Jitsi, getDisplayMedia() does not capture sound from the participant - webrtc

I am getting screen video and system sound stream from getdisplaymedia and getting mic stream from getusermedia,and recording these streams with MediaRecorder. mic and screen record are fine, all system sounds comes but jitsi participant voice not recording. Here is my code:
function openShareScreen() {
video: { displaySurface: "browser" },
audio: true
}).then((desktopStream) => {
let screenAudioTrack = desktopStream.getAudioTracks()[0];
if (screenAudioTrack === undefined) {
confirmSwalMessageConfirmOnly("Ses Paylaşımı Yapılmadı!", "Görüşme kaydı için lütfen görüntü ve ses paylaşımına izin veriniz!", "warning", openShareScreen);
//recording = false;
.forEach(track => track.stop())
return null;
var finalStream = new MediaStream();
video: false, audio: true
}).then((voiceStream) => {
//Kamera ve mikrofon izin kontrolü yapılıyor
{ name: 'camera' },
{ name: 'microphone' }
).then(function (permissionStatus) {
// granted, denied, prompt
if (permissionStatus.state !== 'granted') {
confirmSwalMessageConfirmOnly("Mikrofon/Kamera izni verilmedi!", "Görüşme kaydı için internet tarayıcınıza mikrofon ve kameraya erişim izni veriniz!", "warning", openShareScreen);
//recording = false;
desktopStream.getTracks().forEach(track => track.stop())
voiceStream.getTracks().forEach(track => track.stop());
return null;
// important: we must convert multiple audio tracks into single audio track
var mixedAudioStream = getMixedAudioStreamXYZ([voiceStream, desktopStream]) || microphone;
mixedAudioStream.getAudioTracks().forEach(function (audioTrack) {
desktopStream.getVideoTracks().forEach(function (videoTrack) {
//Verilen time out interval süresinde kaydı başla
var timeOutStopRecorder;
function recordLoop() {
recorder = new MediaRecorder(finalStream, { mimeType: 'video/webm', videoBitsPerSecond: glbVideoBitsPerSecond });
recorder.ondataavailable = e => {
if (e.data && e.data.size > 0) {
recordingData = [];
recorder.onstop = () => {
saveRecordDone = false;
var blob = new Blob(recordingData, { type: 'video/webm' })
console.log("Kayıt Diske Yazıldı:" + getDateTimeNow());
console.log("Kayıt Başladı:" + getDateTimeNow());
timeOutStopRecorder = setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Kayıt Durdu:" + getDateTimeNow());
, 60000);
//recorder = RecordRTC(finalStream, {
// type: 'video',
// mimeType: "video/webm;codecs=vp8,opus",
// videoBitsPerSecond: glbVideoBitsPerSecond
//recording = true;
finalStream.getVideoTracks()[0].addEventListener('ended', () => {
confirmSwalMessageConfirmOnly("Paylaşım durduruldu!", "Görüşme kaydı için lütfen görüntü ve ses paylaşımına izin veriniz!", "warning", openShareScreen);
//recording = false;
}).catch(err => {
confirmSwalMessageConfirmOnly("Mikrofon/Kamera izni verilmedi!", "Görüşme kaydı için internet tarayıcınıza mikrofon ve kameraya erişim izni veriniz!", "warning", openShareScreen);
//recording = false;
}).catch(err => {
confirmSwalMessageConfirmOnly("Uyarı!", "Görüşme kaydı için lütfen görüntü ve ses paylaşımına izin veriniz!", "warning", openShareScreen);
//recording = false;
function getMixedAudioStreamXYZ(arrayOfAudioStreams) {
var audioContext = new AudioContext();
var audioSources = [];
var gainNode = audioContext.createGain();
gainNode.gain.value = 0; // don't hear self
var audioTracksLength = 0;
arrayOfAudioStreams.forEach(function (stream) {
if (!stream.getAudioTracks().length) {
var audioSource = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
if (!audioTracksLength) {
audioDestination = audioContext.createMediaStreamDestination();
audioSources.forEach(function (audioSource) {
return audioDestination.stream;


iPhone Chrome my dispatch method not working after dispatching

I am working in Vue Js with Laravel. But specifically in iPhone Chrome my dispatch method is not working after dispatching.
Here the API call code.
ProviderProfileService.addAddress(this.$apiUrl, this.address).then(
(response) => {
let result = response.data.createServiceLocation;
if (result.status == "success") {
let steps_status = JSON.parse(
if (steps_status.addrestime == true) {
.dispatch("update_provider_profile_status", {
providerProfileStatus: steps_status,
.then((res) => {
this.$store.dispatch("update_progress_bar").then((res1) => {
if (response.data.createServiceLocation.status == "error") {
} else {
"/provider-profile/language/" + this.userConfig.unique_identifier
// this.$router.push({
// name: "Language",
// params: { id: this.userConfig.unique_identifier },
// });
// window.location.href =
// "https://19b0-2404-3100-1c81-8081-e0bc-c658-121c-836b.ngrok.io/provider-profile/language/" +
// this.userConfig.unique_identifier;
(error) => {
self.content =
(error.response && error.response.data) || error.message || error.toString();
Here is the dispatch method code.
state.providerProfileStatus.basicinfo = (payload.basicinfo)?true:false;
state.providerProfileStatus.rates = (payload.rates)?true:false;
state.providerProfileStatus.services = (payload.services)?true:false;
state.providerProfileStatus.addrestime = (payload.addrestime)?true:false;
state.providerProfileStatus.availability = (payload.availability)?true:false;
state.providerProfileStatus.integrations = (payload.integrations)?true:false;
state.providerProfileStatus.certifications = (payload.certifications)?true:false;
state.providerProfileStatus.payment_settings = (payload.payment_settings)?true:false;
state.providerProfileStatus.documents_and_vaccination = (payload.documents_and_vaccination)?true:false;
state.providerProfileStatus.language_and_introduction = (payload.language_and_introduction)?true:false;

Error integrating Agora.io with nuxt.js Error in created hook: "ReferenceError: AgoraRTC is not defined"

I am integrating Agora Web SDK with nuxt.js.
I have included all the methods I need and my page has the following methods and lifecycle hooks:
methods: {
streamInit(uid, attendeeMode, videoProfile, config) {
let defaultConfig = {
streamID: uid,
audio: true,
video: true,
screen: false
switch (attendeeMode) {
case "audio-only":
defaultConfig.video = false;
case "audience":
defaultConfig.video = false;
defaultConfig.audio = false;
case "video":
let stream = AgoraRTC.createStream(merge(defaultConfig, config));
return stream;
subscribeStreamEvents() {
let rt = this;
rt.client.on("stream-added", function(evt) {
let stream = evt.stream;
console.log("New stream added: " + stream.getId());
console.log("At " + new Date().toLocaleTimeString());
console.log("Subscribe ", stream);
rt.client.subscribe(stream, function(err) {
console.log("Subscribe stream failed", err);
rt.client.on("peer-leave", function(evt) {
console.log("Peer has left: " + evt.uid);
console.log(new Date().toLocaleTimeString());
rt.client.on("stream-subscribed", function(evt) {
let stream = evt.stream;
console.log("Got stream-subscribed event");
console.log(new Date().toLocaleTimeString());
console.log("Subscribe remote stream successfully: " + stream.getId());
rt.client.on("stream-removed", function(evt) {
let stream = evt.stream;
console.log("Stream removed: " + stream.getId());
console.log(new Date().toLocaleTimeString());
removeStream(uid) {
this.streamList.map((item, index) => {
if (item.getId() === uid) {
let element = document.querySelector("#ag-item-" + uid);
if (element) {
let tempList = [...this.streamList];
tempList.splice(index, 1);
this.streamList = tempList;
addStream(stream, push = false) {
let repeatition = this.streamList.some(item => {
return item.getId() === stream.getId();
if (repeatition) {
if (push) {
this.streamList = this.streamList.concat([stream]);
} else {
this.streamList = [stream].concat(this.streamList);
handleCamera(e) {
? this.localStream.disableVideo()
: this.localStream.enableVideo();
handleMic(e) {
? this.localStream.disableAudio()
: this.localStream.enableAudio();
switchDisplay(e) {
if (
e.currentTarget.classList.contains("disabled") ||
this.streamList.length <= 1
) {
if (this.displayMode === "pip") {
this.displayMode = "tile";
} else if (this.displayMode === "tile") {
this.displayMode = "pip";
} else if (this.displayMode === "share") {
// do nothing or alert, tbd
} else {
console.error("Display Mode can only be tile/pip/share");
hideRemote(e) {
if (
e.currentTarget.classList.contains("disabled") ||
this.streamList.length <= 1
) {
let list;
let id = this.streamList[this.streamList.length - 1].getId();
list = Array.from(
list.map(item => {
if (item.style.display !== "none") {
item.style.display = "none";
} else {
item.style.display = "block";
handleExit(e) {
if (e.currentTarget.classList.contains("disabled")) {
try {
this.client && this.client.unpublish(this.localStream);
this.localStream && this.localStream.close();
this.client &&
() => {
console.log("Client succeed to leave.");
() => {
console.log("Client failed to leave.");
} finally {
this.readyState = false;
this.client = null;
this.localStream = null;
// redirect to index
created() {
let $ = this;
// init AgoraRTC local client
$.client = AgoraRTC.createClient({ mode: $.transcode });
$.client.init($.appId, () => {
console.log("AgoraRTC client initialized");
$.client.join($.appId, $.channel, $.uid, uid => {
console.log("User " + uid + " join channel successfully");
console.log("At " + new Date().toLocaleTimeString());
// create local stream
// It is not recommended to setState in function addStream
$.localStream = this.streamInit(uid, $.attendeeMode, $.videoProfile);
() => {
if ($.attendeeMode !== "audience") {
$.addStream($.localStream, true);
$.client.publish($.localStream, err => {
console.log("Publish local stream error: " + err);
$.readyState = true;
err => {
console.log("getUserMedia failed", err);
$.readyState = true;
mounted() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
// add listener to control btn group
let canvas = document.querySelector("#ag-canvas");
let btnGroup = document.querySelector(".ag-btn-group");
canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", () => {
if (global._toolbarToggle) {
global._toolbarToggle = setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
beforeUpdate() {
let $ = this;
// rerendering
let canvas = document.querySelector("#ag-canvas");
// pip mode (can only use when less than 4 people in channel)
if ($.displayMode === "pip") {
let no = $.streamList.length;
if (no > 4) {
$.displayMode = "tile";
$.streamList.map((item, index) => {
let id = item.getId();
let dom = document.querySelector("#ag-item-" + id);
if (!dom) {
dom = document.createElement("section");
dom.setAttribute("id", "ag-item-" + id);
dom.setAttribute("class", "ag-item");
item.play("ag-item-" + id);
if (index === no - 1) {
dom.setAttribute("style", `grid-area: span 12/span 24/13/25`);
} else {
`grid-area: span 3/span 4/${4 + 3 * index}/25;
z-index:1;width:calc(100% - 20px);height:calc(100% - 20px)`
item.player.resize && item.player.resize();
} else if ($.displayMode === "tile") {
// tile mode
let no = $.streamList.length;
$.streamList.map((item, index) => {
let id = item.getId();
let dom = document.querySelector("#ag-item-" + id);
if (!dom) {
dom = document.createElement("section");
dom.setAttribute("id", "ag-item-" + id);
dom.setAttribute("class", "ag-item");
item.play("ag-item-" + id);
dom.setAttribute("style", `grid-area: ${tile_canvas[no][index]}`);
item.player.resize && item.player.resize();
} else if ($.displayMode === "share") {
// screen share mode (tbd)
beforeDestroy () {
this.client && this.client.unpublish(this.localStream);
this.localStream && this.localStream.close();
this.client &&
() => {
console.log("Client succeed to leave.");
() => {
console.log("Client failed to leave.");
I have installed agora-rtc-sdk from npm.
My plugins/agora.js file looks like this
import Vue from "vue";
import AgoraRTC from 'agora-rtc-sdk';
My nuxt.config.js has plugins declared as:
src: "~/plugins/agora.js",
ssr: false
The application on loading the page gives AgoraRTC is not defined. How do I add this AgoraRTC to my nuxt.js application?
Agora works only on the client side, fully independent of a server and hence you need to define the mode as client in the nuxt.config.js like this:
{ src: '~/plugins/agora.js', mode: 'client' },

Dynamically addTrack to offerer from answerer onnegotiationneeded in webrtc

Is there anyway to notify offerer that non-existing track before just added to get the new stream from the answerer from the code below?
For my current issue now here is that the offerer can add new non-existing track and onnegotiationneeded will be fired and will also be able to createOffer and update media successfully, but when answerer do same process onnegotiationneeded fired normally also from the answerer but no media will be exchanged just because offerer do not have any new track on his end!
I use replaceOrAddTrack(remotePartiID, track, TrackKind) in adding and replacing of tracks
Only the replace works with either ends if it has same track kind from initial connection
_cfg = {
sdpConstraints: {
mandatory: {
OfferToReceiveAudio: true,
OfferToReceiveVideo: true,
VoiceActivityDetection: true,
IceRestart: true
optional: []
var channels_wrap = (function() {
return {
init: function() {
_cfg.defaultChannel.on('message', (message) => {
if (_cfg.enableLog) {
console.log('Client received message:', message);
if (message.type === 'newparticipant') {
var partID = message.from;
var partData = message.fromData;
// Open a new communication channel to the new participant
_cfg.offerChannels[partID] = this.openSignalingChannel(partID);
// Wait for answers (to offers) from the new participant
_cfg.offerChannels[partID].on('message', (msg) => {
if (msg.dest === _cfg.myID) {
if (msg.type === 'reoffer') {
if (_cfg.opc.hasOwnProperty(msg.from)) {
} else
if (msg.type === 'answer') {
_cfg.opc[msg.from].peer.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(msg.snDescription),
} else if (msg.type === 'candidate') {
var candidate = new RTCIceCandidate({
sdpMLineIndex: msg.label,
candidate: msg.candidate
if (_cfg.enableLog) {
console.log('got ice candidate from ' + msg.from);
_cfg.opc[msg.from].peer.addIceCandidate(candidate, handlers_wrap.addIceCandidateSuccess, handlers_wrap.addIceCandidateError);
// Send an offer to the new participant
dialogs_wrap.createOffer(partID, partData);
} else if (message.type === 'bye') {
handlers_wrap.hangup(message.from, message.fromData);
initPrivateChannel: function() {
// Open a private channel (namespace = _cfg.myID) to receive offers
_cfg.privateAnswerChannel = this.openSignalingChannel(_cfg.myID);
// Wait for offers or ice candidates
_cfg.privateAnswerChannel.on('message', (message) => {
if (message.dest === _cfg.myID) {
if (message.type === 'offer') {
var to = message.from;
dialogs_wrap.createAnswer(message.snDescription, _cfg.privateAnswerChannel, to, message.fromData);
} else if (message.type === 'candidate') {
var candidate = new RTCIceCandidate({
sdpMLineIndex: message.label,
candidate: message.candidate
_cfg.apc[message.from].peer.addIceCandidate(candidate, handlers_wrap.addIceCandidateSuccess, handlers_wrap.addIceCandidateError);
var tracks_wrap = (function() {
return {
getParticipants: function(partID = null) {
var participants = {};
if (partID) {
if (_cfg.opc.hasOwnProperty(partID)) {
participants[partID] = {
ID: partID,
type: 'opc'
} else
if (_cfg.apc.hasOwnProperty(partID)) {
participants[partID] = {
ID: partID,
type: 'apc'
} else {
for (let key in _cfg.opc) {
participants[key] = {
ID: key,
type: 'opc'
for (let key in _cfg.apc) {
participants[key] = {
ID: key,
type: 'apc'
return participants;
replaceOrAddTrack: function(remotePartiID, track, TrackKind) {
if (!TrackKind) {
var participants = this.getParticipants(remotePartiID);
for (var partiID in participants) {
var peer = null;
if (participants[partiID].type === 'apc' && _cfg.apc.hasOwnProperty(partiID)) {
peer = _cfg.apc[partiID].peer;
} else if (participants[partiID].type === 'opc' && _cfg.opc.hasOwnProperty(partiID)) {
peer = _cfg.opc[partiID].peer;
} else {
var foundTrack = null;
peer.getSenders().forEach(function(rtpSender) {
if (rtpSender.track && TrackKind === rtpSender.track.kind) {
foundTrack = true;
if (!foundTrack) {
peer.addTrack(track, _cfg.localStream); //This work only if it is offerrer that add track but not working with answerer even if i tell the offerer to send offer again
var dialogs_wrap = (function() {
return {
* Send an offer to peer with id partID and metadata as partData
createOffer: function(partID, partData) {
if (_cfg.enableLog) {
console.log('Creating offer for peer ' + partID, partData);
var opcPeer = new RTCPeerConnection(_cfg.pcConfig, _cfg.peerSetup);
_cfg.opc[partID] = {};
_cfg.opc[partID].peer = opcPeer;
_cfg.opc[partID].peer.onicecandidate = handlers_wrap.handleIceCandidateAnswer(_cfg.offerChannels[partID], partID, partData);
_cfg.opc[partID].peer.ontrack = handlers_wrap.handleRemoteStreamAdded(partID, partData);
_cfg.opc[partID].peer.onremovetrack = handlers_wrap.handleRemoteStreamRemoved(partID, partData);
_cfg.localStream.getTracks().forEach(track => _cfg.opc[partID].peer.addTrack(track, _cfg.localStream));
try {
_cfg.sendChannel[partID] = _cfg.opc[partID].peer.createDataChannel("sendDataChannel", {
reliable: false
_cfg.sendChannel[partID].onmessage = handlers_wrap.handleMessage;
if (_cfg.enableLog) {
console.log('Created send data channel');
} catch (e) {
alert('Failed to create data channel. \n You need supported RtpDataChannel enabled browser');
console.log('createDataChannel() failed with exception: ', e.message);
_cfg.sendChannel[partID].onopen = handlers_wrap.handleSendChannelStateChange(partID);
_cfg.sendChannel[partID].onclose = handlers_wrap.handleSendChannelStateChange(partID);
var onSuccess = (partID, partData) => {
var channel = _cfg.offerChannels[partID];
if (_cfg.enableLog) {
console.log('Sending offering');
channel.emit('message', {
snDescription: _cfg.opc[partID].peer.localDescription,
from: _cfg.myID,
fromData: _cfg.myData,
type: 'offer',
dest: partID,
destData: partData
_cfg.opc[partID].negotiationNeeded = () => {
_cfg.opc[partID].peer.createOffer(_cfg.sdpConstraints).then(offer => {
offer.sdp = sdp_wrap.SDPController(offer.sdp);
return _cfg.opc[partID].peer.setLocalDescription(offer)
.then(() => onSuccess(partID, partData)).catch(handlers_wrap.handleCreateOfferError);
_cfg.opc[partID].peer.onnegotiationneeded = () => {
createAnswer: function(snDescription, cnl, to, toData) {
if (_cfg.enableLog) {
console.log('Creating answer for peer ' + to);
if (!_cfg.apc.hasOwnProperty(to)) {
var apcPeer = new RTCPeerConnection(_cfg.pcConfig, _cfg.peerSetup);
_cfg.apc[to] = {};
_cfg.apc[to].peer = apcPeer;
_cfg.apc[to].peer.onicecandidate = handlers_wrap.handleIceCandidateAnswer(cnl, to, toData);
_cfg.apc[to].peer.ontrack = handlers_wrap.handleRemoteStreamAdded(to, toData);
_cfg.apc[to].peer.onremovetrack = handlers_wrap.handleRemoteStreamRemoved(to, toData);
_cfg.localStream.getTracks().forEach(track => _cfg.apc[to].peer.addTrack(track, _cfg.localStream));
_cfg.apc[to].peer.ondatachannel = handlers_wrap.gotReceiveChannel(to);
_cfg.apc[to].peer.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(snDescription), handlers_wrap.setRemoteDescriptionSuccess, handlers_wrap.setRemoteDescriptionError);
var onSuccess = (channel) => {
if (_cfg.enableLog) {
console.log('Sending answering');
channel.emit('message', {
snDescription: _cfg.apc[to].peer.localDescription,
from: _cfg.myID,
fromData: _cfg.myData,
type: 'answer',
dest: to,
destData: toData
_cfg.apc[to].peer.createAnswer().then(function(answer) {
answer.sdp = sdp_wrap.SDPController(answer.sdp);
return _cfg.apc[to].peer.setLocalDescription(answer);
.then(() => onSuccess(cnl))
var negotiationNeeded = false;
_cfg.apc[to].peer.onnegotiationneeded = (ev) => {
if (!negotiationNeeded) {
negotiationNeeded = true;
//So i tried to create this to tell the offerer to do offer again, offerer do resend offer but nothing seem to happen
cnl.emit('message', {
from: _cfg.myID,
fromData: _cfg.myData,
type: 'reoffer',
dest: to,
destData: toData

Webrtc video chat not working in different networks

I am trying to implement video chat with webrtc using code from google code labs . It works fine on same network but does not work on different network. i have installed coturn on my server. I am not sure if it is working correctly.
Any one used google codelabs code and made it working?
This is the modified main.js file
'use strict';
var isChannelReady = false;
var isInitiator = false;
var isStarted = false;
var localStream;
var pc;
var remoteStream;
var turnReady;
var pcConfig = {
{'urls': 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302'},
// Set up audio and video regardless of what devices are present.
var sdpConstraints = {
offerToReceiveAudio: true,
offerToReceiveVideo: true
var room = 'foo';
// Could prompt for room name:
// room = prompt('Enter room name:');
var socket = io.connect('https://www.samplesite.com:8080');
if (room !== '') {
socket.emit('create or join', room);
console.log('Attempted to create or join room', room);
socket.on('created', function(room) {
console.log('Created room ' + room);
isInitiator = true;
socket.on('full', function(room) {
console.log('Room ' + room + ' is full');
socket.on('join', function (room){
console.log('Another peer made a request to join room ' + room);
console.log('This peer is the initiator of room ' + room + '!');
isChannelReady = true;
socket.on('joined', function(room) {
console.log('joined: ' + room);
isChannelReady = true;
socket.on('log', function(array) {
console.log.apply(console, array);
function sendMessage(message) {
console.log('Client sending message: ', message);
socket.emit('message', message);
// This client receives a message
socket.on('message', function(message) {
console.log('Client received message:', message);
if (message === 'got user media') {
} else if (message.type === 'offer') {
if (!isInitiator && !isStarted) {
pc.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(message));
} else if (message.type === 'answer' && isStarted) {
pc.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(message));
} else if (message.type === 'candidate' && isStarted) {
var candidate = new RTCIceCandidate({
sdpMLineIndex: message.label,
candidate: message.candidate
} else if (message === 'bye' && isStarted) {
var localVideo = document.querySelector('#localVideo');
var remoteVideo = document.querySelector('#remoteVideo');
audio: false,
video: true
.catch(function(e) {
alert('getUserMedia() error: ' + e.name);
function gotStream(stream) {
console.log('Adding local stream.');
localVideo.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream);
localStream = stream;
sendMessage('got user media');
if (isInitiator) {
var constraints = {
video: true
console.log('Getting user media with constraints', constraints);
//if (location.hostname !== 'localhost') {
// requestTurn(
// 'https://computeengineondemand.appspot.com/turn?username=41784574&key=4080218913'
// );
function maybeStart() {
console.log('>>>>>>> maybeStart() ', isStarted, localStream, isChannelReady);
if (!isStarted && typeof localStream !== 'undefined' && isChannelReady) {
console.log('>>>>>> creating peer connection');
isStarted = true;
console.log('isInitiator', isInitiator);
if (isInitiator) {
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
function createPeerConnection() {
try {
pc = new RTCPeerConnection(pcConfig);
pc.onicecandidate = handleIceCandidate;
pc.onaddstream = handleRemoteStreamAdded;
pc.oniceconnectionstatechange = function(){
console.log('ICE state: ',pc.iceConnectionState);
pc.onremovestream = handleRemoteStreamRemoved;
console.log('Created RTCPeerConnnection');
} catch (e) {
console.log('Failed to create PeerConnection, exception: ' + e.message);
alert('Cannot create RTCPeerConnection object.');
function handleIceCandidate(event) {
console.log('icecandidate event: ', event);
if (event.candidate) {
type: 'candidate',
label: event.candidate.sdpMLineIndex,
id: event.candidate.sdpMid,
candidate: event.candidate.candidate
} else {
console.log('End of candidates.');
function handleRemoteStreamAdded(event) {
console.log('Remote stream added.');
remoteVideo.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(event.stream);
remoteStream = event.stream;
function handleCreateOfferError(event) {
console.log('createOffer() error: ', event);
function doCall() {
console.log('Sending offer to peer');
pc.createOffer(setLocalAndSendMessage, handleCreateOfferError);
function doAnswer() {
console.log('Sending answer to peer.');
function setLocalAndSendMessage(sessionDescription) {
// Set Opus as the preferred codec in SDP if Opus is present.
// sessionDescription.sdp = preferOpus(sessionDescription.sdp);
console.log('setLocalAndSendMessage sending message', sessionDescription);
function onCreateSessionDescriptionError(error) {
trace('Failed to create session description: ' + error.toString());
function requestTurn(turnURL) {
var turnExists = false;
for (var i in pcConfig.iceServers) {
if (pcConfig.iceServers[i].urls.substr(0, 5) === 'turn:') {
turnExists = true;
turnReady = true;
// if (!turnExists) {
// console.log('Getting TURN server from ', turnURL);
// // No TURN server. Get one from computeengineondemand.appspot.com:
// var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
// if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) {
// var turnServer = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
// console.log('Got TURN server: ', turnServer);
// pcConfig.iceServers.push({
// 'url': 'turn:' + turnServer.username + '#' + turnServer.turn,
// 'credential': turnServer.password
// });
// turnReady = true;
// }
// };
// xhr.open('GET', turnURL, true);
// xhr.send();
// }
function handleRemoteStreamAdded(event) {
console.log('Remote stream added.');
remoteVideo.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(event.stream);
remoteStream = event.stream;
function handleRemoteStreamRemoved(event) {
console.log('Remote stream removed. Event: ', event);
function hangup() {
console.log('Hanging up.');
function handleRemoteHangup() {
console.log('Session terminated.');
isInitiator = false;
function stop() {
isStarted = false;
// isAudioMuted = false;
// isVideoMuted = false;
pc = null;
// Set Opus as the default audio codec if it's present.
function preferOpus(sdp) {
var sdpLines = sdp.split('\r\n');
var mLineIndex;
// Search for m line.
for (var i = 0; i < sdpLines.length; i++) {
if (sdpLines[i].search('m=audio') !== -1) {
mLineIndex = i;
if (mLineIndex === null) {
return sdp;
// If Opus is available, set it as the default in m line.
for (i = 0; i < sdpLines.length; i++) {
if (sdpLines[i].search('opus/48000') !== -1) {
var opusPayload = extractSdp(sdpLines[i], /:(\d+) opus\/48000/i);
if (opusPayload) {
sdpLines[mLineIndex] = setDefaultCodec(sdpLines[mLineIndex],
// Remove CN in m line and sdp.
sdpLines = removeCN(sdpLines, mLineIndex);
sdp = sdpLines.join('\r\n');
return sdp;
function extractSdp(sdpLine, pattern) {
var result = sdpLine.match(pattern);
return result && result.length === 2 ? result[1] : null;
// Set the selected codec to the first in m line.
function setDefaultCodec(mLine, payload) {
var elements = mLine.split(' ');
var newLine = [];
var index = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
if (index === 3) { // Format of media starts from the fourth.
newLine[index++] = payload; // Put target payload to the first.
if (elements[i] !== payload) {
newLine[index++] = elements[i];
return newLine.join(' ');
// Strip CN from sdp before CN constraints is ready.
function removeCN(sdpLines, mLineIndex) {
var mLineElements = sdpLines[mLineIndex].split(' ');
// Scan from end for the convenience of removing an item.
for (var i = sdpLines.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var payload = extractSdp(sdpLines[i], /a=rtpmap:(\d+) CN\/\d+/i);
if (payload) {
var cnPos = mLineElements.indexOf(payload);
if (cnPos !== -1) {
// Remove CN payload from m line.
mLineElements.splice(cnPos, 1);
// Remove CN line in sdp
sdpLines.splice(i, 1);
sdpLines[mLineIndex] = mLineElements.join(' ');
return sdpLines;

WebRTC DataChannel Errors

I'm trying to connect 2 peers with webrtc and datachannel without camera and microphone.
try {
socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:1337/");
var servers = {iceServers:[{url:"stun:stun.l.google.com:19302"}]};
peerConn = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(servers, {optional:[{RtpDataChannels: true}]});
channel = peerConn.createDataChannel("abcd1234", {reliable: false});
peerConn.onicecandidate = function(evt) {
if(evt.candidate) {
socket.send(JSON.stringify({"candidate": evt.candidate}));
channel.onopen = function () {
console.log("channel is open");
channel.send('first text message over RTP data ports');
channel.onmessage = function (event) {
console.log('received a message:', event.data);
peerConn.createOffer(function(desc) {
socket.send(JSON.stringify({"sdp": desc}));
socket.onmessage = function(evt) {
var signal = JSON.parse(evt.data);
if(signal.sdp) {
peerConn.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(signal.sdp));
} else {
peerConn.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate(signal.candidate));
} catch(e) {
In Chrome this errors out with:
Uncaught Error: InvalidStateError: DOM Exception 11
Open two tabs; click "Create Offer" button from 1st tab; and watch console logs:
// webkitRTCPeerConnection && RTCDataChannel specific code goes here
var iceServers = {
iceServers: [{
url: 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302'
var optionalRtpDataChannels = {
optional: [{
RtpDataChannels: true
var mediaConstraints = {
optional: [],
mandatory: {
OfferToReceiveAudio: false, // Hmm!!
OfferToReceiveVideo: false // Hmm!!
var offerer, answerer, answererDataChannel, offererDataChannel;
function createOffer() {
offerer = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(iceServers, optionalRtpDataChannels);
offererDataChannel = offerer.createDataChannel('RTCDataChannel', {
reliable: false
setChannelEvents(offererDataChannel, 'offerer');
offerer.onicecandidate = function (event) {
if (!event.candidate) returnSDP();
offerer.ongatheringchange = function (event) {
if (event.currentTarget && event.currentTarget.iceGatheringState === 'complete') returnSDP();
function returnSDP() {
sender: 'offerer',
sdp: offerer.localDescription
offerer.createOffer(function (sessionDescription) {
}, null, mediaConstraints);
function createAnswer(offerSDP) {
answerer = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(iceServers, optionalRtpDataChannels);
answererDataChannel = answerer.createDataChannel('RTCDataChannel', {
reliable: false
setChannelEvents(answererDataChannel, 'answerer');
answerer.onicecandidate = function (event) {
if (!event.candidate) returnSDP();
answerer.ongatheringchange = function (event) {
if (event.currentTarget && event.currentTarget.iceGatheringState === 'complete') returnSDP();
function returnSDP() {
sender: 'answerer',
sdp: answerer.localDescription
answerer.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(offerSDP));
answerer.createAnswer(function (sessionDescription) {
}, null, mediaConstraints);
function setChannelEvents(channel, channelNameForConsoleOutput) {
channel.onmessage = function (event) {
console.debug(channelNameForConsoleOutput, 'received a message:', event.data);
channel.onopen = function () {
channel.send('first text message over RTP data ports');
// WebSocket specific code goes here
var socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:1337');
socket.onmessage = function (e) {
var data = JSON.parse(e.data);
if (data.sdp) {
if (data.sender == 'offerer') createAnswer(data.sdp);
else offerer.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(data.sdp));
socket.push = socket.send;
socket.send = function (data) {
<button id="create-offer">Create Offer</button>
document.getElementById('create-offer').onclick = function () {
this.disabled = true;
now i'm trying the following:
First i create an offer on client #1 and send the description:
try {
peerConn = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(stunServers, {optional:[{RtpDataChannels: true}]});
peerConn.createOffer(function(desc) {
socket.send("createpeer|" + JSON.stringify(desc));
}, null, mediaConstraints);
peerConn.onconnection = function () {
console.log("[webrtc] connected with peer");
peerChannel = peerConn.createDataChannel("test", {reliable: false});
peerChannel.onmessage = function (event) {
alert("Server: " + event.data);
peerChannel.onopen = function () {
peerChannel.send("Hello Server!");
} catch(error) {
Client #2 receives that and sends his description:
case "createpeer":
console.log("[websocket] received create peer request from " + cmd[1] + " on " + cmd[2]);
try {
peerConn = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(stunServers, {optional:[{RtpDataChannels: true}]});
peerConn.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(JSON.parse(cmd[3])));
peerConn.createAnswer(function(desc) {
socket.send("openpeer|" + cmd[1] + "|" + cmd[2] + "|" + JSON.stringify(desc));
}, null, mediaConstraints);
peerConn.ondatachannel = function (channel) {
channel.onmessage = function (event) {
alert("Client: " + event.data);
channel.onopen = function () {
channel.send("Hello Client!");
} catch(error) {
Finally client #1 recives the description from client #2
case "openpeer":
console.log("[websocket] received open peer");
peerConn.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(JSON.parse(cmd[1])));
Everything works fine without errors, but the connection is not established and the onconnection method is not called.