Tinymce: How to trigger autocomplete when I do execCommand('mceInsertContent', '#') - tinymce-5

When I press the button do execCommand('mceInsertContent', '#') and insert # to the tinymce editor, but the autocompleter doesnt display.
The image:


Selecting popup without title and clicking button inside it with geb

I have a popup without title and I want to detect the window using any other criteria (for example a div that wraps the whole popup) and click a button inside it.
I've tried the following:
withWindow({ $("div", class:"main.msgAlert" )}) {
then: true
But I always get a org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotVisibleException at te #close action.
Am I failing at detecting the window or is the error related to the button?

apex 5.0.1 and css class for HTML button

in apex 4.2.3 i can add class to my button using
Button style : HTML button
Button CSS Classes : myclass
in apex 5
Button style is changed by Button template (HTML button (legacy - APEX5 migration)
==> Where can i put my button css class ?
CSS Classes is hidden by default to display it we have to do one of the two things
1- click on Show all
2- click on "Go to group" then "Appearance"

Tool Tip obscures button

I want to pop up a tool tip when mouse moves over button, to explain what will happen if the user clicks on the button.
This code seems to do the job ( except for a big snag )
wxHelpProvider::Set(new wxSimpleHelpProvider);
btnDisplay = new wxButton( this, -1,
"DISPLAY", wxPoint(10,35));
btnDisplay->SetHelpText("Click to display this dimension");
btnDisplay->Bind( wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW, &cHiddenDimensionPanel::OnDisplayHelp, this );
void cHiddenDimensionPanel::OnDisplayHelp(wxMouseEvent& event)
The snag is that the tooltip obscures the button! If I click on it, the tool tip vanishes for a moment, but immediately pops back up. It is not possible to click the button under the tooltip.
You should be using the SetToolTip(const wxString &tipString) method, and letting wx handle showing/hiding the tooltip - not re-appropriating the HelpText property and manually managing the tooltip display.

Twitter Bootstrap 3 accordion with show / hide button

I am working with twitter bootstrap 3 and the accordion module and I want to do as follows: a button that says 'show', and when it's shown, a button saying 'collapse'.
I have tried with data attributes but it didn't work.
The accordions are inside a loop with django.
I am using this js
$('a.accordion-toggle').click(function() {
if ( $(this).next('.accordion-body').hasClass('in') ) {
} else {
I have managed to make it work but it only switches the button once: all collapsed, button 'Open'. On shown, button 'Close'. But if I hide the accordion, the button doesn't change to 'Open' again.
You can do it using just CSS. I used the 'folder open' and 'folder closed' glyphicons. This is the Bootstrap example, I've just added the collapse class to the closed header anchors.
Here's an example:

flex edit menu operations on multiple textareas

I have a grid in which one column is having itemrenderer as textarea. My application is menu controled. Now I want to perform edit operations on the textarea using menu items.
Like if I select some text from a textarea in the grid, then I select a menu item "Cut" then it should cut the selected text from the textarea. In this manner I would lie to perform all operations.
I am not getting how to get that the operation is to be performed on which textarea?
inside your menu item click handler, try:
var fcs:IFocusManagerComponent = focusManager.getFocus();
if(fcs is TextArea)
var txt:String = TextArea(fcs).text;