Fullscreen Electron application on startup - vue.js

I have created an application with Vue and Node in Electron. I run the application using command yarn run electron:serve. How can I get this application to start in full screen mode? Consider that even when the application is built, I want it to start it in full screen when .exe file is executed.

You can just use .maximize() on the main process. You can add conditions if you only want to use it in prod


React Native project not opening Metro Bundler in Browser

App is working fine. Also working fine on Emulator and my mobile phone. But the problem is that it is not showing this page on my browser. Open Image
I created this project in react native, Using following commands.
expo init DoneWithIt
choses a Manage workflow with blank template
When I type "npm start" in terminal (using VS code terminal)
it shows Open Image
It is not opening in browser like this
Open Image
Have you tried opening your browser manually at localhost and port 19000? Or simply press "w" in the same terminal after it starts so it opens for you the browser as you can see in the second image.
The Web UI is now deprecated in favor of a more advance terminal interface: https://blog.expo.dev/sunsetting-the-web-ui-for-expo-cli-ab12936d2206
To me the "w" option is grey out but I can still run it and it will let me know that some dependencies are missing. I try to install them but it doesn't succeed. I guess just made sure that the Web UI will not work anymore.
You will see the below error if the 'w' option is grayed out or if the 'w' doesn't work,
It looks like you're trying to use web support but don't have the required dependencies installed.
Please install react-native-web#~0.18.9, react-dom#18.1.0, #expo/webpack-config#^0.17.2 by running:
npx expo install react-native-web#~0.18.9 react-dom#18.1.0 #expo/webpack-config#^0.17.2
If you're not using the web, please ensure you remove the "web" string from the platform's array in the project Expo config.
install the mentioned packages and re-start the app(npm start).
Enter w, this should work.
The reason why the application is not giving you the web browser ability is because you're missing some packages. Thus far this is the version that's support out there. Try and run this code below:
npx expo install react-native-web#~0.18.9 react-dom#18.1.0 #expo/webpack-config#^0.17.2

How to edit file inside react-native project using appium

I have a config file called app.config inside my react-native project.
I use this file to read configuration such as backend and other configuration details.
I am using appium for UI-testing my react native application.
Is it possible that I can dynamically change the app.config(example changing backend URL) file during testing using appium.
This should be possible, but you don't need to use appium. Use whatever test framework you are using to modify the file as part of the build process before launching the app and starting the appium session.

How to Allow quick development in Appcelerator Studio?

How do I re-enable the below behavior?
I USED to have the below behavior...now I don't. I have to re-compile the whole project for every change which is killing productivity for me.
I cut and pasted the below text from another question as it explains it much better than I can....
For an iphone simulator build, the .js files are run directly by the simulator without going through the compile step needed for a distribution build. While this saves some time by itself, the real advantage is that the simulator will dynamically use whatever changes you make to a .js file when you navigate to a window using an external .js reference (i.e. the url property). So changes to app.js still need to relaunch the project. But for windows opened later, you can navigate to the window to see how it looks or test code, then just hit the back button in the navigation bar, tweak the .js, and navigate back to the desired window and immediately see the new layout or test the code changes.
This makes tweaking UI layout stuff incredibly fast compared to the android emulator, not to mention code/debug cycles for some *.js logic is as quick as backing up a screen, revising the code, and showing the screen again. Then when you get the logic worked out, switch to android and retest.
If you have Appcelerator Studio (not Titanium Studio) you can enable LiveView, which attaches a filesystem service to your project and pipes file changes at runtime, bypassing the build process. (aka hotloader, etc)
A) Turn on in Studio
B) Use the command line:
ti build -p ios —-liveview
Be sure you have the latest updates from Appcelerator to ensure parity with target compilers.
$ sudo npm install -g appcelerator
$ appc use latest
$ appc setup
If you don't have Appcelerator Studio, you could try third party solutions such as TiShadow:
$ sudo npm install -g tishadow
$ ti build -p ios --shadow
$ tishadow server
$ tishadow # run --shadow
The quickest development feature you can use is LiveView. In Appcelerator Studio, before you run the project you have a little eye icon in the toolbar to enable live view. Then Every change you save to your project will automatically refresh the emulator/device on which you are running.
You can also have a look at a project called TiShadow which basically does the same and is not related to the Studio.

How to reduce the size of Sencha Touch Application?

I am building a Sencha Touch application. Even the most basic application is of size 27 MB. Now I want to commit the code online. The touch folder inside the application is of 20 MB which is way too much.
So how can I compress my application and reduce the size of my application?
use sencha cmd to minify to one js file.
from the application's root in the terminal or command prompt, run "sencha app build production" or "sencha app build testing" dependent on if you want the source code minified also.
Make sure you have sencha cmd installed first.
Also make sure each of your classes is requiring only the source components you need. What you're doing right now is deploying every single line of sencha touch, whereas in reality, if you're not using the carousel component, for instance, you don't need this in your deployed app.
Requiring in the classes you need only, and then building the app file in this way, will give you a nice compact single js file that is many many times smaller.
At first, what do you want is not clear. Why you want to compress the application?
If you want to run it on device, you can minify it using sencha cmd. From within your application folder run this command
sencha app build production
and you can see your app size(build version) will reduce drastically. Further you can make apk and/or ipa with this build version only.

How to build in a redirect if the browser is not mobile

I want to redirect users to another page if they are loading my web app from a standard desktop browser. I've tried detection scripts using php and javascript in the index file which both work fine in the dev environment. The problem is when I use the 'sencha app build production' command to build the project I get errors. I'm assuming this is because the build script is somehow being redirected by these scripts when trying to build dependencies. I'm not sure how to fix this. I tried building it without the scripts then uploading the production build and adding the code to the uploaded files but the code added to the uploaded files seems to be ignored.
Either the builder is getting redirected or the builder cannot follow the code dependencies to build a single JS file.
You can create a device profile for desktop which will redirect in the launch function when the profile is active: Sencha Touch 2 device profiles