Telegram bot- add to a private chat between two human beings - telegram-bot

Say my friend and I are talking in a "regular chat" (no groups) and I want to invoke a bot there for some help. Now I know about the existence of inline bots which would only see what is written after #mylinebot in a message, but I wonder if there is a way to add a bot to our private chat which once invoked can listen to everything we say?
For example:
Me: hi friend
friend: hi me
me: #myfavbot can you suggest a color
myfavbot: green
friend: green not good
myfavbot: ok blue # Notice how myfavbot was able to listen to my friend talking
Currently after I invoke myfavbot, I don't get anything in the getUpdates API call.

No, you can't add a bot to your private chat, But I suggest use tdlib to create a bot. tdlib actually is not for creating a telegram bot. It's a library you can easily create a telegram client app. So it can create another session to your account and has access to everything you have.


Telegram bot: uploading new features without rebooting bot

I have telegram bot written in Python with lot's of users. The question is: when I do some changes (for example adding new inline buttons to bot) all users need to reset it or to use '/start' command. How to make this process hidden, not to ask all users do it? Maybe there is a variant, when bot restarts itself by schedule? Every suggestion will be really valuable for me....

replace Microsoft Teams SRTP Key with my own

I would like to replace the cryptographic key used in the Microsoft Teams by my own.
I am thinking about the master SRTP key, the web client or the stand alone one on Microsoft Windows.
I guess it is somewhere inside the javascript code (on the web client) ?
Is it possible, or is it protected in some way ? Where is it located ? Is there an api to get/set it ?
What you are asking is not really possible.
I think you are asking to wrong question.
If you want the audio/video streams for a meeting call, there is only one way:
Create a stateful call bot using the Cloud communications API.
The problem is getting the bot into the call to see the streams. Either the bot "starts" the call or the bot has to be invited into the call somehow. The how is up to you.
The other option is to use the Teams policy-based recording to get your bot invited into the call as part of call setup. Becareful of this option as it does come with a overhead. One to one calls will now go through the conference server to allow the third leg to be involved in the call. This I have found to have call startup overhead.

How make spam throw telegram?

How make bot useing telegram? I know than open source of telegram open source now. (
Any idea please.
You can't spam with telegram bots as after x requests You'll get a too many requests error. If you want to create a telegram bot you'll have to learn a programming language first

Telegram Automation

I'm working on a program, it's mission is that we define some number for it (some of our mobile numbers) and it should register them in Telegram, and then gets all messages that send to that number. As you may know, the registration in Telegram needs providing a phone number and after that a validate the number by a code that is sent from Telegram.
I read Telegram API, but it was complex and with no certain example and explanation.
I need your help, Thanks.
To implement Telegram chat,
First of all, you should obtain your own api_id and api_hash as described here.
Read the document and get ideas about the terms used in the Protocol which will be useful to go further.
Create a TCP connection with Telegram Server via port 443.
Telegram uses a key called 'Authorization Key' (ie Auth key) for Encryption/Decryption and it will be derived in both Server and Client using Diffie-Hellman Algorithm by various steps. You can create this Auth key by following the steps explained here and you can also see a sample for this process here.
When you are successfully done all steps, you will finally receive 'dh_gen_ok' response from Telegram server.
Now you can send RPC queries (Telegram APIs). The list of APIs is given in this link
This is just brief points which will help to give an idea about this. To implement the whole process, you need to read the documents and get to know the flow and all its limitations. Hope it helps :)
Yes you can do this
first of all, you should write a program (class) for one number
and after that
create another instances of that class for another numbers
if you write main class (work by One phoneNumber)
it's very simple to extend you program to work by many numbers
Good Luck !!!

Connecting to Facebook with

I'm wondering if there is a way to connect to Facebook using By connect I mean I would be able to access friend list, notifications, messages etc.
So far I have managed to validate the log in - i.e. it tells you if a user exists with the specified details. But now I'm stuck with how to view the accounts information.
You will have to get an AppKey, this is required. Another thing is you have to install the sdk from Facebook. After this has been done, take a look at this project to get going, its too broad to post here...
Good Luck!