Vue JS: Add number of available options in select drop down menu - vue.js

I'm trying to display the number of options next to each item in a select drop-down menu. Like in the example.
My data is pulled from a JSON using AXIOS. Here is one line from an object in my array
"Data": {
"K": "Part Time, Full-time",
and the computed property which I'm attempting to create. It brings back a number but not the ones I would like. Can anyone help me out with this, please?
computed: {
feeCount() {
const feeResults = this.results.filter(
(result) => result.Data && result.Data.K
return feeResults.length;

Your problem is that "Part Time, Full-time" is a string, not an array, so you're getting the length of the string instead.
You can use result.Data.K.split(',') to generate an array then count the length from that.


Vuetify / Vue (2) data table not sorting / paginating upon new bound prop

Keeping the table as basic as possible to figure this out. I am struggling to learn how to create server side sorting/pagination to function in vuetify. When I add the :options or :server-items-length bind the table no longer sorts or paginates.
Without either of those, I get a default listing of 10 items per row - and the sorting all works perfectly fine as well the pagination. However, parameters in the api require a page item count thus forcing a hardcoded number or using the :options bind. If i just place a hard coded number things work fine, but when I bind I get proper items per page but no sorting and pagination.
Very simple data table:
//Base data returns, with headers and options as well the array that items are stored in.
data() {
return {
TableData: {
isLoading: true,
TableHeaders: [
{ value: "title", text: "Title" },
{ value: 'artist', text: 'Artist' },
{ value: 'upc', text: 'UPC' },
{ value: "retailPrice", text: "Price/Quantity"},
page: 1,
itemsPerPage: 15
//Then last, my async method to grab the data from the api, and place it in the itemresults array.
async getProducts(){
this.TableData.isLoading = true;
const { page, itemsPerPage } = this.options;
var temp = await this.$axios.get(`Inventory/InventoryListing_inStock/1/${page}/${itemsPerPage}`);
this.ItemResults =;
this.TableData.isLoading = false;
return this.ItemResults;
I have tried following Vuetify Pagination and sort serverside guide, but I'm not sure where they are recommending to make the axios call.
The lead backend dev is working on setting a sorting function up in the api for me to call paramaters to as well - Im not sure how that will function along side.
but I dont know how to have this controlled by vuetify eithier, or the best practice here.
I've synced the following:
but i think I dont need to sync the last two. My options:
page: 1,
itemsPerPage: 15,
sortBy: ['title'],
sortDesc: [false]
and in my data I put the array for sort by and sort desc
sortBy: [
'title', 'artist', 'upc', 'retailPrice'
sortDesc:[true, false],
pagination is now working, and sort ascending is now working, but when I click to descend the header I get an error that the last two params are empty on update to / / instead of /sortBy/sortDesc result. So its not listing the values on changes.
When your component mounts, you need to fetch the total number of items available on the server and the first page of data, and set these as :items and :server-items-length. The latter will (as you observed) disable paging and sorting, as your server will take care of it, and it is used to calculate the total number of pages given a selected page size.
Now you need to know when to reload data. For this, you either bind options to the v-data-table with two-way binding (.sync) and set a watcher on it, or you listen to the update:options event. And whenever options change, you fetch the selected data from the server.
That's basically all it takes.
In your template:
#update:options="options => loadPage(options)"
In your component:
methods: {
async loadPage(options){
this.items = [] // if you want to show DataTable's loading-text
this.items = await fetch('yourUrl' + new URLSearchParams({
// build url params from the options object
offset: ( - 1) * options.itemsPerPage,
limit: options.itemsPerPage,
orderBy:,ix) => [sb, options.sortDesc[ix] ? 'desc' : 'asc'])

Vue: Setting Data by matching route query

I'm attempting to set data fields provided by an array based on the Vue Router query. For example, when someone lands on my website using, I want to set the location data by an array.
An example the array:
locations {
slug: "texas",
tagline: "Welcome to Texas",
}, {
slug: "california",
tagline: "Welcome to California",
I know this should be done using a computed property, however I am unable to get anything functioning. I've tried simple tests like if (this.slug.location === "texas"), and I cannot get the location data to populate. I would also like to provide default data in case there are no route matches.
Any help is extremely appreciated!
I can accomplish this in a very manual way. Right now, I'm setting the query in data by the following:
slug: this.$route.query.location
I can display specific text by doing something like:
h3(v-if="slug === 'texas'") This will show for texas
h3(v-else-if="slug === 'california'") This will show for California
h3(v-else) This is default
The issue with this approach is there are various elements I need to customize depending on the slug. Is there any way I can create an array, and move whichever array matches a key in an array to the data??
You should be able to access a query param using the following (link to Vue Router documentation):
So based on what you listed I would do something like...
export default {
computed: {
displayBasedOnLocationQueryParam() {
switch(this.$route.query.location) {
case 'texas':
return 'Welcome to Texas'
return 'hello there, generic person'
Note that I'm not using your array explicitly there. The switch statement can be the sole source of that logic, if need be.

Input field not reacting to data changes after being written to by a user

While creating a Vue.js application I have become stuck at a weird problem. I want to be able to manipulate an input field (think increment and decrement buttons and erasing a zero value on focus, so the user doesn't have to) and up until a user writes to the input field, everything is fine. After that, however, further changes in the data are no longer represented in the input field.
As I was sure I could not be the only one with this particular problem, I searched extensively, but had no luck. What baffles me the most is that everything works until the field is written to, since I can not really imagine why this would remove the data binding.
The following code should show the same behavior. It is an input field component, which is initialized with a zero value. On focus the zero gets removed. This works, until a user manually writes to the field after which zero values will no longer be removed, even though the focus method fires, the if-condition is met and the data in the amount-variable is changed.
Vue.component('item', {
data: function () {
return {
amount: 0
render: function (createElement) {
var self = this;
return createElement('input', {
attrs: {
//bind data to field
value: self.amount,
type: 'number'
on: {
//update data on input
input: function (event) {
self.amount =;
//remove a zero value on focus for user convenience
focus: function (event) {
if (self.amount == 0 || self.amount == "0") {
self.amount = '';
I think you need to use domProps instead of attrs to make it reactive. But I would suggest you use vue's template syntax or if you insist on using the render function I would also suggest you to use JSX.

Integrate Bootstrap typeahead js with Bootstrap Datatable

I am using bootstrap data-tables Datatables and bootstrap-taginput with typehead.js. I am new with bootstrap data-tables.
Here is the layout of my bootstrap data-tables Example and please consider Bootstrap tagging input box on top.
I want to search data-tables records with bootstrap tagging elements. but somehow i am unable to search with bootstrap tagging.
Thanks in advance.
If you start out with an empty array of the data you've got on your table you could do something clever by replacing the built in search box. In the example I'm linking to I don't care about one of the columns and the other columns need a little formatting:
var words = [];
var table = $('#example').DataTable({
"columns": [
null, {
"render": function(data, type, row) {
~words.indexOf(data) || words.push(data);
return data;
}, {
"render": function(data, type, row) {
var d = data.replace(/\, /g, " ");
~words.indexOf(d) || words.push(d);
return data.split(", ").join("<br/>");
"initComplete": function() {
var searchBox = $("#example_wrapper").find("input[type='search']");
var searchBoxHolder = searchBox.parent();
searchBoxHolder.append($("<input/>", {
"type": "text"
source: words,
afterSelect: function(word) {;
}).on("keyup", function(x) {
if (words.indexOf($( === -1) {$(;
Basically what we're doing here is creating a blank array of search terms then iterating over each second and third cell and adding the term to the array if it doesn't exist. In the case of the third cell I need to clear some formatting (extra comma). Then we get the original search box and it's parent. Remove the original and append the new one to the parent. We then set it up as a typeahead with the list of search terms. We need to make sure it still acts like the original so we add the keyup function. I hope that makes sense.
Working example is here, hope that helps.

how do we read a csv file and display the same in dojo?

i want to write a dojo code where upon a button click i want to read a .csv file and display the .csv file in a datagrid using Dojo. Can anyone please help me with this?
Your best try is to retrieve the data using the dojo/request/xhr module, with it you can retrieve an external CSV file. For example:
require(["dojo/request/xhr"], function(xhr) {
xhr.get("myfile.csv", {
handleAs: "text"
}).then(function(data) {
// Use data
Well, now you have the data as a string in your data parameter, what you now need to do is parse that string. The easiest way is to split your string on each enter, for example:
var lines = data.split(/\r?\n/);
The \r is optional (depends on the system you're using), but now you have each line seperated in an array element in lines. The next step is to retrieve each seperate value, for example by doing:
require(["dojo/_base/array"], function(array) {
/** Rest of code */
array.forEach(lines, function(line) {
var cells = line.split(',');
Then you have your data splitted by each comma. The next step is that you have to change it to a format that the dojox/grid/DataGrid can read. This means that you will probably convert the first line of your CSV content to your headers (if they contain headers) and the rest of the data to objects (in stead of arrays of strings).
You can get the first line with:
var headers = lines[0].split(',');
And the rest of the data with:
var otherData = lines.splice(1);
Now you should carefully read the documentation #MiBrock gave you, and with it you can transform the simple array of strings to the correct format.
The headers should become an array of objects like this:
[{ name: "display name", field: "field name" }, { /** other objects */ }]
I did that by doing:, function(header) {
return {
field: header,
name: header
This will actually convert [ "a", "b" ] to:
[{ field: "a", name: "a" }, { field: "b", name: "b" }]
Now you need to convert all other lines to objects containing a field with name a and a field with name b, you can do that using:, function(line) {
var cells = line.split(','), obj = {};
array.forEach(cells, function(cell, idx) {
obj[headers[idx]] = cell;
return obj:
This will actually retrieve the fieldname by retrieving the corresponding header value and output it as a single object.
Now you can put it in a grid, look at #MiBrock's answer for more details about how to do that. The final result would look a bit like this JSFiddle.
Note: Next time you encounter a problem you can't solve, handle the parts you actually can solve first and then ask a question about the other parts. I mean, it's hard to believe that you can actually not solve any of this by yourself. You should try and learn it by yourself first.
The dojo-smore project includes a CSV object store that loads data from CSV into an in-memory store which can then be used with any component that supports object stores, like dgrid. You shouldn’t try to do it yourself, like Dimitri M suggested, and you shouldn’t use the dojox grids, which are deprecated.
You can use to read a CSV store and use it in a data grid.
Have a look here :
and here:
This should help you to start with your Programming.
If you need further help, show us what you have tried to solve the Problem by posting your code and we'll be glad to help you.
Regards, Miriam