Angular CLI does not recompile on save with IntelliJ - intellij-idea

I have the following issue - I am using Angular CLI (v1.1.1) with IntelliJ (v2017.1.4) and sometimes when I save a file my changes are not reflected so I need to restart the ng serve command. In these cases there is no [rendered] indicator in the console.
Any ideas?

Seems angular-cli/webpack still don't correctly handle 'safe writes'. Please try disabling Use "safe write" in File | Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings


Intellij GitToolBox Plugin Spawns dozens of ssh.exe that never close

I just started at a new company and they use Intellij with the GitToolBox plugin. Their code is on BitBucket. I seem to be able to do everything manually so I think Git and the SSH stuff is all connected. When I open Intellij it opens up a dozen or more ssh.exe and maxes out my CPU (i9) and will stay that way forever until I manually kill them. When I try to fetch it also runs forever and never shows progress or completes. I verified that it is indeed the GitToolBox plugin as this issue does not occur when I remove that plugin. I have tried older versions as well as adding/removing the plugin.
The only thing I can see in the Intellij logs are repo hash mismatch INFO messages and the following:
2021-08-16 14:04:36,198 [ 557785] WARN - nSystem.impl.ActionToolbarImpl - 'TodoViewToolbar' toolbar by default uses any focused component to update its actions. Toolbar actions that need local UI context would be incorrectly disabled. Please call toolbar.setTargetComponent() explicitly.
java.lang.Throwable: toolbar creation trace
2021-08-16 14:04:59,580 [ 581167] WARN - penapi.actionSystem.impl.Utils - Use DataManager.getDataContext(component) instead of SimpleDataContext for wrapping.
java.lang.Throwable: Use DataManager.getDataContext(component) instead of SimpleDataContext for wrapping.
Has anyone encountered this or know how to fix it?
For anyone that happens upon this issue, I installed Git For Windows incorrectly and was using the "Git Bash only" option instead of the "Command line and 3rd party apps" option during the initial install. To change these you have to completely uninstall g4w and reinstall it selecting the new options.

IntelliJ 2019.2 expecting to do the soft-wrap every time

When I run the application, logs are printing and it's not wrapped. So I have enabled View -> Active Editor -> Soft-Wrap.
It's wrapping it temporarily. If I try to run application again, it's not wrapping and again
I am enabling the soft-wrap.
Is there any permanent solution?
There is a dedicated tool bar button on the Run/Debug console to enable soft wraps. This setting is remembered. Or you can use the Use soft wraps in console option in Preferences | Editor | General | Console.

Flow in JetBrains/IntelliJ IDEA

It seems like JetBrains supports Flow type checker but I'm not seeing the flow error in the IDE.
Is there a way to enable it?
Flow Type Checker is not yet supported, please follow WEB-14254 for updates.
Idea just supports Flow syntax (static typing). See
I've put together an experimental plugin integrating Flow error reports into IDEA/WebStorm as error annotations:
#lena is correct.
As an aside, I run flow through the npm panel. As long as flow is a script in your package.json, I run in by right-clicking on package.json and Show npm scripts. Then just double click on flow or re-run it as needed in the Run panel.
As of Nov 2016 Jetbrains Webstorm / IntelliJ IDEA now supports Flow:
In Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> Javascript select Flow
Running Flow Server in WebStorm
check the version of your flow-bin, only 0.59.0 works with WebStorm.
run this command to install flow-bin globally:
npm i -g flow-bin#0.59.0
Adding flow config file to your project
npm flow init
finding node-modules global path : copy this path , We will use it in WebStorm settings.
npm list -g
WebStorm Setting :
Go to here :
File > Settings > languages and Frameworks > Javascript
Select flow in drop-down menu.
In Flow executable paste global path of flow-bin (local path doesn't work). and with three dots button select the proper folder for your operating system.
In Use-Flow-server-for section tick Type checking box and then hit Apply button.
Find this section in settings :
Editor > Inspections > Javascript > Flow Type Checker
ensure Flow errors check box is active
Hit Apply and Ok
After that flow server should be started when you open project in Webstorm.
Don't forget to put
// #flow
at top of your files.

pub serve not updating web unless I restart it

In IntelliJ there's a tab that says "Pub Serve", when I hit Ctrl + Shift + R, I can see plenty of output on the Pub Serve output terminal and it launches the Chromium that came with the Dart Editor displaying my web application.
Now if I make a change to any of the dart files or html files or even index.html and refresh in Chromium, I don't see the changes until I click the stop button on Pub Serve.
I've installed the JetBrains plugin in Chromium to see if it makes a difference, non whatsoever.
Running pub serve from command line does exactly the same, until you kill it and re-run pub serve, your changes doesn't become visible.
Any idea on how I can have pub serve automatically reload upon code changes?
I think this could be related:
It seems the problem is caused by Safe Write, there's a temp workaround:
WEB-13739 Pub Serve on Mac OS doesn't notice that file contents
changed, so refresh in browser shows old cached contents In DartEditor
you can work like this:
Start debug (this will start pub serve which takes a while).
Edit template in polymer element
Save (Now DartEditor does something to recompile the polymer template, AFAIK it does not do a full restart of pub serve because it
is faster).
Refresh browser, you see the change in the template.
But in Webstorm 9 EAP October 8 version, this workflow is not
possible. I have to kill pub serve and restart in order to see my
change in the polymer component's template. I would like Webstorm to
work the same as DartEdtior so I can have the same save/refresh
development cycle.
Workaround: uncheck 'safe write' mode in Preferences | Appearance &
Behavior | System Settings and vote for the corresponding issue in the
Google issue tracker.
This workaround is relevant to IntelliJ Ultimate as well.
Vote for bug fix here:
Bug was fixed:
This should be working now. The underlying issue was in the watcher
package, fixed here:
Then pulled into the repo for pub and tested here:
Thanks Bob!

phpStorm 7 Code completion stopped working

I have been working with phpStorm and it had suddenly stopped showing suggestions for code completion. When i do Ctrl + space its behaving correctly by showing all the possible options in a drop down.
I have followed the below link and have did invalidate cache but still of no use.
PhpStorm code completion doesn't show core classes/extensions
My Setup is:
OS: Mac - 10.9.2 (Mavericks)
PHPStorm: 7.1.3
I just had the same problem, fixed it when I realized I mistakenly put PHPStorm in Power Save Mode. Click the little fellow on the bottom right of your PHPStorm window and switch that off
Indeed, the Power saving mode (File > Power Saving Mode) allow you to disable the code inspection functionnality.
However sometimes the PhpStorm code analysis failed and you lost your code completion. In this case you juste have to ask for a new code analysis (File > Synchronize [CTRL+ALT+Y]) or invalid the cache and force a restart (File > Invalid cache / Restart).
Hope that helps.
Invalidating the cache did not work for me, but this did:
Enable power save mode (File > Power Save Mode), then disable it.
If your are using a Linux distro (Ubuntu, Debian, Centos) etc, it is due to ibus.
Just change the Shortcut (run: ibus-setup and change to Super+Ctrl+Space for instance) and everything will be fine again.
Or (my favorite): uninstall ibus if you are not using it.
In a Debian/Ubuntu distro should be:
sudo apt-get remove ibus
Ctrl+Space autocompletion should be back.
It was power saving mode for me too. It's an option at the bottom of the File menu.
install a previous version
Worked for me after I tried everything.
I struggled with this for a few hours this morning. After invalidation of caches, a complete reinstall, etc.. nothing worked.
I closed phpstorm and removed the .idea folder in the filesystem. I then renamed the project folder and reopened it. Autocomplete was now working!
I noticed that phpstorm then created the old project directory in the background, even though I did not open it and put a .idea folder in it. Something is obviously corrupted here.
" ... stopped showing suggestions for code completion".
On mac you can invoke it by fn+ctrl+space.
Going to php-storm -> Settings -> Keymap -> Set Active Changelist you can see it is associated with ^+space.
on windows ctrl+space