Time Complexity Analysis of Recursive Tree Treversal Algorithm - time-complexity

I am supposed to design a recursive algorithm that traverses a tree and sets the cardinality property for every node. The cardinality property is the number of nodes that are in the subtree where the currently traversed node is the root.
Here's my algorithm in pseudo/ python code:
if node exists:
node.card = 1 + SetCardinality(x.left_child) + SetCardinality(x.right_child)
return node.card
return 0
I'm having a hard time coming up with the recurrence relation that describes this function. I figured out that the worst-case input would be a tree of height = n. I saw on the internet that a recurrent relation for such a tree in this algorithm might be:
T(n) = T(n-1) + n but I don't know how the n in the relation corresponds to the algorithm.

You have to ask yourself: How many nodes does the algorithm visit? You will notice that if you run your algorithm on the root node, it will visit each node exactly once, which is expected as it is essentially a depth-first search.
Therefore, if the rest of your algorithm is constant-time operations, we have a time complexity of O(n) for the total number of nodes n.
Now, if you want to express it in terms of the height of the tree, you need to know more about the given tree. If it's a complete binary tree then the height is O(logn) and therefore the time complexity would be O(2h). But expressing it in terms of total nodes is simpler. Notice also that the shape of the tree does not really matter for your time complexity, as you will be visiting each node exactly once regardless.


Why B Tree complexity is O(log n), it is not a binary tree

According to Wiki and GFG the search/insert/delete time complexity of a B Tree is O(log n). A B Tree can have > 2 children, i.e. it is not a binary tree. So I don't understand why it is log n -- shouldn't it be faster than log n? For example search should be worst case O(h) where h is the height of the tree.
B-Tree is a generalization of Binary Tree where each node can have more than 2 children. But it is not certain. If for example, the number of children for each node was defined to be x, then the complexity would be . However, when the minimum number of children is 2 (as in Binary Tree) then the maximum height of tree will be , and as mentioned in previous answer, Big-O considers the worst case scenario which is a tree with the largest height (log base 2). Therefore, the complexity of B-Tree is .
yes, it is not a binary tree. But if we perform binary serach algoritm inside a node (for the kyes inside a node) time complexity can be considered as O(logn).
let's consider,
degree of the B-tree (maximum number of children per node) ≤ m.
total number of nodes in the node : n
if the case is like above,
height of the tree is O(logmn) ----------(1)
since number of children can be changed per node, will have to do a logarithmic search per node order (lgm) ----------(2)
so total complexity for search in binary tree is
O(logmn) . O(lgm) ----------(3)
according to the logarithmic operation ,
{logba = logca / logcb}
applying the above operation to (3)
O(logmn) . O(lgm) = O(lgn/lgm) . O(lgm)
= O(lgn)
so B tree time complexity for search operation is O(lgn)
Big-O is a measure of worst case complexity; since B-tree nodes are not required to have more than 2 children, the worst case will be that no node has more than 2 children.

Median of Medians using blocks of 3 - why is it not linearic?

I understand why, in worst case, where T is the running time of the algorithm, that using the median of medians algorithm with blocks of size three gives a recurrence relation of
T(n) = T(2n / 3) + T(n / 3) + O(n)
The Wikipedia article for the median-of-medians algorithm says that with blocks of size three the runtime is not O(n) because it still needs to check all n elements. I don't quite understand this explanation, and in my homework it says I need to show it by induction.
How would I show that median-of-medians takes time Ω(n log n) in this case?
Since this is a homework problem I'm going to let you figure out a rigorous proof of this result on your own, but it might be helpful to think about this one by looking at the shape of the recursion tree, which will be something like this:
n Total work: n
2n/3 n/3 Total work: n
4n/9 2n/9 2n/9 n/9 Total work: n
Essentially, each node's children collectively will do the exact same amount of work as the node itself, so if you sum up the work done across the layers, you should see roughly linear work done per level. It won't be exactly linear work per level because eventually the smaller call starts to bottom out, but for the top layers you'll see this pattern hold.
You can formalize this by induction by guessing that the runtime is something of the form cn log n, possibly with some lower-order terms added in, but (IMHO) it's more important and instructive to see where the runtime comes from than it is to be able to prove it inductively.
If we add the fractional parts of T(2n/3) and T(n/3), get T(n). Then, using the Master theorem, we have n^(log_(b)(a)) = n^(log_(1)(1)) = n. We also have f(n) = O(n). So n^(log_(b)(a)) = O(n) = Theta(f(n)), thus Case 2 of the Master theorem applies. Thus T(n) = Theta(n^(log_(b)(a)) * log(n)) = Theta(n*log(n)).

What is the worst case complexity of the given program?

program takes as input a balanced binary search tree with n leaf nodes and computes the value of a function g(x) for each node x. If the cost of computing g(x) is min{no. of leaf-nodes in left-subtree of x, no. of leaf-nodes in right-subtree of x} then the worst-case time complexity of the program is
My solution :
For each internal node the maximum cost would be n/2. For every leaf node the cost is zero.
And number of internal nodes for a balanced binary tree are : leaf nodes - 1
So the total cost will be :
n/2 * (n-1)
Am I right?
I have a different solution. For the worst case the tree would happen to be a complete tree which you GOT RIGHT and therefore the number of leaf nodes would be n/2.
But it is the case for root node.
For nodes at level 1: total cost would be 2*n/4=n/2
For nodes at level 2: total cost would be 4*n/8=n/2
and so on till last level which is log(n) and cost would again be = n/2
Total Cost therefore in worst case is =n/2*log (n) = O(n*logn), In complete tree it can happen that the last level is not completely filled but in asymptotic analysis we ignore such intricate details.
You can calculate g(x) of each node using divide and conquer technique. Solve left and right subtree recursively. Combine the results to obtain your solution.
Recurrence relation for time complexity is
T(n) = 2*T(n/2) + O(1)
which gives time complexity O(n)

Finding Shortest Path using BFS search on a Undirected Graph, knowing the length of the SP

I was asked an interview question today and I was not able to solve at that time.
The question is to get the minimum time complexity of finding the shortest path from node S to node T in a graph G where:
G is undirected and unweighted
The connection factor of G is given as B
The length of shortest path from S to T is given as K
The first thing I thought was that in general case, the BFS is fastest way to get the SP from S to T, in O(V+E) time. Then how can we use the B and K to reduce the time. I'm not sure what a connection factor is, so I asked the interviewer, then he told me that it is on average a node has B edges with other nodes. So I was thinking that if K = 1, then the time complexity should be O(B). But wait, it is "on average", which means it could still be O(E+V), where the graph is a like a star and all other nodes are connected to S.
If we assume that the B is a strict up limit. Then the first round of BFS is O(B), and the second is O(B*B), and so on, like a tree. Some of the nodes in the lower layer may be already visited in the previous round therefore should not be added. Still, the worst scenario is that the graph is huge and none of the node has been visited. And the time complexity is
O(B) + O(B^2) + O(B^3) ... O(B^K)
Using the sum of Geometric Series, the sum is O(B(1-B^K)/(1-B)). But this SUM should not exceed V+E.
So, is the time complexity is O(Min(SUM, V+E))?
I have no idea how to correctly solve this problem. Any help is appreciated.
Your analysis seems correct. Please refer to the following references.

Using red-black tree for non-linear optimization

Suppose we have finite data set {x_i, y_i}.
I am looking for an efficient data structure for the data set, such that given a,b it will be possible to find efficiently x,y such that x > a, y > b and x*y is minimal.
Can it be done using a red black tree ?
Can we do it in complexity O(log n)?
Well, without a preprocessing step, of course you can't do it in O(log n) with any data structure, because that's not enough time to look at all the data. So I'll assume you mean "after preprocessing".
Red-black trees are intended for single-dimension sorting, and so are unlikely to be of much help here. I would expect a kD-tree to work well here, using a nearest-neighbor-esque query: You perform a depth-first traversal of the tree, skipping branches whose bounding rectangle either violates the x and y conditions or cannot contain a lower product than the lowest admissible product already found. To speed things up further, each node in the kD-tree could additionally hold the lowest product among any of its descendants; intuitively I would expect that to have a practical benefit, but not to improve the worst-case time complexity.
Incidentally, red-black trees aren't generally useful for preprocessed data. They're designed for efficient dynamic updates, which of course you won't be doing on a per-query basis. They offer the same asymptotic depth guarantees as other sorted trees, but with a higher constant factor.