Is using one function inside styled less performant? - emotion

const Container = styled.div<{ column: string }>(
(props) => css`
display: flex;
flex-direction: ${props.column};
const Container = styled.div<{ column: "red"; }>`
display: flex;
flex-direction: ${p => p.column};
Though the first approach scales better if there are multiple prop-dependent properties (the whole function does not need to be specified every time), all examples use the second approach.
What is the reasoning behind it? Is the first approach less performant?


Set CSS class dynamically without template

For each component with prefix mycomponent- I would like to add a class with the name of the component. I don't want to have to modify the component in order to do this.
My first thought was to use mixins and somehow add the class in beforeCreate but I haven't managed to add classes dynamically without using the template.
Do I have to use $el.classList.add(this.$ in beforeUpdate or similar? Is there some more Vue-ish way to do it?
Here it is, wrapped up as plugin:
const addComponentNameAsClass = {
install(Vue, options) {
const fn = Vue.prototype.$mount;
Vue.prototype.$mount = function() {
fn.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.$options._componentTag?.startsWith("mycomponent-")) {
// that's all you need
// see it working:
['a', 'b', 'foo', 'whatever'].forEach(type => {
Vue.component('mycomponent-' + type, {
template: '<div><slot /></div>'
new Vue({
el: '#app'
[class^="mycomponent-"] {
border: 1px solid;
margin-bottom: 4px;
padding: 1rem;
.mycomponent-a {
border-color: red;
.mycomponent-b {
border-color: blue;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<mycomponent-a>I should get a red border.</mycomponent-a>
<mycomponent-b>I should get a blue one.</mycomponent-b>
you should not expect this to work on Vue3. Why? Because whenever you're using internal props starting with _ Vue does not guarantee they'll still be there in the next major version update. But, on the other hand, the name of the component is not saved anywhere else (other than $options._componentTag).
the above won't work if you use components as <MycomponentA></MycomponentA>. However, you can swiftly get around it by running the value of $options._componentTag through a helper function (e.g: kebabCase from lodash).
note on note: if you want the added class to always be kebab-case, you'll have run the value passed to .classList.add() through kebabCase, as well). Otherwise, <MycomponentA> will add MycomponentA class and <mycomponent-a> will add mycomponent-a class, for obvious reasons.
Ref. "Vue-ish way": whatever the end goal of applying this "component" class is, chances are it can be achieved cleaner.
The very idea of placing classes denominating component type doesn't feel Vue-ish at all.
It feels WordPress-ish and Angular-ish. To me, at least.

How to use the default variable for only one of a few variables in less

Here is my mixin
.test(#color:black; #width:100px; #height:50px) {
Here is where it's called later
.mydiv {.test('use-mixin-color'; 300px; 150px);}
How can I override the size of .mydiv, while using the color defined in the mixin?
Everything I have tried overrides the mixin color.
To Use mixin in LESS, pass those parameter to override mixin default value :
Soluations :
.test(#color:black; #width:100px; #height:50px) {
width : #width;
height : #height;
background : #color;
.mydiv {
.test(#width : 300px; #height : 150px);
.mydiv {
width: 300px;
height: 150px;
background: black;
Helpful :)
In addition to the accepted answer. There're multiple methods (actually infinite) but if you want your mixin to be most easy for use you can provide a "specialization" for a specific argument value or number of arguments. Like this for example:
// usage:
.foo {.test(red, 1px, 2px)}
.bar {.test(3px, 4px)}
// impl.:
.test(#color, #width, #height) {
width: #width;
height: #height;
background: #color;
.test(#width, #height) { // <- "no color" specialization
.test(black, #width, #height);
Also think twice before adding default parameter values for a mixin like:
.test(#color: black, #width: 100px, #height: 50px) { ...
People tend to overuse this feature while it's rarely really necessary (and only creates an extra code-noise) except some specific use-cases.
I.e. consider if you actually expect your mixin to be invoked as:
test(blue, 4em);
// etc.
Do you?
It's usually a good idea to start without default parameter values (at least to protect the mixin against accidental misuse), i.e.:
.test(#color, #width, #height) { ...
and add them later only where and when they are necessary.

Change variable used in mixin depending on scope

In the Lazy Loading section of the Less language features, it states:
When defining a variable twice, the last definition of the variable is used, searching from the current scope upwards. This is similar to css itself where the last property inside a definition is used to determine the value.
I'd like to overwrite a global variable, but this doesn't seem to work:
#border: #fff;
.table {
border: #border;
.table-summary {
#border: #000;
Compiles to
.table {
border: #ffffff;
.table-summary {
border: #ffffff; // I want this to be #000
Currently the global scope has higher precedence than caller scope for a mixin (unless the mixin is defined inside parametric namespace). For more more details see #1316, some people consider this is a bug but there's no well-defined agreement on that.
Either way, the recommendation is to minimize use of non-parametric mixins and to not rely on indirect parameter passing whenever possible. Your example is a perfect use-case for a parametric mixin (even if your the code becomes slightly more verbose):
#border-default: #fff;
.table-base(#border: #border-default) {
border: #border;
.table {
.table-summary {
Alt. if for some reason you can't modify the .table class (for example if it's defined in an external library) then just forget about any variables and override the property directly, the most optimal way would be:
#border: #fff;
.table {
border: #border;
.table-summary:extend(.table) {
border-color: #000;
Technically, there's method to achieve what you want with the code quite close to your original snippet but I doubt it is something to be really recommended:
#border: #fff;
.table {
border: #border;
.-;.-() { // dummy parametric namespace
.table-summary {
#border: #000;
} // end of dummy parametric namespace

Referencing parent with multiple levels of nesting in LESS

I have the following LESS:
.container {
.column, .columns {
.one& {
width: 40px;
When I compile I'm getting the following for my CSS:
.one.container .column,
.one.container .columns {
width: 40px;
But I expected to get:
.container .one.column,
.container .one.columns {
width: 40px;
It appears the parent operator (&) in LESS is actually referencing what I'd expect to be the grandparent. Am I nesting things properly? The docs don't show any examples of nesting more than one level deep. Can I achieve my desired output with nesting?
I'm using lessc 1.3.3 installed via npm.
It's important to think of & as more of a "parentage" combinator, rather than a "parent" combinator. That is, it takes the whole nested string of selectors up to that point (no matter how many levels deep) and acts as the equivalent of a string replacement holder. So with a reduced version of your example...
.container {
.column {
.one& {
width: 40px;
...the selector string at that level is .container .column. This is what is "replaced" in the position of the &, so when you concatenate to the beginning as you do above, it gets attached at the beginning of the whole selector string and you end up with your:
.one.container .column {width 40px;}
But if you concatenate from the end (no space between & and .) then...
.container {
.column {
&.one {
width: 40px;
.container {width 40px;}
This last one is really the class combination you want, though just not quite in the same order you were hoping for. But order does not matter to the browser, .one.column or are the same, it just means an element that has both individual classes applied to it like so:
<div class="column one"></div>
<div class="one column"></div>
Both of those are equivalent, and either .one.column or as a selector is going to select both elements, because both elements have both classes.
If order is absolutely vital to you (you just must have your generated CSS be as you are seeking), then you would need to do a bit of repetition like this:
.container {
.column {
...generic column code here...
.one {
&.column {
width: 40px;
...any other code dependent on combination of .one.column here...

Reusing LESS nested styles

Let's say that I have a style defined using Less:
ol.unstyled {
margin-left: 0;
list-style: none;
Later on, I want to re-use the unstyled class:
.my-list {
This doesn't work, however, and I can't figure out the magic to make it work. Any thoughts?
You can't re-use arbitrary class definitions, only mixins (those starting with a dot). In this case you'll need to duplicate it.
Try this:
.unstyled {
margin-left: 0;
list-style: none;
.my-list {
You won't be able to nest .unstyled if it's defined as ul.unstled and ol.unstyled.
Since you can't reuse .unstyled when it's a nested style and you probably don't want to edit the Bootstrap source code, I'd suggest you just assign both classnames to your list:
<ul class="unstyled my-list" />