parcel build static/index.html × Build failed. Error: No transformers found for index.x-handlebars-template - express

I am trying to build an application with handlebars templating and express server. index.html file has all the handlebar templating within script tags with mentioned type="text/x-handlebars-template"
When I run "parcel build static/index.html", build is failing with following error message.
"Build failed. Error: No transformers found for index.x-handlebars-template."


I am trying to create vuejs project using cli but foloowing error is showing

failed to load config from /Users/dev.coder/VueQuizApp/vite.config.js
error when starting dev server:
Error: Cannot find module 'node:url'
Require stack:
need a solution for above problem

vue-cli-service build fails with 0 errors

Is there a way to track down this kind of build problem? I.e. a flag that would show more detailed error information? My project is very much like the default vue cli project. It has been working fine for months until this morning.
$ vue-cli-service build --mode dev
⠏ Building for dev...
ERROR Failed to compile with 0 errors 12:06:07 PM
ERROR Build failed with errors.
error Command failed with exit code 1.
In this case, I had a file called worker.js which is a web worker being loaded by worker-loader. In worker.js I import a second .js file which imports a missing .js file (due to my error). For whatever reason, this error doesn't make it to the surface of vue-cli-service build.

my vue app failed to compile because that error

i just want to install vue via cli
and this error shows up
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js)

Angular 2 Cli Issue while ng build --prod but if I use ng build only then it work's fine but size of app is too large

I am having this issue while ng build --prod. it works fine ng build but give issue in ng build --prod
ERROR in Expected 'styles' to be an array of strings.
ERROR in ./src/main.ts
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './$$_gendir/app/app.module.ngfactory' in 'D:\Projects\simplifyng2\src'
# ./src/main.ts 5:0-74
# multi ./src/main.ts
Based on the error message, I can assume that you forgot to use square brackets in the styles property either in .angular-cli.json or in one of your components.
When you run ng build --prod, it performs AOT by default. As per my experience, AOT compiler catches more errors than JiT. Try this experiment - turn off the AoT during the prod build:
ng build -prod -aot=false
Most likely you won't see any errors.

Gulp EPERM: operation not permitted using MSBuild

I am trying to integrate our build server with our angular build. Locally the build work perfectly but when I try and run the build on the build server I am getting the following error:
Running gulp task dev
[08:35:38] Using gulpfile C:\Builds\10639\TCC.NET\1.Development CI\src\TCC.W
[08:35:38] Starting 'default'...
[08:35:38] Starting 'build'...
[08:35:38] Starting 'js'...
throw er; // Unhandled stream error in pipe.
EXEC : error: EPERM: operation not permitted, open 'C:\Builds\10639\TCC.NET\1.
Development CI\src\TCC.Web.Client\public\app.module.js' [C:\Builds\10639\TCC.N
ET\1.Development CI\src\TCC.Web.Client\TCC.Web.Client.csproj]
at Error(native)
C:\Builds\10639\TCC.NET\1.Development CI\src\TCC.Web.Client\TCC.Web.Client.wpp
.targets(14, 5): error MSB3073: The command "gulp" exited with code 1. [C:\Build
s\10639\TCC.NET\1.Development CI\src\TCC.Web.Client\TCC.Web.Client.csproj]
I've looked at some various posts on the error and they mostly revolve around permissions issues but the public folder and the app.module.js files have the correct permissions.
I am not at all familiar with gulp so looking for some other ideas on things to check.
My issue turned out to be the readonly flag on the files being built.
Found a solution here