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Closed 1 year ago.
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I want to have an awk function to compute the median of an array (may not be sorted).
median of column with awk
The above is a similar post but it is not the same as this one because the input on the above post is a sorted stream.
Could anybody show me the function to compute the median of an array?
I got the following solution. I am not sure if it would fail in a corner case. If it does, please let me know.
function median(x, n, d) {
n = asort(x, d, "#val_num_asc")
if(n == 0) return "NA"
if(n%2) {
return d[(n+1)/2]
} else {
return (d[n/2] + d[n/2+1])/2
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Closed 3 years ago.
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How to solve a problem with Kotlin when I want to generate random numbers in time period (eg. 1 sec) and than than that numbers collect somehow and make Sum of that numbers.
The routines of what you wanted are very simple. First, run a loop of how many random numbers that you want. Run a for loop that many times. Each time you generate a random number, add the value of that random number to a variable to keep track of the sum. Add that random number to a list. Then let the program go to sleep for a specific amount of time in milliseconds. The program below is a short example.
Note that, if the random number generated is a negative number, it will be flip back to its positive value. That will not work for integer.min value. However, this is just an example.
import java.util.Random
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
fun main() {
val howManyNumber = 5
val delayTime = 1000L // ms
val randomNumbers = mutableListOf<Int>()
var sum = 0
for (i in 1..howManyNumber){
var randN = Random().nextInt()
randN = if (randN > 0) randN else randN * -1
sum += randN
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Closed 6 years ago.
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Why can't you specify a val or var type in for loop's in Kotlin. For example, I would like to be able to do
for (var i in - 1) {
for (j in 0..bytes.size - 1) {
bytes[j] = data[i++]//cant do i++ in current kotlin because "i" is val
//do stuff
But instead I have to do this
var i = 0
while (i < data.size) {
for (j in 0..bytes.size - 1) {
bytes[j] = data[i++]
//do stuff
Your example is slightly different from Java's typical for(int i=0;i<data.size;i++) example.
In the Kotlin version 'i' is actually an element of the range in which case i++ doesn't make sense. It just so happens that the range you have is a list of indexes.
The way you are using the Kotlin for loop is much closer to Java's foreach loop for(i : indexes).
I think that because Kotlin is a language that tries to make easy to respect most of the functional programming concepts, it prefers to prohibit that sort of behaviour. Also, a possible problem that your initial code could encount is an OutOfBoundException in the situation where the bytes array has more elements than the data array.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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An electric current, I, in amps, is given by
where w≠0 is a constant. What are the maximum and minimum values of I?
I have tried finding the derivative, but after that, I do not know how to solve for 0 because of the constant w.
Well David,you can convert this function into one trigonometric function by multiplying and dividing it by
√(1^2 + 8) i.e, 3. So your function becomes like this
I = 3*(1/3 cos(wt) + √8/3 sin(wt))
= 3* sin(wt + atan(1/√8))
Now, you can easily say its maximum value is
I = 3 amp
and minimum value is
I = 0 amp.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to figure out how to write this block method in swift. I can't seem to get the closure syntax right:
[self.colorPickerView setDidChangeColorBlock:^(UIColor *color){
self.selectedColor.backgroundColor = self.colorPickerView.color;
Thanks in advance!
What i tried:
(color: UIColor) in self.selectedColorView.backgroundColor = self.colorPickerView.color
Final Solution:
self.colorPickerView.didChangeColorBlock = {
(color: UIColor!) in
self.selectedColorView.backgroundColor = color
You probably need to use
self.colorPickerView.didChangeColorBlock = { ...
instead of
self.colorPickerView.didChangeColorBlock({ ...
Since didChangeColorBlock is a property, not a method.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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int RandomSource_next(int bits, double* seed) {
*seed = (((long long) *seed * 0x5DEECE66DLL) + 0xBLL) & ((1LL << 48) - 1);
return (int)((signed long long) *seed >> (48 - bits));
I think it got something to do with the address.
Most probably you are passing incorrect address as seed. Maybe you're passing not an address but a value?
The following should work
double seed = 0;
RandomSource_next(48, &seed);
The following should crash
RandomSource_next(48, 0);