Is it possible to auto allow usage of the microphone in chromium - chromium

I man using chromium-browser on raspbian. I was wondering if there was an easy way to auto allow the usage of the microphone. To stop the pop-up blocking one can use the switch --disable-popup-blocking. Sadly I haven't found a switch on here. This list may be incomplete, so maybe I'm missing the switch I need.
To give more context: my home directory is on tmpfs. This means my preferences file is gone after every reboot. But it should be possible to just copy an old Preferences file into the ~/.config/chromium/Default/ directory right? I tried this already, then started the chromium-browser, but when accessing the site I was asked again if I would allow access to the microphone. It seems like the Preferences file just get overwritten on startup, it doesn't matter that it already exists.
I also tried starting chromium-browser so that it creates all the files including the Preferences file and replacing the media_stream_mic entry. But my guess would be that the preferences only get loaded on start so this does nothing.
So am I doing anything wrong? Or is there an easier way to do what I want?

It seems like the problem was the missing ~/.config/chromium/First Run file. If it doesn't exist the chromium-browser will create all the files anew, including the Preferences file which then gets overwritten. If it does exist only the missing files will be created. So copying a version of your Preferences File into ~/.config/chromium/Default/Preferences and creating a the ~/.config/chromium/First Run file will make this possible.
The bash script to do this automatically could look something like this:
mkdir /home/user/.config/chromium
mkdir /home/user/.config/chromium/Default
cp /somewhere/myOldPrefs /home/user/.config/chromium/Default/Preferences
touch /home/user/.config/chromium/First\ Run
chown -R user:user /home/user/.config/chromium
To insert more mic allowed pages one could use a simple sed command, it could look something like this:
sed -i 's/"media_stream_mic":{}/"media_stream_mic":{"https:\/\/\some\.page\.com:443,\*": {"expiration": "0","last_modified": "13271235276310223","model": 0,"setting": 1}}/' /path/to/the/Preferences
# this adds only one page when there are no pages yet


How can I bundle a command line utility in os x application on Mac App Store (using sandbox entitlement)

I have a c++ command line application that I have already compiled into an executable and have added it into my Xcode project. I have also added the "Copy Files" section to the Build Phases tab of the project properties and added my executable with the "Executables" destination. When I build my application I see it in the folder when I View package contents on the that is built.
I also have App Sandbox enabled on the Capabilities tab of the project (so that I can distribute my application through the mac app store.
How can I expose this command line executable that is bundled with my application to the user so that they can run it from the command line (terminal)? I have not been able to find anything on search engines or on StackOverflow about how to get this file (or a symlink to this file) into the users PATH. I tried using an NSTask to create a symlink, but that only works if I disable the App Sandbox (which makes sense). Has anyone done this before? How did you get it to work? Or can these executables only be executed by code within your application?
I don't see a good way to do this. First, a clarification: the PATH is a list of directories that contain executables, not a list of executables; there's no way to add a single executable to the PATH. Instead, what you'd need to do is either put your executable into one of the directories in the user's PATH, or add the directory your executable is in into the PATH.
On OS X, the default PATH is /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin. The first 4 directories shouldn't be modified from the system default, so only /usr/local/bin is a possibility. But creating it (it doesn't exist by default) would require admin (actually root) rights, which isn't allowed by App Store policies. So that's out.
That leaves modifying the user's PATH. The "right" way to do that system-wide is by placing a file in /etc/paths.d, which requires admin (/root) rights, so that's out too. Technically modifying the /etc/paths file would work, but that has the same permissions problem plus it's the wrong way to do customization.
The next possibility is to modify (/create) the user's shell initialization script(s). This'll work, but doing it at all right is going to be messy, because there are several shells the user might use, each with several different possible initialization scripts that the user might or might not have created...
Let's take a very simple case: a user who only ever uses bash, and who doesn't already have any initialization scripts. When a "login" instance of bash starts, it looks for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile (in that order), and runs the first one it finds. But your app doesn't know which shell he uses, so you'd better create ~/.profile so zsh and ksh will use it as well. So, your app creates ~/.profile, and puts this in it:
Great, right? Yup, great, until the user runs something else that wants to set their PATH, it creates ~/.bash_profile, and this overrides your setup. After that, your executable will be in the PATH of zsh and ksh, but not bash. Whee.
And then one day the user decides to use tcsh instead, and it (and csh) have a completely different but equally messy pile of possible init files...

How to access file with unacceptable file name

I don't know is this site a good place to ask this question... A long time ago, my operating system was linux. On linux I made a file with name \/:*?"<>|. Then I installed windows instead of linux, but now I cannot access or delete this file. I tried to delete it using Unlocker, ProceXP, Command Prompt and many other programs, but I couldn't. Also, I tried all commands in Command Prompt which can be used for deleting undeletable files, but this file is still here. If I try to rename it, process explorer.exe crashes. Then I installed linux again and this file become accessable.
Now I have windows and another file with name \/:*?"<>|. Is it possible to access this file without installing linux? Is there a way to access place on filesystem where this file name is stored and manualy change it to any acceptable file name? If yes, can you explain which program is best for it?
Try using DeleteDoctor. I've used it under similar situations as yours with great success. You can download a copy here:

___jb_bak___ and ___jb_old___ files in PyCharm

When I got some PyCharm project from my colleague I saw some backup files of *.py files.
This files have types: *.___jb_old___ and *.___jb_bak___.
I open the files in Notepad++ and see that these are identical backup files of the corresponding *.py files.
I asked my colleague, but he didn't know what these are.
Why are there TWO identical backup files for each *.py file?
How can I tune PyCharm? We want to turn off this backup.
Google gave me nothing :(
You can disable "safe write"
Use "safe write" (save changes to a temporary file first) If this
check box is selected, a changed file will be first saved to a
temporary file; if the save operation is completed successfully, the
original file is deleted, and the temporary file is renamed.
i had this problem in webstorm when a script file was running and i was editing it in webstorm. when i stopped the script and edited it everything was fine
it's a temporary file used by PyCharm to make sure you change will not be lost when editing files. it's safe to delete them manually, you will only loss very recent changes. IntelliJ IDEA works the same as PyCharm.
How to delete them?
To delete a file on a file system requires two things: 1)you have the permission. 2)no program is using it.
so make sure you have 'w' the permission, and stop all program which is using it. then you can remove it.
How to know which program is using it?
Normally you should already know it. but sometimes some background programs(like crash plan, google drive sync, e.g.) may also hold it quietly, then find and kill all programs may be very tricky. the easiest way is reboot your computer with 'safe mode', in which only the OS kernel is loaded.
I spend two hours to figure out the reason why I cannot delete the temp file even when I have whole permission. a crash plan service is holding it in background. This may not be your issue, but if you cannot delete the temp file, this will save your time.
While JeremyWeir's solution probably does work, the real fix - imo - is to enable write permission on the directory.
Saving a file would only need write permission to that file itself. But with the "safe write", you need permission to create the file and rename it - which means you need write access to the directory.
In Linux this would be e.g. chmod ug+w DIR, if you want to give write access to user and group.
I have exact same issue with PhpStorm after system crash. The fix I found was to manualy delete *._jb_old_ and *._jb_bak_ files and reinstall PhpStorm

ssh vs file associations / mime types

So, on my local machine I tweaked my
to make a few additional file extensions be detected as PHP.
<glob pattern="*.inc"/>
<glob pattern="*.module"/>
<glob pattern="*.install"/>
(this is for Drupal files)
nautilus uses this information to open the file in gedit.
gedit uses this information to enable the correct PHP syntax colors.
Now, I want the same for files opened via ssh.
I know this used to work in the past, but I don't remember what exactly I changed.
Whatever I did back then, it was probably wiped with the 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot upgrade.
What I want,
open an ssh folder in nautilus
double-click a file named "something.module"
have it open in gedit, with the correct PHP syntax colors enabled.
There are different things you might want to check.
1) Edit /usr/(local/)share/mime/packages/
Search for "php", and the section with <glob>. Add your own extensions there, as explained in the question above.
2) Run sudo update-mime-database /usr/share/mime
You might have to do this after you changed the settings as in (1).
3) Edit /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs/php.lang (path may vary)
Look for <property name="globs">, and add your custom extensions.
4) Restart gedit.
Probably enough to just close and re-open the tab where you wanted to edit, but if that doesn't help, close and re-open all gedit windows.

Joomla - Warning! Failed to move file error

I have found some solutions to this error and tried implementing them but none of which has worked and hope that some here at SO might have a different answer.
I get this error, "Warning! Failed to move file" when I try install modules into my new installation of Joomla here:
Here's some solutions I have tried to no avail:
Anyone know of another solution to this please?
Go to Help -> System Info in your administrator backend and check your Directory Permissions tab to make sure everything is writable.
Also make sure your Path to Temp Folder is correct in Site -> Global Configuration.
Finally, check to make sure that the module isn't already installed. It's possible that some files already got copied or something and now your system is having problems overwriting them.
If none of this works, let us know if the error message specifies which file can't be moved. That would help figure out a solution.
In the configuration folder change the temporal folder location to /tmp (public $tmp_path = '/tmp';) or create your own temperate folder and set it to /myowntemp and change the file permission to 777. you are good to go .
This is typically a file permissions issue. If the system cannot write to the tmp directory within Joomla it will give you the "Warning Failed To Move File" error.
The typical solution is to make the directory wide-open, in general a bad practice but a quick fix. You log in to the Linux command line via a terminal (telnet or ssh) session and set the permissions of the directory.
# chmod -R 777 ./tmp
The better option is to find out what user/group the Apache server is running as and assign the permissions accordingly. For example, if Apache is running your site as the myuser:nobody user:group then you can open up write permissions for the group by changing ownership of the tmp folder and making it writable by anyone in the group:
# chgrp -R nobody ./tmp
# chmod -R 775 ./tmp
Security can be a pain to get set correctly if you don't know *nix commands and security settings, so most people just blast a huge hole in the security with chmod 777.
The next thing you'll probably run into is another error message about not being able to update a specific directory. Again, this is a permissions issue and is typically a piece of the file being unzipped into the administrator subdirectory. Depending on whether your installing a component, a module, or a complex plugin with multiple pieces you may need to open up one or more of these directories using the same approach as above. Here is the "blow a big open hole in security" method:
# chmod -R 777 ./administrator/
Or more selectively:
# chmod -R 777 ./administrator/components/
# chmod -R 777 ./administrator/modules/
If you are a linux user then it is very simple to solve. Just type the following command and try again to install plugin/entension.
sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/my_joomla_folder
You can also refer this link for brief information regarding permission of each folder and file.
In Joomla 3.x you should go to System->System Information to see directory permissions
If one or more directories that are listed are not "writable" then you should change the permission of those directories:
If you are using one of Linux distributions you can use this command
to give the directories read/write/execute permission:
sudo chmod 777 -R address_of_lampp_directory/lampp/htdocs/joomla_directory
I have had a similar issue today and found is was the permissions set on the 'temp folder'. To resolve I changed them to 777 and my plugin installs worked fine!!
Another thing to check is whether you actually have space on the disk. I had this error and discovered that the drive was 100% full. Removing some unused files fixed the problem.
One other thing to try if everything else is not working is to add the following to your .htaccess file:
php_value upload_max_filesize 10M
Make sure 10M covers the size of the file you are uploading - increase it if your file is 12Mb, for instance.
This issue was solved like this.
On the configuration.php file change the tmp_path variable according to:
if you site is, the path should looks like
instead of
Refer to the link:
I did it and every is working for every error problem with OSX, I use OSX version 10.9.2 and get many problems. The way to fix every error is
# cd /Applications
# chmod -R 777 ./XAMPP
some files might not change permission but the problem is gone.
you can create folder and upload fine and picture, including install plugin.