Change target framework in VB.NET console app -

I created a VB Console app and it defaulted to .NET 4 but I need it to be .NET 3.5. I've been looking but all the references I find say to change it on the 'Compile' tab in properties but I don't have a compile tab or anything else that lets me change the target framework.
Any ideas other than recreating the project?
Note: I'm using VS2010 Ultimate
Update: added screen shot

Are you sure you are right clicking the project, then clicking Properties? For me in the properties window there is a Compile tab on the left side (under Application), and there is an option to change the target under Advanced Compile Options....

In vs2010 you goto PROJECT ---> SLN Name properties --> COMPILE ---> ADVANCED COMPILE OPTIONS(BOTTOM). Now Reverting it to 3.5 is something that as far as I know is something you can't do, atleast not easily or advised. Obviously upgrading from say a 2.0 to a 3.5 or 4.0 framework is easy as the step's above. Your best bet is unfortunately to create a new project in the 3.5 framework.

Project/Properties/Compile/Advanced Compile Options


VB 2019 project settings empty

I want to store startup settings for my project. When I go to the project Properties/Settings, it's empty except for a link that says, "This project does not have a default settings file. Click here to create one." When I click the link to add one, it says "The system cannot find the file specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070002." So, how do I add a default settings file?
As mentioned in my comments, this seems to be a bug in VS and ought to be reported to Microsoft. As a temporary workaround, you can actually copy the settings files from a .NET Framework project into a .NET Core project. As far as I can tell from examining various VB and C# projects targeting .NET Framework and .NET Core, the settings files are the same in each case, so there's no issue copying between them. Here's what I did:
Added a VB WinForms app project targeting .NET Framework to the same solution.
Clicked the Show All Files button in the Solution Explorer for both projects.
Expanded the My Project node for both projects.
Dragged the Settings.settings item from the .NET Framework project to the .NET Core project.
It seemed to work as expected after that.

Why does one project properties list Configuration and Platform and another does not?

I just created a new VB Windows forms project using VS2010. The solution also contains a Fortran DLL project. I've set the platform to x86.
When I pull up the VB project properties it does not list the configuration or the Platform at the top of the properties dialog. This means I can't set the Compile tab Build output path differently for debug or release.
I've created several similar solutions using VS2008 and recently converted them to VS2010 and have not had this problem.
That is because you are using VS2010 Express and your single project is not in a solution project.
You could manually change the output from your .VBPROJ file with notepad. Inside that file you could do other changes . FOr exemple switching from Debug to Release. You have to restart your VS2010 Express edition to apply the changes (if I am not mistaken and it will be onkly true if you are using the Express Edition)

version of .net framework launch not match .net framework bootstrapper project

When I build the release project of the 2010 I just started using, I get two warnings:
the version of the .net framedwork launch condition does not match the selected .net framework bootstrapper package. Update the .net framewk launch condition to match the version of the .netfrk selected in the prerequisites dialog box.
The target version of the .net framework in the project does not match the .net framework launch condition version .net framework 4 client profile. Update the version of the .net framework launch condition to match the target version of the .net framework in the advanced compile options dialog box.
I changed the framework of the main project from client profile (which it was when I first created it) to frwk 4 because I read that crystal reports would not work with frwk 4 client profile. (is that true).
The bootstrap version Framework is for x64 and x86. I continued to look around the web and found that one can change the framework in the launch conditions of the setup project. These seem to be scattered around in numerous places which is a problem I don't recall ever having with other verions of .net. Anyway, That solved that problem, but there is still another issue associated with this.
I have changed anycpu to x86 for the main project and the secondary projects because I was having a problem with installing both msi's for crystal. Meanwhile, the other secondary projects (which were upgraded from 2008) I changed to x86 but in the configuration file, it says anycpu for these and as has been written here, cannot be changed to x86. I am not getting an error but have not yet tested whether the installation works.
I read an answer on your site to go into vbproj and change in notepad from x86 to x64 because they could not change from anycpu to x86 that way. But I don't want x64 so not sure what to do.
It seems that anyCPU would be a good selection but will that work with Crystal and do I need to attach other than the x86 msi if I do change it? Or can I leave it as is in this unclear situation.
This error is because of a mismatch. You can fix it by making either one of them match the other.
One is the "Launch Condition." The other is the "Prerequisite."
To change the Launch Condition:
right click your setup project in the Solution Explorer
click View - Launch Conditions
select the ".NET Framework" item under Launch Conditions
in the properties window, see the Version item. You can open the drop down menu to select the appropriate framework version.
To change the Prerequisite:
right click your setup project in the Solution Explorer
choose properties, a Properties Pages dialog appears
click the "Prerequisites..." button
check and uncheck framework versions as appropriate
Yet another poorly documented feature from our friends at Microsoft. With the Setup project selected there are an array of icons in the solution explorer toolbox; one of which is "Launch Condition Editor".
Select the setup project, select the "Launch Condition Editor", new window opens. Select "Launch Conditions", ".Net Framework" Look at properties, version. Select the present version, opens drop down menu, select desired framework.
(Thanks to
Okay so I ran into this issue as well. There are 3 places I found that need to match. Not 2 places. I am using VS2015 with the Add-in Setup Project available from Microsoft.
Place 1: Target Framework needs to be what you are targeting, variable X. To get to this go to the properties of your main project and select the target framework for your code.
Place 2: Right click your setup project and go to view > Launch conditions, click .Net Framework, and in the properties window select your target framework... variable X.
Place 3: Right click your setup project and go to properties > Prerequisites. This will show the pre-requisite from the program... In my case Variable X needed to match what was checked in this box.
This resulted in a successful build of the project without the warning.

Building C++ projects that targets framework 3.5 but produces assemblies targeting framework 4.0

We have a C++ solution that has been moved from VS2005 to VS2010 where the project files were targeting the .net framework 3.5 but since moving over to VS2010, all of the project files were showing that they were targeting framework 4.0. I have since changed the .vcxproj files manually so that they are targeting the .net framework 3.5, using the method described in the Community Content on this link
The Problem
When I build these project files, manually or via an automated build, the output assemblies are still targeting the .net framework 4.0. I can tell this by using various methods described here. I also know that this is the case as I build and run the installer for this application. Once the application has been installed (which then shows as a service), I try to start the service on the target machine. This service will not start on a machine without the .net framework 4.0 installed. If 4.0 is then installed, the service will start, so this is another test that I can run that shows me that the application has a dependency on .net framework 4.0 which it should not.
The Aim
Ideally, I need to build this application so that the outputs are targeting the .net framework 3.5 instead of 4.0 so that it will actually run as it is supposed to! I have tried to use the 3.5 version of MSBuild as described in one of the answers given for this question here but got the same error that is described underneath that post.
Can anyone help with this? It's proving to be a right pain and I've been banging my head against the wall for over a week trying to get this sorted!
Thanks again in advance
Make sure you follow all the instructions as provided in the first link you posted.
For example,
Make sure you have Visual Studio 2008 installed on the build server.
Make sure you also change each project's "Platform Toolset" to v90.
Verify the project's framework version: "In Solution Explorer, right-click your project and then click Properties. In the Property Pages window, in the left pane, expand Common Properties and then select Framework and References. Verify that the new Framework version appears at the top of the right pane."

Version information missing from .NET assembly (Compact Framework 3.5/VS2008)

I am building an executable using VS2008 and .NET compact framework 3.5, targetting Windows Mobile 6 professional, but whenever I compile the project, everything that I have specified in the AssemblyInfo.cs file is ignored.
I have done this many times in other projects and it works without problem, but for some reason I cannot get the AssemblyTitle/AssemblyProduct/AssemblyVersion attributes etc to show up (I am trying to view them using Windows Explorer, I am able to see these properties in the details tab for any other assembly that I have built - even other projects in the same solution).
Any suggestions?
That info is looking at the native version info, which on the desktop is set using the AssemblyFileVersionAttribute. The AssemblyFileVersionAttribute is unsupported in the CF, so the only way to set the version info out of the box is to command-line compile. There is a workaround in this blog.
I know this is old, but there's a simpler solution posted here:
Version number in .NET Compact Framework application
You have to use reflection.
System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.Major System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.Minor System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.Build System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.Revision
in tag PlatformFamilyName; rather that PocketPC, change to add WindowsCE
in csproj