Customize event rendering in react-native-calendars? - react-native

I'm building an app and am using react-native-calendars. I'm wanting to add the event name and an image/icon to the event that spans across multiple days. Something similar to this:
How can I do this using react-native-calendars?


How i can use custom listview in react-native-google-places-autocomplete?

I have two autocompleteinputs but i want them to use same listview to look nicer. The app i am developing looks like lyft in lyft they use two text inputs in destination selection screen. How i can create autocompleteinput with custom list view?
I have readed the react-native-google-places-autocomplete documents. But didn't manage to find good solution.

Hiding specific columns within a custom HTML Rally app using the SDK

I'm writing a Cardboard app using the AppSDK within a Custom HTML app. So far, it is displaying properly (rendering all columns, column headers).
Is there a way to target and hide certain columns and their headers from within the Cardboard app code? I can hide them using their CSS ID's.... However, this occurs after the app has rendered and results in a bit of an eyesore as the original app width will not resize.
TL;DR Rally Custom Kanban board (AppSDK) contains 6 User Story states. I want to hide the second and fourth states while still showing the other four.
There's an example in the docs that show how to create a board that has a specific set of columns:!/example/specific-columns-board
In that case it's doing Owners for columns and some extra stuff with custom rendering of headers, but the guts of it is specifying the columns config to the board, which is just an array of config objects which will be used to instantiate Rally.ui.cardboard.Column objects.

Creating an interactive events scheduler

I'm attempting to create something with a similar layout to this schedule page.
See attached screenshot also.
So what I need is:
- "Categories" across the top of the scheduler (Vertical dividers).
- "Timeslots (07:00 07:30, etc..)" down the left of the scheduler.
User's can then add events via modal screens and assign them "Timeslots" and "Categories".
They should then appear in the Schedule in the appropriate locations.
The above mentioned example appears to be using Dojo.
I found this calendar widget but am unsure of how to get it to represent "Categories" across the top when using the "Day" view.
Is this possible with the dojo calendar widget? (I've never worked with Dojo before)
Any suggestions as to other frameworks or example's that would provide me with this functionality would be very welcome also.
I've looked at JQuery's fullCalendar plugin and it doesn't seem to provide this functionality (Would be great if someone could prove me wrong!).
After looking at Dojo's widget documentation I think the Sub-Column display is what you are looking for. So each Calendar in this case will represent a category.
I don't think FullCalendar is capable of the category layout, but I think its cool enough to request:
Hope that helps!

Sencha Touch Last Accessed Pages

I need an option to see the last accessed few pages in Sencha Touch application. I have many panels in my application and at run time I change the view-port item based on different conditions. I need a list of last accessed pages on a button click and from there I should be able to select each pages with the old data on that page.
Thanks in advance!!!
I think you could get it using routes and adding actions or hashes into a localstore.
You could create an Ext.List with that store and change window.location on the ItemTap callback.
Take a look at the history support guide.
hope it helps-

Changing CSS variables based on JavaScript events

We have a Facebook app here which has three boxes with three buttons. Each button, when clicked, should change state once an event (successfully) happens. The buttons are almost all working (a few minor bugs) but they have been done a rather long-winded and inefficient way.
My question is, what is the most efficient way to link events (i.e. page 'liked', personal information submitted, page 'shared') with the state of the buttons?
You can use jQuery and the .trigger() function to fire off events. Then you can use .bind() to listen to the events and do something. For example, when the user logs in, you can trigger a user_logged_in_event, and bind to it. In the function, you can then use JS to change the login button to logout...