xcode command line tools not able to locate git - command-line-tool

On Big Sur, I had XCode CLT installed, but not xcode itself. Git was working fine.
Then I installed XCode and now when I try to run git I get the following message:
git: error: Failed to determine realpath of '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.14.sdk' (errno=No such file or directory)
git: error: sh -c '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild -sdk /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.14.sdk -find git 2> /dev/null' failed with exit code 16384: (null) (errno=No such file or directory)
xcode-select: Failed to locate 'git', requesting installation of command line developer tools.
A popup comes up, asks to install CLT and when I say ok, it downloads and installs for a few minutes. But when it's done, I'm right back where I started.
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.14.sdk does not exist, but there are directories for 10.15, 11.1 and 11.3. But not 10.14.

Run the command:
sudo xcode-select -switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools

I had the same experience. The solution was to launch Xcode and complete that first run. It downloaded some stuff as part of the process and git was fine after that.
I was receiving the same block of error messages you were, but in either the line above or below was a tidbit suggesting to run xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch which I suspect would have had the same effect as manually running Xcode that first time.


Expo won't start the simulator / emulator

I always used to start my Expo project by typing in the terminal expo start and then i (for iOS simulator). The day after iOS 16 got released, Expo started to behave differently. After running expo start it gave me a warning: This command is being executed with the global Expo CLI. Learn more: https://blog.expo.dev/the-new-expo-cli-f4250d8e3421
To use the local CLI instead (recommended in SDK 46 and higher), run:
› npx expo start and after pressing i it threw the following error:
Error running xcrun simctl help: You may need to run sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app and try again.
XDLError: You may need to run sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app and try again.
Unable to verify Xcode and Simulator installation. After this I killed the terminal and in a new one I decided to follow the command it gave me in the warning (after running expo start). I ran npx expo start and then i and it threw me a new error which was:
Unable to run simctl:
Error: xcrun exited with non-zero code: 72
CommandError: xcrun is not configured correctly. Ensure sudo xcode-select --reset works before running this command again., but this time it didn't gave me a warning before pressing i. I also tried to run the commands shown in the errors and re-run the app, but still the same errors were thrown. I updated my OS, XCode and also deleted and cloned the project again so i could re-install dependencies just in case something was wrong with them.
I have attached the GitHub repo link of one of my projects so you can test it as well. It's not just this project, it's all of the projects I use Expo, even the new ones won't start.
If anyone has any idea how to fix this and why this happens, I would really appreciate it :)
Uninstalled and re-installed Expo globally. Updated the simulator to iOS 16 and opened the simulator before running expo start. It works as it did before.

Environment variables (zsh terminal) installed through npm on MacOS 12.4 Monterey - SOLVED

Dear Stackoverflow community. I recently switched from Windows to MacOS and am at a loss how to configure environment variables. Many of the previous questions asked here are about bash instead of zsh.
I am trying to install an npm package globally. For instance:
npm install -g vercel
or any other package, and use it in my Visual Studio Code terminal (also zsh). If I want to deploy code I have to use 'npx vercel deploy' every time. I want to be able to use "vercel deploy" but instead I get:
zsh: command not found: vercel
What I tried so far:
Installing the package in zsh and visual studio code terminals (didn't work)
Setting the path equal on both VS and terminal: export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
I learned that you need to add environment variabels to a .zshrc file. I don't seem to have a zshrc file. When I do:
sudo ~/.zshrc
Password: XXXXXX
sudo: /Users/vincent/.zshrc: command not found
I am getting another error.
I read in the zsh man file that you should use $HOME/.zshrc instead. Again I am getting the same errors:
vincent#Vincents-MacBook-Air-2 ~ % $HOME/.zshrc
zsh: permission denied: /Users/vincent/.zshrc
vincent#Vincents-MacBook-Air-2 ~ % sudo $HOME/.zshrc
sudo: /Users/vincent/.zshrc: command not found
Update 1:
#slebetman Thank you for your explanation. When I open the terminal I go to home via "cd $HOME" which puts me in in the home directory. However there is no way for me to create a .zshrc file in that directory. Neither via touch or vs code. I am getting the following error: "Unable to write file '/home/.zshrc' (Unknown (FileSystemError): Error: ENOTSUP: operation not supported on socket, open '/home/.zshrc')"
Update 2:
I did manage to find the .zshrc file in visual studio code under /etc. I hope this will work. I was able to overwrite the file with Sudo and add environment variables to it.
Add this to the file .zshrc file under /etc and force overwrite it:
export vercel=/Users/vincent/.npm-global/bin/vercel
Screenshots below for those who will try in the future:
Image with .zshrc file layout
Final remarks:
I don't understand how it is so difficult to add environment variables on Mac while everything else is so easy.
I have read many different questions on stackoverflow, and I can't seem to solve it. Also since I am a newbie I am not allowed to comment on there so I post here in the hope that anyone can help me :)
Note that when you do:
npx vercel deploy
Npm will execute vercel for you without installing it. It does that by temporarily downloading vercel. If you want to run vercel directly without using npx then simply don't use npx. Install it instead:
npm install -g vercel
The -g flag installs the module globally and if the module has a CLI it will be available globally as well (note that depending on your setup you may need admin/sudo privileges to use the -g flag). Now you can run vercel by simply typing:
vercel deploy
This works in all operating systems supported by node.js and npm. That means you can even do this in Windows. In fact I use npm to distribute my tools in a simple cross-platform way so I don't have to support multiple package managers like chocolatey (Windows), homebrew (Mac OS), deb (Debian based distros), rpm (Redhat based distros) etc. (npm does not require your software to be written in node.js - I have published packages on npm written in tcl and bash).

"Spawn unknown" error while using npm's OpenFin

I installed OpenFin-cli using npm on windows 10. After OpenFin was installed, I tried to test it using the command
openfin -l -u https://apple.com
on cmd. I get the following error:
I have:
Node version 6.11.2
Link to OpenFin documentation that I referred: https://openfin.co/documentation/getting-started/
Can you try deleting the %LOCALAPPDATA%/OpenFin directory & re-running or downloading the OpenFinRVM.exe as suggested in this github issue
You can also try just manually launching the RVM by invoking the .exe with --config=http://yourappjsonurl.json
I believe the asset wasn't fully retrieved

Build fails after using CocoaPods

I am using CocoaPods for the first time. Installing required libraries causes the build process to break.
Installing Podfile gives this warning:
xcrun: error: active developer path ("/Volumes/Xcode 6.1/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer") does not exist, use `xcode-select --switch path/to/Xcode.app` to specify the Xcode that you wish to use for command line developer tools (or see `man xcode-select`)
The following is the build error message:
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/aztunwin/ObjC/DenkoStation/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-RKValueTransformers/Pods-RKValueTransformers-dummy.m'
clang: error: no input files
Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1
The first error appears to be because you originally launched Xcode 6.1 from your disk image (.dmg) file, so that's where MacOS appears to be looking for the command line tools. You need to reset that.
Go to terminal and type in:
xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app
Your copy of Xcode is really found in your /Applications folder (as I can see from the second error output). Once you set the command line tools path using xcode-select, clean your project and restart Xcode and try building again.

Shell Script Invocation Error

I am using open ssl in my project. I was running this project successfully in xcode 4.0.2. Recently I updated to XCode 4.2. But its showing build errors. here is the error log
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2: No
such file or directory
Could someone help please?
Are you using the openssl-xcode project that we (Zetetic) published for use with SQLCipher? If so, you should be able to solve this problem by updating to the latest versions of openssl-xcode and sqlcipher from Github. If you used git to clone them, this should update them without a problem:
$ cd your_project/openssl-xcode
$ git pull origin master
$ cd your_project/sqlcipher
$ git pull origin master
The build scripts were updated for use with Xcode 4.2 and LLVM, should work without a hitch. We've updated the tutorial for Xcode 4.2 as well.