How to put a stroke in a text? - react-native

What should I do to the component Text from react-native, create a like this I draw on figma:
This text has a background white and a stroke black around...


Is there anyway to change the background color of the equations in react-native-mathJax

I'm using react-native-mathjax to render some equations inside a green color view, but math equations displays with white color background, is there any way to change its back ground color ?

React Native transparent, clipping border radius?

Hello guys I want to make a transparent border radius so I can achieve
This style. (The icons border is clipping the box)

Objective C: Creating rotated Image inside square?

For an arduino drawing robot i want to rotate an image by 45 degrees in an iOS app, so that the new (rotated image) is inside a white box. Imagine the blue rectangle in the picture was the original image, and the image. As you can see it is rotated an inside a white square. How could I do this? It is important not only to have a rotated image, or a rotated image which has a white box behind it on the screen. It actually has to be a new image, so that if i get the color of pixel (1,1) it is white.
You can try to do this with having a white UIView superview, and blue UIView subview. And then do:
subview.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(M_PI/4);
superview.bound = subview.frame;
I think it should work.

how to set transparent image background color to theme color in qml

is it possible to set a background color to a transparent image in QML, so that the image will take the theme color as it's baclground color.
Put your transparent Image over a coloured Item (like a Rectangle).
You just need to set z property of the Image greater than the Rectangle's one.

UILabel background color with word wrap

I would like to set a background "overlay" for my UILabel, and have it to only color the part of the label with text, instead of the entire rectangle. See the image below.
What is the best way for this to be done?