IntelliJ 2019.2 expecting to do the soft-wrap every time - intellij-idea

When I run the application, logs are printing and it's not wrapped. So I have enabled View -> Active Editor -> Soft-Wrap.
It's wrapping it temporarily. If I try to run application again, it's not wrapping and again
I am enabling the soft-wrap.
Is there any permanent solution?

There is a dedicated tool bar button on the Run/Debug console to enable soft wraps. This setting is remembered. Or you can use the Use soft wraps in console option in Preferences | Editor | General | Console.


Invoke an intelliJ run/debug configuration from command line?

I've got some Run/Debug Configurations defined in my JetBrains IDE, and to run them obviously you'd normally press the green 'play' icon;
However, I want to combine that with scripts I've got on my machine which detect file system changes and re-run some validation steps in the background;
Now what I'd like to do is to say something like 'when the CLI detects that something is stale, start the run/debug configuration in the IDE'.
So in pseudo-bash, something like
# if any "*.rs" file changes, press the green button in intellij;
watch-files *.rs -x "run-intellij-config 'check controlplane'
Is it possible to invoke tasks within IntelliJ like this?
There is no way to do this currently, please vote for IDEA-157076 to be notified on any progress with this feature request

Angular CLI does not recompile on save with IntelliJ

I have the following issue - I am using Angular CLI (v1.1.1) with IntelliJ (v2017.1.4) and sometimes when I save a file my changes are not reflected so I need to restart the ng serve command. In these cases there is no [rendered] indicator in the console.
Any ideas?
Seems angular-cli/webpack still don't correctly handle 'safe writes'. Please try disabling Use "safe write" in File | Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings

My run console disapear in Intellij

I work on Intellij but I don't know where my Run console is gone.
If I open intellij on another computer, I can add the Run console like this:
I dont find Run in this panel on the first computer'Intellij and in View -> Tool Windos -> Run is shaded (like below):
Thank you
View->Tool Windows->Terminal, can this help?

How to run Play Framework 2.x in debug mode in IntelliJ IDEA?

I want to run Play Framework 2.x in debug mode in IntelliJ IDEA. I searched in the Internet and all results say that you have to use play console.
Is it possible to run in debug mode in IntelliJ IDEA without using play console?
Using activator :
From Terminal (Not intellij terminal), enter command : activator ui
Open your existing app
Choose "Code view & Open in IDE
In Browse Code, click setting icon
Choose Open Project in Intellij IDEA
Open Intellij IDEA
Open project - browse your app directory
Run - Edit Configuration
Add new configuration - Remote
Add name
transport : socket, debugger mode : attach, Host : localhost, port : 9999
module clashpath : your app
Tools - Open Terminal
activator -jvm-debug 9999 run
Run debug
Open browser localhost:9000
You need to use Idea 12+ Ultimate Edition
Install Play 2.0 Support, Scala and other required plugins in Idea
In command line perform play idea to generate project
Open created project in Idea (open, don't import)
Go to: Menu > Run > Edit Configurations... > Add New Configuration... > choose Play 2 App
In Menu > Run new buttons will appear Debug and Run, first will run app with enabled debbuger.
Preparation: Do not use the project creation by activator ui or similar. Just
open the project in IntelliJ.
activator -jvm-debug 9999 ~run. The ~ before run enables automatic reloading of generated HTML pages
In IntelliJ:
Run > Edit Configurations...
Select Defaults/Remote
Click on the green + at the upper left corner
Give the name "Play 2"
Ensure that Transport:Socket and Debugger mode:Attach are selected
Type in 9999 as port
Press "OK"
Run > Debug Play 2 (second entry in the list)
Pro hint: Check out the play-auto-refresh plugin to have Chrome automatically reloading on a change.
(based on #ARM's answer)
Open Intellij IDEA
Open project - browse your app directory Run - Edit Configuration
Add new configuration - Play2
Add http://localhost:9000 to url to open option
Add -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -Xss1M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=256M to JVM option
Set Debug port to 9999
Set your debug point and debug your application. Cheers :)
FYI : All of the above fields might filled up already
this works for me and maybe easier
file menue => settings => Build, Execution, Deployment => sbt => check "Enable debugging for sbt shell"
idea sbt shell now will start with debug enable, log out the port as "Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 52701"
Run/Debug Configurations => Add(the pluss(+) sign) => Remote => Set "Port" And "Use module classpath"
just type run in sbt shell, then click debug button
screent shot
enable idea emaded sbt debug
sbt shell start log
add remote in "Run/Debug"
type run here

Intellij: Run button disabled for tcServer

I am new to IntelliJ and trying to get my web application to launch using tcServer
I am using a local configuration, and have added a run configuration. See attached screenshots
However, when I attempt to run this, the Run button is disabled.
What am I missing here?
You have edited a default configuration, you did not add a new runnable server configuration. In order to do that click on the green + sign at the top left of the run screen.
You should remove the war from the default configuration and add it in the newly created server.
see attached, screenshot, you can see the difference between a default and a runnable configuration
It seems you have to use the little green "+" in the upper left corner. The one you edited is just the default setting for your spring server. If you add a specific run configuration like that to your project it will appear. Good luck.