Intellij Rider: Breakpoints are completely missing for C++ project - intellij-idea

Can't find the inline breakpoints for the C++ project in Intellij Rider. Clicking on the field on the left next to the line does nothing.
At the same time just opened C# project and breakpoints are there. This is on the same instance of Rider.
Does it automatically look for the linked files and if they are not set up correctly, disables the breaskpoints?

Make sure that you are using Rider for Unreal Engine. Regular version of Rider does not include C++ support - Rider for UE is still in Early Preview.

I recommend you use Clion for C++ project. Rider IDE is usually used for C Sharp project. That can be a problem when you can't set breakpoint for C++ project


Why does one project properties list Configuration and Platform and another does not?

I just created a new VB Windows forms project using VS2010. The solution also contains a Fortran DLL project. I've set the platform to x86.
When I pull up the VB project properties it does not list the configuration or the Platform at the top of the properties dialog. This means I can't set the Compile tab Build output path differently for debug or release.
I've created several similar solutions using VS2008 and recently converted them to VS2010 and have not had this problem.
That is because you are using VS2010 Express and your single project is not in a solution project.
You could manually change the output from your .VBPROJ file with notepad. Inside that file you could do other changes . FOr exemple switching from Debug to Release. You have to restart your VS2010 Express edition to apply the changes (if I am not mistaken and it will be onkly true if you are using the Express Edition)

What does "Predefined type 'System.TypedReference' is not defined or imported" mean on Metro project?

I am currently converting a library to be a Metro library for Windows 8. I've created a brand new project in Visual Studio 2012 using the "Class Library (Windows Store apps)" C# Template. I've been adding a lot of files and working through the compile errors, but the one that's confusing me is:
Error 2 Predefined type 'System.TypedReference' is not defined or
imported CSC MyNewProject
The "CSC" appears under the "File" column. Double-clicking the error does nothing. Googling only gives me this:
Do not specify the /nostdlib option from the command line compiler.
Make sure that the project refers to the correct mscorlib.dll.
Reinstall the .NET Framework common language runtime (if the previous
solutions do not solve the problem).
I'm not using a command line compiler, I don't know how to include or exclude mscorlib - because unlike previous .NET apps in Visual Studio, the only thing my project references is ".NET for Windows Store apps" and "Windows" (something I'm still getting used to).
Any thoughts/advise on this?
That Object is not available or has been relocated for the new ARM .NET architecture.
Here is the Full API for you to search, I would of searched for it, but it is missing a search func.
For anyone else who encounters this, I experienced this while I was converting a project to run on metro. I continued to fix other issues (at the time this was one of hundreds of errors) and eventually this just simply disappeared. My plan was to eventually compare this to a new metro project in a text editor once I fixed all the other errors, but it solved itself before that could happen.

msvcp100.dll missing

I wrote a program in C++ using Visual Studio 2010
But when I run it on some computers with WinXP it says
"Cannot start because MSVCP100.dll wasn't found"
How do I prevent such dependencies on dlls that do not come with windows?
Thank you.
you cannot prevent this dependency, as it's the core runtime library of Visual C++. Instead, include the Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable package with your application (usually a separate link is enough since most people have it installed already)
However, if in fact your program cannot start because a dll with D at the end such as MSVCP100D.dll then you need to build your program in release mode, which by default switches the run time to a non-debug version. You need to be careful to nut out any other included static and dynamic libraries you're including in your project to make sure all debug or all release versions match for your builds.
If you are having trouble finding which sub-projects are referencing the debug versions, you can download and run depends.exe and browse through the exe file to see.
Sorry for the late respones, but yes you can prevent this dependency, just go to solution property of yopur project, go to C/C++ > Code Generator and in Runtime Library change it from MDd to MTd, will include statically the dependent libraries, and not in run time, like this avoid Run time errors while try to run the Dll.

Change target framework in VB.NET console app

I created a VB Console app and it defaulted to .NET 4 but I need it to be .NET 3.5. I've been looking but all the references I find say to change it on the 'Compile' tab in properties but I don't have a compile tab or anything else that lets me change the target framework.
Any ideas other than recreating the project?
Note: I'm using VS2010 Ultimate
Update: added screen shot
Are you sure you are right clicking the project, then clicking Properties? For me in the properties window there is a Compile tab on the left side (under Application), and there is an option to change the target under Advanced Compile Options....
In vs2010 you goto PROJECT ---> SLN Name properties --> COMPILE ---> ADVANCED COMPILE OPTIONS(BOTTOM). Now Reverting it to 3.5 is something that as far as I know is something you can't do, atleast not easily or advised. Obviously upgrading from say a 2.0 to a 3.5 or 4.0 framework is easy as the step's above. Your best bet is unfortunately to create a new project in the 3.5 framework.
Project/Properties/Compile/Advanced Compile Options

Visual Basic 9 (or C# 3) with Visual Studio 2010

I'm working on a project started in VB9 (VS 2008) and now I've migrated to VS2010 (VB10) but on the production server the IDE is still VS 2008. On my developement enviroment the code compiles fine, but sometimes, - let's say - I forget an _ at the end of the line which causes the VB9 compiler to throw an error.
So the question is, how could I build a project with the VS 2010 IDE but VB9 compiler? Or to force the VB10 compiler into VB9 mode?
Unfortunately no there is not a way to accomplish this. When compiling in Visual Studio you aren't actually using the command line compiler. Instead you use the inproc hosted compiler (true for both VB.Net and C#). This compiler, while capable of outputting completely valid IL for down targeted platforms, is the version tied to Visual Studio (in this case 10.0).
There is no general way to shell out to a different version of the compiler or to the command line and get the behavior you're looking for.
What you can do though is set the language version of the compiler to be 9. This will issue warnings for a subset of parse level constructs which are not supported in VB9. This cannot be done from the IDE but can by editing the project file directly and inserting the following
Original Answer: Valid for targeting 3.5 but not this question
What you want to do is have your VB project target the 3.5 framework. This will cause the compiler to issue warnings on items that are not valid like _'s.
This can be done from the project properties page.
Right Click on the project and select properties
Go to the compile tab
Set the target to 3.5