Extract data from json array in Karate - karate

In the below JSON response, I need to extract the 'cid' for the record that has the 'nationalityDecription' as 'USA'. By using this query as a reference, I used the below loc in the karate feature file, but 1st line itself fails with syntax error(tried different combinations). For now, I'm using the custom javascript as a workaround which is working fine. I need help to check if i'm missing anything in syntax. Thanks
"header": {
"Id": "12345678",
"timeStamp": "2018-09-17T10:09:812.000"
"dataRecords": [
"cid": "31H678",
"cidMeta": "00",
"nationalityDecription": "CHINA"
"cid": "31S421",
"cidMeta": "01",
"nationalityDecription": "USA"
Feature file:
* def record= $response.dataRecords[?(#.nationalityDecription=='USA')]
* def cid = record.cid

* def response = { "header": { "Id": "12345678", "timeStamp": "2018-09-17T10:09:812.000" }, "dataRecords": [ { "cid": "31H678", "cidMeta": "00", "nationalityDecription": "CHINA" }, { "cid": "31S421", "cidMeta": "01", "nationalityDecription": "USA" } ] }
* def cid = get[0] response.dataRecords[?(#.nationalityDecription=='USA')].cid
* match cid == '31S421'


Get the value from the response based on a condition and store it to a variable

I would like to get the value from the response based on a condition and store it to a variable.
In the below JSON, I would like to store the value when the name matches to something I prefer. Is there a way to achieve this using Karate API?
"results": [
"name": "Sample1",
"email": "sample1#text.com",
"id": "U-123"
"name": "Sample2",
"email": "sample2#text.com",
"id": "U-456"
"name": "Sample3",
"email": "sample3#text.com",
"id": "U-789"
So after reading the comment, my interpretation is to "find" the id where name is Sample2. Easy, just use a filter() operation, refer the docs: https://github.com/karatelabs/karate#jsonpath-filters
Instead of using a filter, I'm using the JS Array find() method as a very concise example below:
* def response =
{ "results": [
{ "name": "Sample1", "email": "sample1#text.com", "id": "U-123" },
{ "name": "Sample2", "email": "sample2#text.com", "id": "U-456" },
{ "name": "Sample3", "email": "sample3#text.com", "id": "U-789" }
* def id = response.results.find(x => x.name == 'Sample2').id
* match id == 'U-456'
Take some time to understand how it works. Talk to someone who knows JS if needed.

JSON element extraction from response based on scenario outline examples or external file

This is my api response. Want to extract the value of the Id based on the displayNumber. This display number is a given in the list of values in examples/csv file.
"Acc": [
"Id": "2b765368696b3441673633325",
"code": "SGD",
"val": 406030.83,
"displayNumber": "8957",
"curval": 406030.83
"Id": "4e676269685a73787472355776764b50717a4",
"code": "GBP",
"val": 22.68,
"displayNumber": "1881",
"curval": 22.68
"Id": "526e666d65366e67626244626e6266467",
"code": "SGD",
"val": 38404.44,
"displayNumber": "1004",
"curval": 38404.44
"combinations": [
"displayNumber": "3444",
"Code": "SGD",
"Ids": [
"Id": "2b765368696b34416736333254462"
"Id": "4e676269685a7378747235577"
"Id": "526e666d65366e6762624d"
"destId": "3678434b643530456962435272d",
"curval": 3.85
"displayNumber": "8957",
"code": "SGD",
"Ids": [
"Id": "3678434b6435304569624357"
"Id": "4e676269685a73787472355776764b50717a4"
"Id": "526e666d65366e67626244626e62664679"
"destId": "2b765368696b344167363332544",
"curval": 406030.83
"displayNumber": "1881",
"code": "GBP",
"Ids": [
"Id": "3678434b643530456962435275"
"Id": "2b765368696b3441673"
"Id": "526e666d65366e67626244626e626"
"destId": "4e676269685a7378747d",
"curval": 22.68
Below expression works if i give the value
* def tempid = response
* def fromAccount = get[0] tempid.Acc[?(#.displayNumber==8957].Id
I'm not sure how to make this comparison value (i.e. 1881) as a variable which can be read from examples (scenario outline) or a csv file. Went through the documentation, which recommends, karate filters or maps. However, not able to follow how to implement.
You almost got it :-). This is the way you want to solve this
Scenario Outline: Testing SO question for Navneeth
* def tempid = response
* def fromAccount = get[0] tempid.Acc[?(#.displayNumber == <displayNumber>)]
* print fromAccount
You need to pass the placeholder in examples as -

How to check a particular value in karate on basis of condition when there are more than one key in response

There are multiple keys present in x.details[0].user so how to compare in such condition. It works fine where there is only one key while when there are more than one key it fails with error as there are multiple keys for user.
Please guide
* def array =
"type": "1",
"array": 2,
"details": [
"path": "path",
"user": {
"school": {
"name": [
"value": "this is school",
"codeable": {
"details": [
"hello": "yty",
"condition": "check1"
"text": "123S"
"sample": "test1",
"id": "22222"
"data": {
"check": "abc"
"path": "path",
"user": {
"school": {
"name": [
"value": "this is school",
"codeable": {
"details": [
"hello": "def",
"condition": "check2"
"text": "123O"
"sample": "test",
"id": "11111"
"data": {
"check": "xyz"
* def lookup = { 'check1': 'yty', 'check2': 'def' }
* match each array.details contains { user: { school: { name[0]: { codeable: { details[0]: { hello: '#(lookup[_$.user.school.name[0].codeable.details[0].condition])' } } } } } }
I have tried multiple ways but not sure how to make it work when there are more than one keys getting returned.
First let me say this. Please, please do not try to be "too clever" in your tests. Read this please: https://stackoverflow.com/a/54126724/143475
Just have simple tests that test for specific, predictable responses and stop there. The maximum complexity should be match contains, that's it. What you are trying to do is in my opinion a waste of time, and will just cause grief for anyone who tries to maintain these tests in future.
That said, I'm giving you a completely different approach here. There are a few different ways, this is just one. Here we attack the problem piece by piece instead of trying to write one massive match.
* def allXyz = array.details.filter(x => x.data.check == 'xyz')
* match each allXyz..details == [{ hello: 'def', condition: 'check2' }]
You should be able to extend this to do all the weird assertions that you want. If you are wondering what allXyz..details does, you can print it like this:
* def temp = $allXyz..details
* print temp

Karate loop returns Json array as objects {}

I'm using Karate loops to generate dynamic Json.
One of my test data contains array within an object. When I use karate loop on this data, the array is returned as an object.
* def fun = function(i){ return { "name": "userName"+ i, "email": "Tester#test.com", "id": "ID"+i, "testSheet": [{"sheetId" : "123"}]} }
* def jsonBody = karate.repeat(3, fun)
* print jsonBody
I'm expecting below:
"name": "userName0",
"email": "Tester#test.com",
"id": "ID1",
"testSheet": [
"sheetId": "123"
But it returns this
"name": "userName0",
"email": "Tester#test.com",
"id": "ID1",
"testSheet": {
"0": {
"sheetId": "123"
Expected path: jsonBody[0].testSheet[0].sheetId
Actual path: jsonBody[0].testSheet.0.sheetId
Unfortunately this is a bug, which will be fixed in the next release: https://github.com/intuit/karate/issues/1187
This is the work-around. Define the array part outside the JS block for now, and use copy:
* def testSheet = [{"sheetId" : "123"}]
* def fun = function(i){ return { "name": "userName"+ i, "email": "Tester#test.com", "id": "ID"+i, "testSheet": testSheet } }
* copy jsonBody = karate.repeat(3, fun)
* print jsonBody

How to convert SQL result set to JSON in Groovy?

I have this simple Groovy script to export SQL result set to JSON. Though the below one works, it is not in the format I would like to have. Any help here please?
def resultset = Sql.newInstance(...).rows('select * from client')
println new JsonBuilder(resultset).toPrettyString()
Above code prints
Expected output
"clients": [
"ID": 1,
"ID": 2,
"ID": 3,
Wouldn't is just be:
println new JsonBuilder(clients:resultset).toPrettyString()
You know what's going on here? You pass an instance of a Map to JsonBuilder and that's all.