Firebase authStateChanges() doesn't trigger on Flutter hot reload but it does on browser refresh - firebase-authentication

Using Google provider with this method so I can detect logins/outs and redirect user from login page to different page:
For now I have it set so user state is preserved until browser closed:
Unfortunately, Flutter hot reloads don't trigger authstatechanges() when i use Google provider from home page (home page is the login page). A manual browser refresh with F5 does seem to trigger the method (assuming it forces it to read the cookie) and it redirects as it should.
Is there a way to trigger authstatechange() manually as the google provider login screen doesnt ask for credentials on hot reload but it doenst trigger firebase authstatechanges().

Use startWith() or ConcatStream() from rxdart to force the stream start
with latest auth state:
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';
class SomeClass {
void init() {
or with ConcatStream:
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';
class SomeClass {
void init() {
final authStateStream = ConcatStream([


Vue,js used with Supabase - can't update signIn button after logging in with Oauth

async handleSignInSignOutButtonClick() {
if (!this.isSignedIn) {
supabase.auth.signIn({ provider: "google" });
this.$store.commit("signIn", supabase.auth.session());
await this.$store.commit("signOut");
The above function is triggered by a sign-in button, which is supposed to become a sign-out button and the icon of the user after logging in.
When The function fires, supabase redirects me to Google OAuth consent screen. However, after logging in and redirecting back to my app, the sign-in button stays there until I manually refresh the page.
What is wrong with my code...
There are a couple of things going on that you need to be aware of. For starters you are reloading your page when you don't need to in the handleSignInSignOutButtonClick() function.
When the authentication process begins, your app will be redirected to Google OAuth consent screen as you have discovered. Once the authentication is complete, you will be redirected back to your app and the reload occurs automatically.
The second point is that you can make use of the supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange() event to help you. My suggestion would be to listen for this event when you create your supabase client so it listens for the duration of your app instance. During that event handling, you can assign the user to the store (or anywhere you want to save the user data) based upon the state change. Your app can be reactive to state changes.
In your supabase client setup code:
const supabaseUrl = process.env.SUPABASE_URL // your supabaseUrl
const supabaseAnonKey = process.env.SUPABASE_ANON_KEY // your supabaseKey
const supabase = createClient(supabaseUrl, supabaseAnonKey)
* Set up the authentication state change listener
* #param {string} event The event indicates what state changed (SIGN_IN, SIGN_OUT etc)
* #param {object} session The session contains the current user session data or null if there is no user
supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange((event, session) => {
const user = session?.user || null;
// Save your user to your desired location
$store.commit("user", user);
Now you have your user data being saved whenever the user logs in and a null being set for the user data when the user logs out. Plus any page refreshes are handled by the change state event listener or any other instance that might change the user state. For example, you could have other login or logout buttons and the single listener would pick them up.
Next is to deal with the actual process of logging in or out. In your component Vue file (from your example):
async handleSignInSignOutButtonClick() {
if ($store.state.user === null) {
await supabase.auth.signIn(
{ provider: "google" },
{ redirectTo: "where_to_go_on_login" }))
} else {
await supabase.auth.signOut()
Finally for your button change state to indicate logged in or logged out, you can simply observe the store user state.
<button v-if="user">Sign Out</button>
<button v-else>Sign In</button>
This way your button will update whenever the user state changes. The user state changes whenever a user logs in or out, and your code is much more compact and readable.
Once final observation that you may already be doing anyway. I would recommend that you put all of your authentication code into a single file and expose the log in and log out functions for your app use as an export to use in component files. This way everything to do with login and logout is handled in a single location and this code is abstracted away from the component file. If you ever wanted to switch from Supabase you could easily update one or two files and everything else would just keep working.

Dispatch actions on authentication with Nuxt.js

I have an nuxt.js app that a user can log in to. Whenever the user is authenticated using the nuxt/auth module. I want the app to fetch some data using the nuxtServerInit.
Currently I have this in my nuxtServerInit:
export const actions = {
async nuxtServerInit({ dispatch }) {
if (this.$auth.loggedIn) {
await dispatch('products/getProducts')
This works well if I'm authenticated and the page is refreshed. The problem seems to be whenever I'm redirected after authentication, these actions are never called, thus not populating the store.
I have tried to use the fetch method instead, but in only works on the page with the fetch statement, not every page in my application. Also I don't want the http calls to be made with every page change.

Ionic 3 app - allow navigation to page if user logged (check on one place, rather on every component)

How can I add check whether user is logged or not and in accordance with that, allow navigation to desired page or not? It wouldn't be good practice to add :
ionViewCanEnter() {
return this.auth.isAuthenticated();
check at the top of every component...
I recommend using an authentication token for your user login. This will allow you to locally store as a variable or local storage and you can implement in your service or provider to be used throughout the app. If you're uncertain with how they work there are plenty of resources online, but ultimately it comes down to your back-end server. Here's an example:Auth Token Example
Also, I would recommend you use *ngIf statement blocks in your html pages where the buttons navigate to the pages themselves and throw an alert if the user tries clicking on the button to navigate.
I have some sample code that can help guide you with this as well.
// API POST authentication
this.API.validateUser(form.value).then((result) =>{
form.reset();//clears values of the form after data is saved to array
this.res = JSON.parse(result.toString());//converts result to array
if(this.res.token!=""){//sets authtoken to local storage'authToken',this.res.token)
if(this.res.status == true){
setTimeout(() => {
LoginPage.initialLogin = true;
}, 1000);
// MenuPage.ts
/* calls local storage once user hits menupage*/
//console.log('Initial Login is:',LoginPage.initialLogin);'authToken').then((data)=>{//grabs local storage auth token
//console.log('GET request happened');
this.loggedIn = true;//User is logged in
this.reap.grabAPIData(data);//calls service to grab API data on initial login
//console.log('Initial Login is:',LoginPage.initialLogin);
This is where you can use your value to determine what the user can see or not see. The button can be hidden or you can throw an alert in the .ts file that lets user know they aren't logged in.
<ion-item *ngIf="loggedIn" no-lines>
<button class="menuButton" ion-button large block (tap)="toNexPage()" >
Next page</button>

How to stop page content load until authenticated using Firebase and Polymer

I am starting with Polymer and Firebase and have implemented the Google OAuth authentication.
I have notice the page loads before authentication and if you click back you can get to the page without authorization, albeit that you are not able to use the firebase api and therefore the page is not usable.
My issue is that I do not want my javascript loaded until authenticated.
How could this be done.
Many thanks
It depends if your using firebase or their polymer wrapper, polymerfire.
Create a document for all the imports that you want to be conditionally loaded
// user-scripts-lazy.html
<link rel="import" href="user-script-one.html">
<script src="script.js"></script>
// etc
Using Polymerfire
In the element that hosts <firebase-auth> create a observer and you'll expose some variables from firebase-auth.
In the observer, watch the user element and the status known
statusKnown: When true, login status can be determined by checking user property
user: The currently-authenticated user with user-related metadata. See the firebase.User documentation for the spec.
'_userStateKnown(user, statusKnown)'
_userStateKnown: function(user, status) {
if(status && user) {
// The status is known and the user has logged in
// so load the files here - using the lazy load method
var resolvedPageUrl = this.resolveUrl('user-scripts-lazy.html.html');
this.importHref(resolvedPageUrl, null, this.onError, true);
To get the state without using polymerfire you can use onAuthStateChange
properties: {
user: {
type: Object,
value: null // important to initialise to null
ready: function() {
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChagned(function(user) {
this.set('user', user); // when a user is logged in set their firebase user variable to ser
this.set('user', false); // when no user is logged in set user to false
}.bind(this)); // bind the Polymer scope to the onAuthStateChanged function
// set an observer in the element
observers: [
_userChanged: function(user) {
if(user === null) {
// authStatus is false, the authStateChagned function hasn't returned yet. Do nothing
if(user) {
// user has been signed in
// lazy load the same as before
} else {
// no user is signed in
I haven't tested the code while writing it here, but i've implemented the same thing various times.
There are a couple of options.
Put content you don't want loaded behind a dom-if template with "[[user]]" as its driver. This could include your firebase element, so the database isn't even considered until after log on.
Put a modal dialog box up if the user is not logged on. I do this with a custom session element . Whilst the overlay is showing then the rest of the page is unresponsive to anything.
If it is simply an aesthetic issue of removing the non-logged-in page from view, could you either hide the page (or display some kind of overlay) while the user isn't authenticated?
I currently have this in an current project for some elements: hidden$="{{!user}}"
I have identified the solution for my purpose ...
Add storage role based authorization (see is there a way to authenticate user role in firebase storage rules?)
This does have a limitation currently of hard coded uid's
In the page, request storage resource and if successful include it in the dom (i.e. add script element with src pointing to storage url)
Call javascript as normal

How to authenticate users in FirefoxOS using BrowserID / Persona?

I am trying to write an FirefoxOS app for my portal which uses Mozilla Persona for authentication. How I should proceed if I want to achieve:
Allow users of my app to signup to my portal using Persona
Allow users of my app to login to my portal within the FirefoxOS app and perform some actions with the API
Depends if users is logged or not - giving access to different actions.
I have found this post with info that its integrated already: but I can't find any real examples.
What type of application I need to create? webapp or privileged?
I am trying to implement it using regular tutorial:
But with this code:
signinLink.onclick = function() {; };
I am getting only following error:
[17:25:18.089] Error: Permission denied to access object
One thing is to make sure you're calling watch() to setup callbacks before you call request().
For example, something like this in your page:
<script src=""></script>
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {{
// Provide a hint to Persona: who do you think is logged in?
loggedInUser: null,
// Called when persona provides you an identity assertion
// after a successful request(). You *must* post the assertion
// to your server for verification. Never verify assertions
// in client code. See Step 3 in this document:
onlogin: function(assertion) {
// do something with assertion ...
// Note that Persona will also call this function automatically
// if a previously-signed-in user visits your page again.
onlogout: function() {
// handle logout ...
onready: function() {
// Your signal that Persona's state- and callback-management
// business is complete. Enable signin buttons etc.
// Set up click handlers for your buttons
'click', function() {{
// optional callback to request so you can respond to
// a user canceling the sign-in flow
oncancel: function() { /* do something */ }
Here's an example that shows this in action:
However, on FirefoxOS, you should be aware that installed apps (not packaged or certified, but generic installed apps) are given a unique origin of the form app://{uuid}, with a different uuid for each device. This is unfortunately useless for sign-in purposes because there's no way for your server to know whether an app requesting sign-in is friend or foe. The way around this problem is to run your persona code in an invisible iframe hosted on your server. Thus the iframe will have the correct origin and your server will know it's your app. The iframe and the app can communicate via postMessage.
In the case of a packaged app (sometimes called a privileged app), your origin will be the origin declared in your webapp manifest. E.g., app:// This gives you better assurance that the app is really yours, but the truly paranoid may still wish to deploy the iframe trick.
Hope this helps!