How to disable particular dates in vue-simple-calendar? - vue.js

I am using vue-simple-calendar for my vue3 UI. So in there I have to disable the previous weeks and the future weeks. It should only enable current week.
Is there any way to disable particular dates in vue-simple-calendar?

you can use (disabled) property in calendar's tag


Not able to prevent from clicking past days in v-calendar (vuetify)

i've implemented a v-calendar base on the vuetify docs , but i'm not able to disable the click event for the past days so the user can't create events in the past days , thanks
You need to check a event and if event start date < today, do return
But also you can do it before push to events

Sporadic problem with Bootstrap Vue Modal

I have a sporadic problem with Bootstrap Vue Modal.
I’m not that experienced with Vue and I’m not able to show the entire code because of my agreement with the project owner, also, it would be too much code to show anyway, so I’ll explain the issue. I’m hoping to get some hints to see what the issue can be because I’m out of ideas. So, here is the project info and issue I’m having:
I have created an event calendar.
The calendar shows month format and events are listed inside each day.
I stored year, month and day variable in the Vue instance data section.
I created a method that sets the calendar (setCalendar: function (year, month)).
I used “created” to setup the year, month and day as the current date when the page is loaded and vue is initialized and setCalendar.
I created Previous and Next buttons and next and previous functions which when clicked, the functions deducts (month--) or adds (month++) accordingly and sets the year, month and sets the calendar, (setCalendar).
I created <b-link v-b-modal="event.today_date + '-' + (index)"> and related modals <b-modal :id="event.today_date + '-' + (index)" :title="event.event_title"> for each <b-link>
When the page is initially loaded, the links to modals work perfectly, but for example, if I click on Previous button and load June calendar and events, and click on Next button to go back to July calendar and events, there will be one or two July <b-link> that links to June modals and the rest of <b-link> for July works fine. So, when I load June calendar and events and go back to July calendar and events, about 10% of July b-links, link to the June modals and of course when I click on those b-links, it does not load the modals because the modals do not exists in July calendar.
I can see this using Vue dev tools. When I click on a none working <b-link>, it links to a modal from the previous or next month. This is only affecting 10% of b-links and it only happens when I load the previous or next month calendar.
I appreciate if anyone can give me a clue as to what is causing this.
#Bert had the correct answer and solved the puzzle.
I used unique keys for all b-links and b-modals, and everything started working as it should.

Create custom report in Rally

I would like to create a custom report in Rally which does the following:
Show all the user stories which were added once the sprint started
Show all the user stories which were moved/split into the next sprint
I wasn't able to work with the current options while trying to create a custom report. Would appreciate if someone could help me with this.
There is an app called Iteration Scope Change you can add to your dashboard or a custom page which will show a lot of these details. It definitely will show items added/removed during the sprint. Not sure on the second bullet, but it's worth trying it out and seeing if it meets your needs...

Rally: How to make apps compatible with the time box filter?

When displaying several apps on a page, I am aware that I can use a global filter such as a release or iteration filter rather than having a release or iteration filter for each app. However, the global filter does not seem to work properly for the Iteration Summary app but it works with individual filter. I have looked at the source code for the Iteration Summary app to make it compatible with the global filter (aka time box filter). Please refer to for more information.
Also, another concern for the custom grid app how do I make it so that I do not have to hard code the query like Iteration.Name = "IR 1" but instead use the global filter data to do the query. Thanks.
Custom grid should automatically respect the global timebox filter on the dashboard. It will AND on the timebox filter to any query entered (so there is no need to manually add it).
The Iteration Summary App should work with the global filter. Could you give more info on what the problem is?

jqGrid search/filter data api

I've already read all available documentation and I cannot find a solution.
I have a calendar outside of the grid which on click returns a date. All I need to do is filter my jqGrid based on that date. Can someone point me to the correct API method?
You could do the filtering server-side. Attach an event to the calendar such that when the date is changed, the grid will be reloaded by data from the server. When you do the reload, pass the date to the server so that it can do filtering based upon that date.
See reload-a-loaded-jqgrid-with-a-diffent-table-data for some pointers on how to reload the grid.
Perhaps my example here will help you:
How to filter the jqGrid data NOT using the built in search/filter box
(I do the same thing, but filter my jqGrid data based on a textbox value, outside of the jqGrid.)