Dispatch actions on authentication with Nuxt.js - vue.js

I have an nuxt.js app that a user can log in to. Whenever the user is authenticated using the nuxt/auth module. I want the app to fetch some data using the nuxtServerInit.
Currently I have this in my nuxtServerInit:
export const actions = {
async nuxtServerInit({ dispatch }) {
if (this.$auth.loggedIn) {
await dispatch('products/getProducts')
This works well if I'm authenticated and the page is refreshed. The problem seems to be whenever I'm redirected after authentication, these actions are never called, thus not populating the store.
I have tried to use the fetch method instead, but in only works on the page with the fetch statement, not every page in my application. Also I don't want the http calls to be made with every page change.


Nuxt 3: plugin and global middleware infinite loop?

Developing the app using Nuxt 3 I made a global middleware that should run before every page loads. The middleware should check the JWT token in cookies and ask the API about the user if JWT exists. It looks somehow like that.
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware(async (to, from) => {
const {getUser, authByHash} = useAuthStore();
await getUser();
The result - Nuxt DDOSes the API and sends requests every 1-2 seconds. Without any page refreshes and changes. What can it be?
P.S. Plugins execute repeatedly also

Vue,js used with Supabase - can't update signIn button after logging in with Oauth

async handleSignInSignOutButtonClick() {
if (!this.isSignedIn) {
supabase.auth.signIn({ provider: "google" });
this.$store.commit("signIn", supabase.auth.session());
await this.$store.commit("signOut");
The above function is triggered by a sign-in button, which is supposed to become a sign-out button and the icon of the user after logging in.
When The function fires, supabase redirects me to Google OAuth consent screen. However, after logging in and redirecting back to my app, the sign-in button stays there until I manually refresh the page.
What is wrong with my code...
There are a couple of things going on that you need to be aware of. For starters you are reloading your page when you don't need to in the handleSignInSignOutButtonClick() function.
When the authentication process begins, your app will be redirected to Google OAuth consent screen as you have discovered. Once the authentication is complete, you will be redirected back to your app and the reload occurs automatically.
The second point is that you can make use of the supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange() event to help you. My suggestion would be to listen for this event when you create your supabase client so it listens for the duration of your app instance. During that event handling, you can assign the user to the store (or anywhere you want to save the user data) based upon the state change. Your app can be reactive to state changes.
In your supabase client setup code:
const supabaseUrl = process.env.SUPABASE_URL // your supabaseUrl
const supabaseAnonKey = process.env.SUPABASE_ANON_KEY // your supabaseKey
const supabase = createClient(supabaseUrl, supabaseAnonKey)
* Set up the authentication state change listener
* #param {string} event The event indicates what state changed (SIGN_IN, SIGN_OUT etc)
* #param {object} session The session contains the current user session data or null if there is no user
supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange((event, session) => {
const user = session?.user || null;
// Save your user to your desired location
$store.commit("user", user);
Now you have your user data being saved whenever the user logs in and a null being set for the user data when the user logs out. Plus any page refreshes are handled by the change state event listener or any other instance that might change the user state. For example, you could have other login or logout buttons and the single listener would pick them up.
Next is to deal with the actual process of logging in or out. In your component Vue file (from your example):
async handleSignInSignOutButtonClick() {
if ($store.state.user === null) {
await supabase.auth.signIn(
{ provider: "google" },
{ redirectTo: "where_to_go_on_login" }))
} else {
await supabase.auth.signOut()
Finally for your button change state to indicate logged in or logged out, you can simply observe the store user state.
<button v-if="user">Sign Out</button>
<button v-else>Sign In</button>
This way your button will update whenever the user state changes. The user state changes whenever a user logs in or out, and your code is much more compact and readable.
Once final observation that you may already be doing anyway. I would recommend that you put all of your authentication code into a single file and expose the log in and log out functions for your app use as an export to use in component files. This way everything to do with login and logout is handled in a single location and this code is abstracted away from the component file. If you ever wanted to switch from Supabase you could easily update one or two files and everything else would just keep working.

Load async data into the vuex store when Nuxt app loads

I am trialling a project in Nuxt. Liking it so far except I am a little confused as to how to load data from an external async service so that it is available in Vuex from the very first route.
I have tried adding middleware on the default layout to dispatch the store action but I do not see the service being called straight away. Only when I navigate deeper into the routes do I see the action dispatched.
I did something similar in a standard Vue project and added the created method to the App.vue.
Is there a similar way in Nuxt?
What you need is called a fetch.
The fetch method, if set, is called every time before loading the component (only for page components). It will be called server-side once (on the first request to the Nuxt app) and client-side when navigating to further routes.
Warning: You don't have access of the component instance through this inside fetch because it is called before initiating the component.
async fetch({ store }) {
await store.dispatch('your-action')
If you need parameter:
async fetch({ store, params }) {
await store.dispatch('your-action', params.id)
I gave an example of id. The name of the parameter depends on the name of your page.
_id => params.id
_slug => parmas.slug

How to implement Auth0 server-side with Nuxtjs?

I have a Nuxt app with authentication already running in universal mode.
I'm trying to convert the authentication service to Auth0. I'm following the Vue quickstart, but I discovered that auth0-js is a client side library since it uses a lot of 'window'-stuff that is not available on the server-side of Nuxt.
However, I got it kind of working by making it a client-side plugin and wrap all functions (that is calling the authservice in the lifecycle hooks) in a process.client check. It works "kind of" because when going to the protected page whilst not logged in, it flashes the page before being redirected to login page (since its rendered on the server-side as well, but the check only happens once it's delivered on the client side I presume).
My question now is: What can I do in order to add the check to server-side as well? (or at least make sure that the protected pages isn't flashed before being redirected).
What I've tried so far:
Saving the payload and the logged-in state in the store and check in some custom middleware, but that didn't do the trick.
Also, it seems to me that #nuxt/auth is outdated or something and the nuxt auth0 example as well. It uses auth0-lock while I'm using the new auth0 universal.
Anyone have suggestions on how to solve this issue? Thanks in advance!
not sure if this will be any help and have only answered a few questions (other account long time ago).
Update.. I read my answer then the question title (I think my answer does cover some of your context), but in regards to the title you could also look at using auth as a plugin. You can then handle stuff there before the page is hit.
I am not sure how your code is implemented, but this may help (hopefully).
If you are not using Vuex, I strong recommend it. Nuxt Vuex Store Guide
// index/store.js
// At least have the store initialized, but its most likely going to be used..
// page.vue
<div v-else-if="!$auth.loggedIn">
{{ test }}
data() {
if (!this.$auth.loggedIn) {
const test = 'Only this will load, no flash'
return { test }
$auth.loggedIn is built in, I read it ..somewhere.. in the docs
This will solve the no flash issue, you can also take advantage of a loader screen and asyncData to check the state before rendering the view to avoid a flash and populate data if it hangs.
You could also try using Vuex Actions, I am currently playing with these 2 in the process of where I am now. Learning about nuxtServerInit()
// store/index.js
import axios from 'axios'
export const actions = {
nuxtServerInit ({commit}, {request}) {
// This is good if you have the user in your request or other server side stuff
if (request.user) commit('SET_USER', request.user)
async GET_USER({ commit }, username) {
const user = await axios.get(`/user/${username}`)
if (user) commit('SET_USER', user)
export const mutations = {
SET_USER(state, user) {
// simple set for now
state.auth.user = user || null
The second one is combined using the fetch() method on the page itself.
// page.vue
async fetch({ $auth, store }) {
await store.dispatch('GET_USER', $auth.$state.user)
Now you can call $auth.user in your code as needed.
$auth.user is another built in I read ..somewhere..
You can also call $auth.user with the $auth.loggedIn to check if user exists on top of being logged in $auth.user && $auth.loggedIn.
It may be this.$auth.<value> depending on where you are trying to reference it.
I learned the asyncData() gets call first and logs in my server, then data() logs values in the server console as well (false, null), but in my Brave console they're undefined, i'd like an answer to that lol
I have been struggling with trying to get Auth0 to work how I wanted with JWTs, but as I kept crawling I found useful bits along the way (even in old demos such as the one you mentioned, just nothing with the lock stuff...). Also in terms of express and my API in general... Anyways, hope this helped (someone).

Handling browser history with React-Redux

We are using React-Redux in your application. The problem is that we want to do undo and redo Redux state based on user navigation from browser buttons. Assume user is in page A and user browses couple of other pages and then he navigates to page A, for instance. Now If user presses back button in the browser, he'll go back to page A but here we want to have the previous instance of state which application had when user the page A.
Is there a centralized approach to solve this problem that doesn't need to handle the state manipulation manually.
What you are trying to achieve is a default behavior of React-Redux. If you are not trying to dispatch some actions, which manipulates specific component's state, when a route changes, it should persist its old state, without any additional functionality.
So my guess is that you are dispatching some actions when new route loads the component. How it could be dealt with this (e.g not to fetch resources from rest API once it existed, which finally caused to manipulate component) is here: https://github.com/reactjs/redux/blob/master/examples/async/src/actions/index.js#L35
const shouldFetchPosts = (state, reddit) => {
const posts = state.postsByReddit[reddit]
if (!posts) {
return true
if (posts.isFetching) {
return false
return posts.didInvalidate
export const fetchPostsIfNeeded = reddit => (dispatch, getState) => {
if (shouldFetchPosts(getState(), reddit)) {
return dispatch(fetchPosts(reddit))
So what this is doing is that it won't pass a new data into component once route changes if it already exists, so the old data/state stays there. You can abstract this functions more to make it easily reusable for all the other components.