Non V-bind part of the V-Model - vue.js

As we know v-model is two way binding. Which means it's combination of V-bind and maybe another attribute which I'm looking for and it updates the data. I have a input which it's value is sometimes custom and sometimes should be read from config based on another parameters.
What I need is an input with a v-bind:value/:value and another for update. I know I can do it with #change and a custom method But I'm looking for something easy, Bottom line is I want V-model without doing v-bind ! Thank You
EDIT: I did it with two input using v-if .
<input type="number" class="item-input" v-if="setting.keto_program=='custom'" id="protein_per_kilo" v-model="setting.keto_program_protein_density">
<input type="number" class="item-input" v-else disabled id="protein_per_kilo" :value="config.keto_programs[setting.keto_program].protein_density">
Anyway doing this using just one input feels better. Thanks

May be you can use computed hook.
return someVariable/computation
you can use yourVariable inside your code that will act like v-model without doing v-bind.
yourVariable will be updated as soon as the variables of the return statement of this be changed or updated
part of v-model for input tag
v-on:input="variable = $"
#input="variable = $"
found this via
Vue.js—Difference between v-model and v-bind


v-else is getting rendered first instead v-if in Vue JS

I have an HTML element like below
<div v-if="showOriginalContent"> original content</div>
<div v-else> default content </div>
initial value of showOriginalContent is false
and from mounted method am calling an another method where i will make the value of showOriginalContent to true based on some conditions . Currently even if the showOriginalContent is true i can see that v-else is getting displayed for a fraction of seconds before v-if is rendered in the DOM . How can i solve this issue ? I tried to move the function call to all other life cycle methods but nothing is working . I have gone through before and after navigation approach in vue js ,Is it possible to apply that logic here?
I think it's normal if I understood correctly what you posed as the problem.
Because the mounted state is called when the view has already been OK and displayed and only once.
So a variable declaring in this method its change will not necessarily have an effect on what should be displayed.
Try to see the lifecycle in Vuejs for more detail.
Put it in computed or watch methods to see.
Use an outer div and control this div with another variable that will be true when you are done with your condition parts in mounted hook.. like this..
<div v-if="conditioncheckdone">
<div v-if="showOriginalContent"> original content</div>
<div v-else> default content </div>
It will resolve your issue of displaying v-else stuff while you are checking your conditions in mounted
turn the default showOriginalContent value to null instead of false

how to interpolate a value into an HTML attribute without binding to anything on the Vue instance

The title was kinda long-winded but the question itself is pretty simple.
So I'm looping over some strings and want to make a button for each. On click, the button will call a Vue method. I want to bind the string into the HTML element somehow - it will be more clear with the code:
<li v-for="(name, idx) in $store.state.lobby" :key="idx">
<button data-name="{{name}}" v-on:click='send_game_request'> request game </button>
so, as you can see, this is very simple. When the send_game_request method gets run, it can read the name off the data-name attribute and do what it needs to with that information.
But, this is invalid syntax, because {{name}} raises an error. I'm really hoping I don't have to wrap each button into it's own sub-component, because that is just extra boilerplate that's not necessary.
I've seen other examples that use v-bind but I don't really have any need to store this information in the component's internal state. I literally just need to know what button was pressed.
You can pass the name as an argument with an inline handler:
<button #click="send_game_request($event, name)">
where $event is the original event data.
In addition to what Tony mentions in his answer,
<li v-for="(name, idx) in $store.state.lobby" :key="idx">
<button :data-name="name" v-on:click='send_game_request'> request game </button>
You could then extract value of name with datasets like so:
function send_game_request(event){
const name =;
NOTE: In this instance you don't need to explicitly pass the $event into your v-on:click function binding, it will already be made available by Vue. So, you can simply invoke your method with the event argument.

Vuejs, How can I resolve expressions within a string got as a prop?

I'm sorry if this is already solved but I'm not able to find it so I gonna try to be quick.
Imagine one of the props received by my component has the following value:
myAnnoyingProp: "Position of {{$}} {{maritalStatus?\'married\':\'free\'}}"
I tried the following two options but I've got the same result for both:
<label v-html="element.label"></label>
Expected result:
Position of TheNameSetted free
Obtained result:
Position of {{$}} {{maritalStatus?\'married\':\'free\'}}
PD: I'm using Vue 2.4.2
You could move the login inside your component by making use of 2 props, for example name, which is a String, and maritalStatus, which is either a String or Boolean depending on your needs (the example assumes a Boolean for maritalStatus). Then inside your component construct the message you want to display:
Position of {{}} <span v-if="maritalStatus">Free</span><span v-else>Married</span>
You could also use string literals:
myAnnoyingProp: `Position of ${name} ${maritalStatus}`

How to interpolate a variable into a nested component in Vue?

I have an app that has components nested inside. The app is called on the filter id. I have a data element named minTotalSpent. Currently, this contains "3" in the app. The first placement on the page displays appropriately. When I try to pass it in as a variable into vue-slider, however, it does not like it and throws an "invalid expression"warning on the counsel and does not respect the minimum.
<div id="filter">
<form id="search">
Search <input name="query" v-model="searchQuery">
<div class="filter-container-slider">
Just elaborating as per #thanksd's answer.
When using any component, over here vue-slider component, if you use v-min = "..." or :min = "...", the value of v-min or :min is in a javascript expression and you cannot use mustaches inside javascript expression.
And when it comes to html attributes like id on any element, you should be using v-bind.
<div v-bind:id="dynamicId"></div>
Read more about them here:

Using aurelia variable in html attributes

I want to dynamically set the input datetime step granularity using aurelia binding.
In my time.js:
timeStep = "1";
In my time.html:
The following works correctly:
<input type=datetime-local value="2017-01-01T00:00:00" step="1" value.bind="formParameters.timeFrom" >
However when I try to set the step using my variable - it doesn't seem to work:
<input type=datetime-local value="2017-01-01T00:00:00" step="timeStep" value.bind="formParameters.timeFrom" >
You can see I have lost the seconds granularity. When I inspect the element, it comes out as:
<input type="datetime-local" value="2017-01-01T00:00:00" step="timeStep" value.bind="formParameters.timeFrom" class="au-target" au-target-id="37">
Where timeStep should be "1".
To bind any HTML attribute to a property in your viewModel - you need to use .bind.
<input type=datetime-local value="2017-01-01T00:00:00" step.bind="timeStep" value.bind="formParameters.timeFrom">
Aurelia will assume anything in a .bind attribute is a property of your viewModel class and bind them accordingly. You can use .bind on any (as far as I know) HTML attribute.