Material UI button label colour won't change after changing disabled state - safari

After changing programmatically the "disabled" parameter of Material UI button the labels' color won't change on Safari. (It works for Chrome).
CodeSandbox link:

According to this issue
you need to add a prop key to your <Button> component to force it to re-render:
<Button key={`${disabled}`} disabled={disabled} />


Bind arrow keys to Buefy pagination

Is there a built in way to bind arrow keys (right, left) to the buefy pagination element? Or do I need to use the vanillaJS keyboard events?
Vue defines key modifiers
<button v-on:keyup.left="goPrevious" />
<button v-on:keyup.right="goNext" />

How to set a clear button in textfield for android in titanium?

I am trying to set a clear button in text field using clearbuttonmode where it is working fine with Ios Platform and is not showing up in android.
Since clearButtonMode (check your spelling) is only available for iOS as you can see in the documentation I would go the multiplatform way and create a own button and add it next to the TextField. The buttons just sets the TextField value to "" to clear the field. You could even put everything inside a <View> with a white background and a border so it will look like the clear Button is inside the TextField
pseudo code:
<View height="Ti.UI.SIZE" width="300">
<TextField left="0" right="40"/>
<Button width="40" right="0"/>

Calculating a popover position from a button click, instead of an SVG inside the button

I have been struggling for the past few hours to get a button click to work. The button contains text and an SVG, when clicking on it it opens a popover component.
The popover calculates its position on the element that was clicked upon. This works when clicking on the button itself, but when clicking on the SVG inside of the button, the dimensions/offsets from the SVG are used to calculate popover position instead.
What am I looking for: a way to bubble the click on the SVG to the button, then using the event object from the button click to calculate the popover position.
How my button with events looks like right now:
<button type="button"
Go do magical stuff
<svg path="" />
I have tried playing with #click.modifiers on both the button and SVG, but to no avail.. Hope someone has the answer for me! :)
You can get the button's reference by passing the $event as a parameter to your function, and then accessing the .currentTarget of that reference:
<button type="button"
Go do magical stuff
<svg path="" />
And then in your function:
popButtonClicked (event) {
Working codepen:

how to make tabs height fixed in native-base

all tabs height increase when one tab is list and scrolls in native-base
This is how it works
When you use native-base, try to put <Tabs /> outside <Content /> because makes it scrollable.
As in the docs it outside content

How to make button invisible but it's content should be visible in xaml

Below is code for my button, so what properties should I add to make button invisible but content must be visible.
<Button x:Name="PART_PreviousButton"
Opacity="0" />
You need to edit the button Template to have this kind of result.
This link explains it pretty well, the easiest way is to do it with blend: