Netty: Safe SSL implementation - ssl

I basically tried to implement Netty's build in SSLHandler. I had no problems until i implemented the Client-Side SSL.
I tried everything out any neither of all tries actually checked an incoming certificate of a Server. I could basically connect me to invalid SSL Servers.
I only saw codes like these on the internet:
pipeline.addLast("ssl", SslContextBuilder.forClient().trustManager(InsecureTrustManagerFactory.INSTANCE).build().newHandler(channel.alloc(), UserConnection.SERVER_API_DOMAIN, UserConnection.SERVER_CONNECTION_PORT));
Any Ideas?

If you pass in .trustManager(null) , you get the system default which should check certificates based on the default root certs you have on your system.
To quote docs
Trusted certificates for verifying the remote endpoint's certificate, null uses the system default
Of course, you could also leave out the .trustManager(...) call altogether, since the default is null


Postfix not using given ssl certificate

I'm getting errors, such as the one below, in my /var/log/mail.log file.
Apr 9 18:28:29 blueberry postfix/smtps/smtpd[13294]: warning: TLS library problem: error:14094415:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert certificate expired:../ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:1544:SSL alert number 45:
I'm 100% sure the certificates are valid since I'm using them on my websites, all of which couldn't be happier with them. Postfix was also happy previously, but since I renewed the certificates it's been spamming this when my Nextcloud server tries to (and can't) connect to the mail server, despite my mail client still working (although without rDNS as I didn't manage to get my provider to set it up).
I assume the blame is somewhere with Nextcloud - presumably the php handler for mail. Another thing that could be at fault that I tried to check is OpenSSL, but I have no idea how to replace its certificates with my own (generated by
Both dovecot and postfix have in their config mentioned the correct path to my keys, hence the assumption above.
EDIT: Fixed it.
So, turns out, when I updated my certificate locations when I changed the method of acquiring them (certbot vs, I got a typo in one of the filenames. /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf was correct and so was /etc/postfix/, but /etc/postfix/ had a typo which I didn't see previously - and so was throwing a certificate error.

IBM MQ: Establishing an SSL connection

We're struggling to get IBM MQ to work across SSL.
We've been provided with the certificate chain for the remote host and installed into the Windows Certificate Store (Local Machine). These all look valid.
We're using the following connection properties:
connectionProperties.Add(MQC.SSL_PEER_NAME_PROPERTY, "");
connectionProperties.Add(MQC.SSL_CIPHER_SUITE_PROPERTY, "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256"); connectionProperties.Add(MQC.SSL_CIPHER_SPEC_PROPERTY, "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256");
connectionProperties.Add(MQC.SSL_CERT_STORE_PROPERTY, "*SYSTEM");
connectionProperties.Add("CertificateLabel", "ibmwebspheremqmywindowsusernamewithoutdomain");
MQEnvironment.SSLCertRevocationCheck = true;
We've established that the "CertificateLabel" is the "Friendly name" in Windows parlance.
We've proven unencrypted communication and network-level configuration.
We're using client.
These are the issues we've come across:
All secure communications fail with a 2538 error. (MQRC_HOST_NOT_AVAILABLE,
No success setting the Friendly Name to ibmwebspheremq and ibmwebspheremqmywindowsusername#domain and ibmwebspheremqmywindowsusernamewithoutdomain
General questions:
Are we correct in assuming that we can install generated certificates exclusively in the Windows Certificate Store?
Is the 2538 error even related to SSL communications? It feels like a network error, though there is that final point in the referenced error documentation.
Is there anywhere we can look for more informative error information? eg. relating to the SSL trust chain to see if there is an issue there?
The issue was the following line:
connectionProperties.Add(MQC.SSL_PEER_NAME_PROPERTY, "");
Turns out that:
It needs it in a canonical format, so DN=, etc.
You don't even need that line
Though we did learn a few things along the way:
The line:
connectionProperties.Add("CertificateLabel", "ibmwebspheremqmyusername");
Is the string ibmwebspheremq plus your Windows username (without your domain) and the label should be set on the Friendly name of your client machine's outgoing certificate NOT including the username.
The various folders inside your Windows certificate store are significant. The intermediate CAs should be correctly filed.

Accessing Service Fabric with reverse proxy and SSL from custom domain

By following many docs/tutorials I implemented SSL with Kernel and reverse proxy in my SF.
I made it work but the access point Url is as follow :
before I implemented https, I had a CNAME redirecting to which was working fine.
So now, I would like to know if there's a way to call
and access the actual Uri. Is there a way with what I already have in place through probes/lbrules for example? Or do I have to implement an Application Gateway or use API management or something else?
Edit : LBRules+Probes
AppPortProbe : 44338 (backend ssl port in the SF)
FabricGatewayProbe : 19000
FabricHttpGatewayProbe : 19080
SFReverseProxyProbe : 19081
[Rule : Probe]
[AppPortLBRule (TCP/80 to TCP/19081) : 19081]
[LBHttpRule (TCP/19080) : 19080]
[LBRule (TCP/19000) : 19000]
[LBSFReverseProxyRule (TCP/19081 to TCP/44338) : 44338]
You question is too broad, there are too many questions that might bring many answers, I will try to answer with a few options:
In your scenario, to access the same url you should use instead.
The problem here is, when you setup the cluster, the certificate used by the cluster is valid only for the domain '' in your case your domain is not valid in the certificate used by SF and it will fail once you make any request to it.
You can skip certificate validation errors on your browser and continue. In your applications you could do the same, the problem is that is not a friendly way doing it.
To be able to use the domain without any conflicts, you have to register your own certificate created for the domain you own.
Because you are using reverse proxy, you also have to define the certificate in the cluster configuration, look for: reverseProxyCertificate in this link
For deploying applications using SSL will happen something similar, but in your application you can define the certificate you want to use on startup, in the cluster you have to define it in the cluster configuration.
You can find more information here:
Manage service fabric cluster security certificates
If the problem is the port, you have two options:
Create a 'Port forwarding' rule in the load balancer, to forward any
request in the port 80 to port 19081. You can find here how to do that with powershell.
Update the cluster/service configuration to listen in the port
80 instead of 19081. check it here
go to godaddy or whichever domain provider you use and add a transfert to your your azure domain : - Which SSL Certificate to use

When using (and as per the Nominet instructions -
In order to verify the identity of the secure server you will need the 'Verisign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority' root certificate available free from (the certificate is also distributed with most web browsers).
I am supplying the Verisign Class 3 PPCA Certs in .crt format (I can't export as a pfx) within the code (and have tried every cert installed on the server).
However each one fails with the error (when trying to negotiate the connection):
An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
I've confirmed that I can connect from the server to Nominet by running cURL
curl -v
and that responds as I would expect - or at least without an error!
I have also tried to use the same cert that curl appears to be using without success.
Can anyone help with pointing me in the right direction with the SSL that I should be using or how to get hold of the correct certificate?
thanks in advance
For anyone having a similar issue, it wasn't a question of which SSL certificate to use, but to ensure the correct protocol was being used. Incidentally, I got it working initially using the curl-ca-bundle.crt provided with cURL.
This certificate, in combination with a change to the target .net framework for the project resolved my issue.
On cloning from Github the target was .net 4.0 and Nominet needs at least TLS1.1, which wasn't available in v4.
Therefore I also updated the target to 4.5.1 for the project and changed the SslProtocol from
SslProtocol.Tls to

Marklogic http post using ssl

I am trying to do a xdmp:http-post to a third party URL using the Marklogic (v7.0) query console. The URL is a https:// url and I was able to install the necessary certificate from the admin console. When I run the post, I am receiving the following error:
[1.0-ml] SVC-SOCCONN: xdmp:http-post("https://xxxxx.............", ()) -- Socket connect error: SSL_connect XXX.XXX.XXX.XX:60855-XX.XX.X.XX:443: key size too small (0x0506706e); DH lib (0x14098005)
Can you please assist me here as to what I might be doing wrong? Do I need to follow any additional steps apart from installing the certificate?
Please let me know if I need to supply additional information.
The server's certificate is using a key size that is too small, and therefore considered to be insecure. Since the host name suggests it's a dev machine, the best thing would be to have them use a longer key if you can.
If that's not possible, you can disable FIPS mode on your MarkLogic server. That can be done through the Admin UI by navigating to and setting "ssl fips enabled" to false. Be aware that if you do this, the server will allow you to use ciphers and key lengths that are considered weak.