Flipping the labels of a TF dataset - tensorflow

I want to create a malicious dataset for CIFAR-100 to test a Federated Learning Attack similar to this malicious dataset for EMNIST:
url_malicious_dataset = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/tff-experiments-public/targeted_attack/emnist_malicious/emnist_target.mat'
filename = 'emnist_target.mat'
path = tf.keras.utils.get_file(filename, url_malicious_dataset)
emnist_target_data = io.loadmat(path)
I tried the following to flip the label 0 to 4 in the extracted example dataset, but this method isn't working:
cifar_train, cifar_test = tff.simulation.datasets.cifar100.load_data(cache_dir=None)
example_dataset = cifar_train.create_tf_dataset_for_client(cifar_train.client_ids[0])
for example in example_dataset:
if example['label'].numpy() == 0:
example['label'] = tf.constant(4,dtype=tf.int64)
Any idea how to create a similar version of the malicious dataset for CIFAR-100 instead of EMNIST by correctly flipping labels?

In general, tf.data.Dataset objects can be modified using their .map method. So for example, a simple label flipping could be done as follows:
def flip_label(example):
return {'image': example['image'], 'label': 99-example['label']}
flipped_dataset = example_dataset.map(flip_label)
This reverses the labels 0-99. You could do something similar to send 0 to 4 and fix all other labels.
Note that if you'd like to apply this to all client datasets in cifar_train, you'd have to use the .preprocess method of tff.simulation.datasets.ClientData. That is, you could do something like cifar_train.preprocess(lambda x: x.map(flip_label)).


Streamlit with Tensorflow to analyse image and return the probability if is positive or negative

I'm trying to use Tensorflow to Machine Learning to analyze an image and return the probability if is positive or negative based on a model created (extension .h5). I couldn't found a documentation exactly for that, or repository, so even a link to read will be awesome.
Link for the application: https://share.streamlit.io/felipelx/hackathon/IDC_Detector.py
Libraries that I'm trying to use.
import numpy as np
import streamlit as st
import tensorflow as tf
from keras.models import load_model
The function to load the model.
def loadIDCModel():
model_idc = load_model('models/IDC_model.h5', compile=False)
return model_idc
The function to work the image, and what I'm trying to see: model.predict - I can see but is not updating the %, independent of the image the value is always the same.
if uploaded_file is not None:
# transform image to numpy array
file_bytes = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.load_img(uploaded_file, target_size=(96,96), grayscale = False, interpolation = 'nearest', color_mode = 'rgb', keep_aspect_ratio = False)
c.image(file_bytes, channels="RGB")
Genrate_pred = st.button("Generate Prediction")
if Genrate_pred:
model = loadMetModel()
input_arr = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.img_to_array(file_bytes)
input_arr = np.array([input_arr])
probability_model = tf.keras.Sequential([model, tf.keras.layers.Softmax()])
prediction = probability_model.predict(input_arr)
dict_pred = {0: 'Benigno/Normal', 1: 'Maligno'}
result = dict_pred[np.argmax(prediction)]
value = 0
if result == 'Benigno/Normal':
value = str(((prediction[0][0])*100).round(2)) + '%'
value = str(((prediction[0][1])*100).round(2)) + '%'
c.metric('Predição', result, delta=value, delta_color='normal')
Thank you in advance to any help.
The first thing I'm noticing is that your function for loading the model is named loadIDCModel, but then the function you call for loading the model is loadMetModel. When I check your source code, though, it looks like you've already addressed this issue. I'd recommend updating your question to reflect this.
Playing around with your application, I think the issue is your model itself. I tried various images — images containing carcinomas, and even a picture of a cat — and each gave me a probability around 73%. The lowest score I got was 72.74%, and the highest was 73.11% (this one was the cat). It seems that the output percentage is varying slightly, hinting that rather than something being wrong in the code, your model itself is likely at fault. You might need to retrain your model, as it seems to have learned to always return a value of approximately 0.73.

How to save the model comparison dataframe from compare_models() in pycaret?

I want to save the model comparison data frame from compare_models() in pycaret.
# load dataset
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
diabetes = get_data('diabetes')
# init setup
from pycaret.classification import *
clf1 = setup(data = diabetes, target = 'Class variable')
# compare models
best = compare_models()
i.e. this data frame as shown above.
Does anyone know how to do that?
The solution is :
df = pull()
by Goosang Yu from the pycaret slack community.
compare_models() returns a pandas dataframe, containing the information of the list of models. Hence, you only need to save a dataframe, which can be for example achieved with best.to_csv(path). If you want to save the object in a different format (pickle, xml, ...), you can refer to pandas i/o documentation.

Issue with np.vstack

I have split my data into training and test, followed by the split of training into another train set and a validation set. To this new train set and validation set I have applied the below transformation. I am implementing a Random forest regression, so at the next step I apply the transformations to these set and try to combine it into one. The issue is np.vstack isn't returning me the correct shape:
(2, 1) <- should have been (25455, 2394)
(21636, 2394)
(3819, 2394)
Could someone one tell me what am I doing wrong?
Xtrain_rf, Xtest_rf = train_test_split(insurance_data_prep, test_size=0.15, random_state=42)
Xtrain2_rf, Xval_rf = train_test_split(Xtrain_rf, test_size=0.15, random_state=42)
full_transform_rf = ColumnTransformer([
("num", StandardScaler(), attributes_num),
("cat", OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore'), attributes_cat),
## fit transform in the train set
Xtrain2_rf_att_prepared = full_transform_rf.fit_transform(Xtrain2_rf_att)
## transform in the validation set
Xval_rf_att_prepared = full_transform_rf.transform(Xval_rf_att)
whole_train_set_attributes_rf = np.vstack((Xtrain2_rf_att_prepared, Xval_rf_att_prepared))
I tried to replicate your code with a dataset of my own, and one problem I have ran into is that Xtrain2_rf_att and Xval_rf_att variables have not been defined in your code snippet. Those are the variables that you passed to your ColumnTransformer.
I guess that in your case the variables are defined but what you really want to pass to the ColumnTransformer are Xtrain2_rf and Xval_rf.
If this does not solve your problem, could you edit your question and add the following information?:
insurance_data_prep shape and columns (or some of them)
attributes_num and attributes_dat
clearly provide the outputs from the three prints statements at the end of your code and not just one of them
You might need to use a MRE to replace your dataframe, we will see

Dataset API 'flat_map' method producing error for same code which works with 'map' method

I am trying to create a create a pipeline to read multiple CSV files using TensorFlow Dataset API and Pandas. However, using the flat_map method is producing errors. However, if I am using map method I am able to build the code and run it in session. This is the code I am using. I already opened #17415 issue in TensorFlow Github repository. But apparently, it is not an error and they asked me to post here.
folder_name = './data/power_data/'
file_names = os.listdir(folder_name)
def _get_data_for_dataset(file_name,rows=100):#
df_input=pd.read_csv(os.path.join(folder_name, file_name.decode()),
usecols =['Wind_MWh','Actual_Load_MWh'],nrows = rows)
X_data = df_input.as_matrix()
X_data.astype('float32', copy=False)
return X_data
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(file_names)
dataset = dataset.flat_map(lambda file_name: tf.py_func(_get_data_for_dataset,
[file_name], tf.float64))
dataset= dataset.batch(2)
fiter = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
get_batch = iter.get_next()
I get the following error: map_func must return a Dataset object. The pipeline works without error when I use map but it doesn't give the output I want. For example, if Pandas is reading N rows from each of my CSV files I want the pipeline to concatenate data from B files and give me an array with shape (N*B, 2). Instead, it is giving me (B, N,2) where B is the Batch size. map is adding another axis instead of concatenating on the existing axis. From what I understood in the documentation flat_map is supposed to give a flatted output. In the documentation, both map and flat_map returns type Dataset. So how is my code working with map and not with flat_map?
It would also great if you could point me towards code where Dataset API has been used with Pandas module.
As mikkola points out in the comments, the Dataset.map() and Dataset.flat_map() expect functions with different signatures: Dataset.map() takes a function that maps a single element of the input dataset to a single new element, whereas Dataset.flat_map() takes a function that maps a single element of the input dataset to a Dataset of elements.
If you want each row of the array returned by _get_data_for_dataset() to
become a separate element, you should use Dataset.flat_map() and convert the output of tf.py_func() to a Dataset, using Dataset.from_tensor_slices():
folder_name = './data/power_data/'
file_names = os.listdir(folder_name)
def _get_data_for_dataset(file_name, rows=100):
df_input=pd.read_csv(os.path.join(folder_name, file_name.decode()),
usecols=['Wind_MWh', 'Actual_Load_MWh'], nrows=rows)
X_data = df_input.as_matrix()
return X_data.astype('float32', copy=False)
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(file_names)
# Use `Dataset.from_tensor_slices()` to make a `Dataset` from the output of
# the `tf.py_func()` op.
dataset = dataset.flat_map(lambda file_name: tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(
tf.py_func(_get_data_for_dataset, [file_name], tf.float32)))
dataset = dataset.batch(2)
iter = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
get_batch = iter.get_next()

TensorFlow: How to apply the same image distortion to multiple images

Starting from the Tensorflow CNN example, I'm trying to modify the model to have multiple images as an input (so that the input has not just 3 input channels, but multiples of 3 by stacking images).
To augment the input, I try to use random image operations, such as flipping, contrast and brightness provided in TensorFlow.
My current solution to apply the same random distortion to all input images is to use a fixed seed value for these operations:
def distort_image(image):
flipped_image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image, seed=42)
contrast_image = tf.image.random_contrast(flipped_image, lower=0.2, upper=1.8, seed=43)
brightness_image = tf.image.random_brightness(contrast_image, max_delta=0.2, seed=44)
return brightness_image
This method is called multiple times for each image at graph construction time, so I thought for each image it will use the same random number sequence and consequently, it will result in have the same applied image operations for my image input sequence.
# ...
# distort images
distorted_prediction = distort_image(seq_record.prediction)
distorted_input = []
for i in xrange(INPUT_SEQ_LENGTH):
stacked_distorted_input = tf.concat(2, distorted_input)
# Ensure that the random shuffling has good mixing properties.
min_queue_examples = int(num_examples_per_epoch *
# Generate a batch of sequences and prediction by building up a queue of examples.
return generate_sequence_batch(stacked_distorted_input, distorted_prediction, min_queue_examples,
batch_size, shuffle=True)
In theory, this works fine. And after doing some test runs, this really seemed to solve my problem. But after a while, I found out that I'm having a race-condition, because I use the input pipeline of the CNN-example code with multiple threads (which is the suggested method in TensorFlow to improve performance and reduce memory consumption at runtime):
def generate_sequence_batch(sequence_in, prediction, min_queue_examples,
num_preprocess_threads = 8 # <-- !!!
sequence_batch, prediction_batch = tf.train.shuffle_batch(
[sequence_in, prediction],
capacity=min_queue_examples + 3 * batch_size,
return sequence_batch, prediction_batch
Because multiple threads create my examples, it is not guaranteed anymore that all image operations are performed in the right order (in sense of the right order of random operations).
Here I came to a point where I got completely stuck. Does anyone know how to solve this problem to apply the same image distortion to multiple images?
Some thoughts of mine:
I thought about to do some synchronizations arround these image distortion methods, but I could find anything provided by TensorFlow
I tried to generate to generate a random number for e.g. the random brightness delta using tf.random_uniform() by myself and use this value for tf.image.adjust_contrast(). But the result of the TensorFlow random generator is always a tensor, and I have not found a way to use this tensor as a parameter for tf.image.adjust_contrast() which expects a simple float32 for its contrast_factor parameter.
A solution that would (partly) work would be to combine all images to a huge image using tf.concat(), apply random operations to change contrast and brightness, and split the image afterwards. But this would not work for random flipping, because this would (at least in my case) change the order of the images, and there is no way to detect whether tf.image.random_flip_left_right() has performed a flip or not, which would be required to fix the wrong order of images if necessary.
Here is what I came up with by looking at the code of random_flip_up_down and random_flip_left_right within tensorflow :
def image_distortions(image, distortions):
distort_left_right_random = distortions[0]
mirror = tf.less(tf.pack([1.0, distort_left_right_random, 1.0]), 0.5)
image = tf.reverse(image, mirror)
distort_up_down_random = distortions[1]
mirror = tf.less(tf.pack([distort_up_down_random, 1.0, 1.0]), 0.5)
image = tf.reverse(image, mirror)
return image
distortions = tf.random_uniform([2], 0, 1.0, dtype=tf.float32)
image = image_distortions(image, distortions)
label = image_distortions(label, distortions)
I would do something like this using tf.case. It allows you to specify what to return if certain condition holds https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/case
import tensorflow as tf
def distort(image, x):
# flip vertically, horizontally, both, or do nothing
image = tf.case({
tf.equal(x,0): lambda: tf.reverse(image,[0]),
tf.equal(x,1): lambda: tf.reverse(image,[1]),
tf.equal(x,2): lambda: tf.reverse(image,[0,1]),
}, default=lambda: image, exclusive=True)
return image
def random_distortion(image):
x = tf.random_uniform([1], 0, 4, dtype=tf.int32)
return distort(image, x[0])
To check if it works.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# create image
image = np.zeros((25,25))
image[:10,5:10] = 1.
# create subplots
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,2)
for i in axes.flatten(): i.axis('off')
with tf.Session() as sess:
for i in range(4):
distorted_img = sess.run(distort(image, i))
axes[i % 2][i // 2].imshow(distorted_img, cmap='gray')