Does knowledge distillation have an ensemble effect? - tensorflow

I don't know much about knowledge distillation.
I have a one question.
There is a model with showing 99% performance(10class image classification). But I can't use a bigger model because I have to keep inference time.
Does it have an ensemble effect if I train knowledge distillation using another big model?
Or let me know if there's any way to improve performance than this.
enter image description here

The technical answer is no. KD is a different technique from ensembling.
But they are related in the sense that KD was originally proposed to distill larger models, and the authors specifically cite ensemble models as the type of larger model they experimented on.
Net net, give KD a try on your big model to see if you can keep a lot of the performance of the bigger model but with the size of the smaller model. I have empirically found that you can retain 75%-80% of the power of the a 5x larger model after distilling it down to the smaller model.
From the abstract of the KD paper:
A very simple way to improve the performance of almost any machine learning algorithm is to train many different models on the same data and then to average their predictions. Unfortunately, making predictions using a whole ensemble of models is cumbersome and may be too computationally expensive to allow deployment to a large number of users, especially if the individual models are large neural nets. Caruana and his collaborators have shown that it is possible to compress the knowledge in an ensemble into a single model which is much easier to deploy and we develop this approach further using a different compression technique. We achieve some surprising results on MNIST and we show that we can significantly improve the acoustic model of a heavily used commercial system by distilling the knowledge in an ensemble of models into a single model. We also introduce a new type of ensemble composed of one or more full models and many specialist models which learn to distinguish fine-grained classes that the full models confuse. Unlike a mixture of experts, these specialist models can be trained rapidly and in parallel.


What is the difference between optimization algorithms and Ensembling methods?

I was going through ensemblling methods and was wondering what is the difference between the optimization techniques like gradient descent etc. And ensembling techniques like bagging, boosting etc.
Optimization like Gradient Decent is a single model approach. Ensemble per Wikipedia is multiple models. Constituents in the ensemble are weighted for overall consideration. Boosting (per Wikipedia seems to say that it is retraining with a focus on missed (errors) in a model.
To me this is like single image recognition in a monocular fashion vs. binocular image recognition. The two images being an ensemble. Further scrutiny requiring extra attention to errors in classification is boosting. That is to say retraining on some errors. Perhaps error condition data were represented too infrequently enough to make good classifications (thinking black swan here). In vehicles, this could be like combining infrared, thermal, radar and lidar sensor results for an overall classification. The link above has really good explanations of each of your areas of concern.

Can I use EfficientNetB7 as my baseline model for image recognition?

I have seen many articles that used EfficientNetB0 as their baseline model, but I never saw anyone used EfficientNetB7 yet. From the EfficientNet Github page ( I saw that EfficientNetB7 achieved a very high accuracy result. Why doesn't everyone just use EfficientNetB7? Is it because of the memory limit or is there any other consideration to use EfficientNetB0?
A baseline is the result of a very basic model or approach to a problem. It is used to compare performance of more complex methods such as larger models, feature engineering or data augmentation.
EfficientNetB0 is used as it is a reliable model for somewhat good accuracy and because it is fast to train due to a low number of parameters.
Using EfficentNetB7 could serve as a baseline model, however when testing non-architecture related changes, such as data augmentation as mentioned earlier, retraining the large network will take longer slowing down your iteration speed.

Which model (GPT2, BERT, XLNet and etc) would you use for a text classification task? Why?

I'm trying to train a model for a sentence classification task. The input is a sentence (a vector of integers) and the output is a label (0 or 1). I've seen some articles here and there about using Bert and GPT2 for text classification tasks. However, I'm not sure which one should I pick to start with. Which of these recent models in NLP such as original Transformer model, Bert, GPT2, XLNet would you use to start with? And why? I'd rather to implement in Tensorflow, but I'm flexible to go for PyTorch too.
It highly depends on your dataset and is part of the data scientist's job to find which model is more suitable for a particular task in terms of selected performance metric, training cost, model complexity etc.
When you work on the problem you will probably test all of the above models and compare them. Which one of them to choose first? Andrew Ng in "Machine Learning Yearning" suggest starting with simple model so you can quickly iterate and test your idea, data preprocessing pipeline etc.
Don’t start off trying to design and build the perfect system.
Instead, build and train a basic system quickly—perhaps in just a few
According to this suggestion, you can start with a simpler model such as ULMFiT as a baseline, verify your ideas and then move on to more complex models and see how they can improve your results.
Note that modern NLP models contain a large number of parameters and it is difficult to train them from scratch without a large dataset. That's why you may want to use transfer learning: you can download pre-trained model and use it as a basis and fine-tune it to your task-specific dataset to achieve better performance and reduce training time.
I agree with Max's answer, but if the constraint is to use a state of the art large pretrained model, there is a really easy way to do this. The library by HuggingFace called pytorch-transformers. Whether you chose BERT, XLNet, or whatever, they're easy to swap out. Here is a detailed tutorial on using that library for text classification.
EDIT: I just came across this repo, pytorch-transformers-classification (Apache 2.0 license), which is a tool for doing exactly what you want.
Well like others mentioned, it depends on the dataset and multiple models should be tried and best one must be chosen.
However, sharing my experience, XLNet beats all other models so far by a good margin. Hence if learning is not the objective, i would simple start with XLNET and then try a few more down the line and conclude. It just saves time in exploring.
Below repo is excellent to do all this quickly. Kudos to them.
It uses hugging face transformers and makes them dead simple. 😃
I have used XLNet, BERT, and GPT2 for summarization tasks (English only). Based on my experience, GPT2 works the best among all 3 on short paragraph-size notes, while BERT performs better for longer texts (up to 2-3 pages). You can use XLNet as a benchmark.

CNN : Fine tuning small network vs feature extracting from a big network

To elaborate : Under what circumstances would fine tuning all layers of a small network (say SqueezeNet) perform better than feature extracting or fine tuning only last 1 or 2 Convolution layer of a big network (e.g inceptionV4)?
My understanding is computing resource required for both is somewhat comparable. And I remember reading in a paper that extreme options i.e fine tuning 90% or 10% of network is far better compared to more moderate like 50%. So, what should be the default choice when experimenting extensively is not an option?
Any past experiments and intuitive description of their result, research paper or blog would be specially helpful. Thanks.
I don't have much experience in training models like SqueezeNet, but I think it is much easier to finetune only the last 1 or 2 layers of a big network: you don't have to extensively search for many optimal hyperparameters. Transfer learning works amazingly well out of the box with the LR finder and the cyclical learning rate from
If you want fast inference after the training, then it is preferable to train SqueezeNet. It might also be the case if the new task is very different from ImageNet.
Some intuition from
New dataset is small and similar to original dataset. Since the data is small, it is not a good idea to fine-tune the ConvNet due to overfitting concerns. Since the data is similar to the original data, we expect higher-level features in the ConvNet to be relevant to this dataset as well. Hence, the best idea might be to train a linear classifier on the CNN codes.
New dataset is large and similar to the original dataset. Since we have more data, we can have more confidence that we won’t overfit if we were to try to fine-tune through the full network.
New dataset is small but very different from the original dataset. Since the data is small, it is likely best to only train a linear classifier. Since the dataset is very different, it might not be best to train the classifier form the top of the network, which contains more dataset-specific features. Instead, it might work better to train the SVM classifier from activations somewhere earlier in the network.
New dataset is large and very different from the original dataset. Since the dataset is very large, we may expect that we can afford to train a ConvNet from scratch. However, in practice it is very often still beneficial to initialize with weights from a pretrained model. In this case, we would have enough data and confidence to fine-tune through the entire network.

Is it possible to train Neural Network with low amount of instances?

I have faced some problem when I needed to solve Regression Task and use as minimum instances as possible. When I tried to use Xgboost I had to feed 4 instances to get the reasonable result. But Multilayer Perceptron tuned to overcoming Regression problems has to take 20 instances, tried to change amount of neurons&layers but the answer is still 20 .Is it possible to do something to make Neural Network solve Resgression tasks with from 2 to 4 instances? if yes - explain please what should I do to succeed in it? Maybe there is some correlation between how much instances are needed to train and get reasonable results from Perceptron and how features are valuable inside dataset?
Thanks in advance for any help
With small numbers of samples, there are likely better methods to apply, Xgaboost definitely comes to mind as a method that does quite well at avoiding overfitting.
Neural networks tend to work well with larger numbers of samples. They often over fit to small datasets and underperform other algorithms.
There is, however, an active area of research in semi-supervised techniques using neural networks with large datasets of unlabeled data and small datasets of labeled samples.
Here's a paper to start you down that path, search on 'semi supervised learning'.
Another area of interest to reduce overfitting in smaller datasets is in multi-task learning.
Multi task learning requires the network to achieve multiple target goals for a given input. Adding more requirements tends to reduce the space of solutions that the network can converge on and often achieves better results because of it. To say that differently: when multiple objectives are defined, the parameters necessary to do well at one task are often beneficial for the other task and vice versa.
Lastly, another area of open research is GANs and how they might be used in semi-supervised learning. No papers pop to the forefront of my mind on the subject just now, so I'll leave this mention as a footnote.