
* def cid = get[0] response.dataRecords[?(#.nationalityDecription=='USA')].cid
* match cid == '31S421'