Centreon web API v2 endpoints return 500 - No route found - api

I run centreon 21.04 in a VM for some tests.
I imported the Centreon REST API v2 collection into Postman as described here.
Some endpoints work like:
POST /login
GET /logout
GET /configuration/icons
GET /monitoring/acknowledgements
GET /platform/topology
but most other endpoints return an error 500 with "No route found".
Example of response with the /centreon/api/latest/monitoring/hosts endpoint:
$ curl --location --request GET 'http://<VM_IP>:80/centreon/api/latest/monitoring/hosts' --header 'X-AUTH-TOKEN: mytoken'
{"code":500,"message":"No route found for 'GET /monitoring/hosts'"}
The X-AUTH-TOKEN header is set with the token retrieved via the /login endpoint.
I'm using the default admin user for which I enabled Reach API Configuration and Reach API Realtime in the web UI via Configuration > Users > Contacts/Users > admin > Centreon Authentication.
Any idea why this is not working ?

So apparently some endpoints only work in the beta version of the API for now, so make sure you use the /centreon/api/beta/ path in the URL


How to pass Authorization Token to my backend service through WSO2 (API Manager) version 4.1.0?

I need to pass Authorization Token from API Manager (WSO2) to my Backend using policies like Header policy but it works for me only using cURL but not with UI.
curl -k -X 'GET'
-H 'accept: /'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer gatewayToken
-H 'Authorization: Bearer BackendToken'
Screenshot of the result after adding Header policy
By default the authorization header is dropped from the API gateway after validating the request. So you can't send the same header here with multiple values. If you want to send a custom header in the UI, you can do this as follows.
In the API publisher click on the API and go to the API configuration section.
Click on the resource tab and select a HTTP method.
Under parameters, you can add a header. Then from the Swagger UI, you can set this header when trying out the request.
Using API policies in API Manager 4.1.0, you can add AddHeader policy and send any static headers to the backend services.
You should be able to achieve this with a custom Operation Policy and adding that to the inflow of the API.
<sequence xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse" name="TokenExchange">
<property name="Custom" expression="get-property('transport', 'Custom')"/>
<property name="Authorization" expression="get-property('Custom')" scope="transport"/>
<property name="Custom" scope="transport" action="remove"/>
Here, you have to send the backend token with a different header value (Custom) and gateway will automatically forward it to the backend under the Authorization header.
You can refer [1] to get an idea about this flow. Since the mediation sequences are replaced with Operation policies in APIM 4.1.0, you will have to refer the doc [1] and create and apply the Operation policy accordingly.
[1] - https://apim.docs.wso2.com/en/4.0.0/deploy-and-publish/deploy-on-gateway/api-gateway/message-mediation/passing-a-custom-authorization-token-to-the-backend/#passing-a-custom-authorization-token-to-the-backend

How to query SFTP server with Karate via API?

The app that I am trying to test has an SFTP server that can be queried via API. Swagger shows the following sample cURL request to get domain files information, and I am having a hard time making this call with Karate:
curl -X GET -H 'Accept: application/json' 'https://{host}:{port}/api/{clientId}/'
I do the following where baseUrl is defined as https://sftp.mydomain.com:22 where 22 is the port number that I can successfully use to connect to the SFTP server via Cyberduck:
* url baseUrl
* def moduleBase = '/api/12345/'
* path moduleBase
When method get
Then status 200
The error that I get is this:
ERROR com.intuit.karate - src/test/java/mytest.feature:9
When method get
http call failed after 815 milliseconds for url: https://sftp.mydomain.com:22/api/12345/
What am I doing wrong?
Clearly it may not be HTTP so I don't think Swagger and all is legit.
Maybe you can just delegate to the OS. Refer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/64352676/143475

Download attachment from Circuit Conversation via REST API

I'd like to download an attachment from the conversation via REST API (Circuit Sandbox)
If I query the Conversation Item, I can see the attachments and within that the fileID. Then, if I am logged with a user account who is a member of the conversation, I can run the following to download the attachment or paste it in the browser where I am logged to the sandbox:
start chrome https://circuitsandbox.net/rest/v2/fileapi?fileid=MyFileIdHere
And that works. Is there a way to achieve the same with a Bot via REST?
A regular GET request will work.
curl https://circuitsandbox.net/rest/fileapi?fileid=<fileId> \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
and here is the REST notation.
GET rest/fileapi?fileid=<fileId> HTTP/1.1
Host: circuitsandbox.net
Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>
The access token for a bot (client credentials grant) is obtained via OAuth 2.0:
curl https://circuitsandbox.net/oauth/token \
-d 'grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=<CLIENT_ID>&client_secret=<CLIENT_SECRET>&scope=READ_CONVERSATIONS,WRITE_CONVERSATIONS'
REST notation:
POST /oauth/token HTTP/1.1
Host: circuitsandbox.net
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Getting Response code 0 in API manager wso2 while Trying to connect Through enterprise Proxy

Well ,
i m hitting a simple PhoneVerify Request from my localhost which have enterprise proxy .
i have configured my Proxy setting using below link.
Can't access to production endpoint with WSO2 API Manager - entreprise proxy
But I m Getting The Same Response code 0 and Blank Response Body.
Here Is a the curl and Request URL :
curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer b9d93ac569bec1721716e1422b852b" ""
Request URL
Response Body
no content
Response Code
Response Headers
"error": "no response from server"
[ base url: /phone/1.0.0 , api version: 1.0.0 ]
Since you are behind a proxy with port set through http.proxyPort, You have to use port 1234 instead of 8244.

Github API 502 error

I'm trying to add a user to a Github repository via their API, but I always get a 502 Bad Gateway error.
With curl I send a request like this (<...> replaced by a real owner, repo, etc.):
curl -i -H 'Authorization: token xxxxxxxxxx' -XPUT https://api.github.com/repos/<owner>/<repo>/collaborators/<username>
I also tried it with this url:
curl -i -H 'Authorization: token xxxxxxxxxx' -XPUT https://api.github.com/teams/<id>/members/<username>
As token I used a newly created Personal Access Tokens
But both times I get this back
HTTP/1.0 502 Bad Gateway
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html
<html><body><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1>
The server returned an invalid or incomplete response.
A GET on each URL works fine but a DELETE doesn't work either. So maybe it has to do with curl.
Quoting the reply from GitHub's support with changes in italic:
You're just getting trolled by HTTP and curl.
When you make a PUT request with no body, curl doesn't explicitly set a Content-Length header for that request. However, PUT requests with no Content-Length confuse servers and they respond in weird ways.
Can you please try explicitly setting the Content-Lenght header to 0, or supplying an empty body when making that request (so that curl can set the header for you)? You can accomplish that adding -d "" in your command.