How to write a JEST test for a useEffect with timers? - react-native

I am using #react-native-community/netinfo to detect the app connectivity state and showing a message when connection is lost. How do I write a test for the following code that's in a useEffect to make sure that the message is showing/hiding and the cleanup works?
const { isConnected } = useContext(ConnectionContext);
useEffect(() => {
const snack = setTimeout(() => {
if (!isConnected) {
autoHide: false,
message: 'Please try again later',
}, 10000);
const hideSnack = setTimeout(() => {
if (isConnected) hideMessage();
}, 5000);
return () => {
}, [isConnected]);
I have tried something like this to check if the app is connected
jest.mock('#react-native-community/netinfo', () => ({
useNetInfo: () => ({
isConnected: true,

You can use jest fake timers to control the time:
at the top use
then when you need to advance time by certain amount use :


Jest testing - React Native - NetInfo + fire event is it possible to test with Jest?

I have this simple component and want to test it with Jest, how (and if) is it possible to mock addEventListener and then fire the event with my mock data?
My goal is to test the modal shows when there is no internet connection (triggered by net info event change) in the complex component, so there is no option for passing the visibility as props.
import {addEventListener} from '#react-native-community/netinfo'
export const NoInterenetModal = () => {
const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribeNetInfo = addEventListener(async (state) => {
return () => {
}, [])
I tried something like this,but no success:
import {testMatchSnapshot} from '../tests/testUtils'
import {NoInterenetModal} from './NoInterenetModal'
jest.mock('#react-native-community/netinfo', () => ({
addEventListener: (fn: (input: any) => void) => {
fn({isInternetReachable: false})()
useNetInfo: () => ({
isConnected: false,
describe('Component: NoInterenetModal', () => {
// here fire event?
testMatchSnapshot(<NoInterenetModal />)

Timeout simulation not working with testing-library and useFakeTimers

I'm working on a vueJS component that allows to display a modal after 5 seconds. the component works well as expected.
<vue-modal v-if="showModal" data-testid="modal-testid" />
export default {
name: "TimeoutExample",
data() {
return {
showModal: false,
mounted() {
setTimeout(() => this.displayModal(), 5000)
methods: {
displayModal: function() {
this.showModal = true;
I implemented the unit tests using jest, testing-library and I wanted to use jest.useFakeTimers to simulate the timeout, but the test is KO.
// testing file
describe.only('Vue Component (mobile) 2', () => {
beforeAll(() => {
isMobile.mockImplementation(() => true)
beforeEach(() => {
afterEach(() => {
it('should render title after `props.delay` milliseconds', () => {
const { queryByTestId } = myRender({
localVue: myMakeLocalVue(),
do you have any idea how i can test this behavior?
remove this jest.spyOn(global, 'setTimeout'). jest will do it's own magic with for this with useFakeTimers
I suppose you can not use async and done callback in one test case. Which version of jest do you use?
Add await localVue.$nextTick() after advanceTimersByTime to wait until Vue apply all the changes
It works for me after calling advanceTimersByTime inside waitFor.
describe.only('Vue Component (mobile) 2', () => {
beforeAll(() => {
isMobile.mockImplementation(() => true)
beforeEach(() => {
afterEach(() => {
it('should render title after `props.delay` milliseconds', async () => {
const { queryByTestId } = myRender({
localVue: myMakeLocalVue(),
await waitFor(() => {

React-Native NetInfo dosen't work after once did work?

I'm new at react-native I have a problem about internet connection check. When I open my app and disconnect for internet(wifi or cellular both) I got a alert message that's what I want. But when I connect again to internet and try again I see in my console state is again false. NO way to see true. Where did I do a fault?
` const [isInternetReachable, setInternetReachable] = useState(true)
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribe = NetInfo.addEventListener(state => {
if (!(state.isInternetReachable === null)) {
useEffect(() => {
}, [isInternetReachable]);
const chechConnection = () => {
if(isInternetReachable === false) {
'Internet fail',
'Try again.',
{text: 'Try Again', onPress: chechConnection},
{text: 'Exit', onPress:() => RNExitApp.exitApp()},
{ cancelable: false }
The useEffect which is responsible for setInternetReachable will only run once, no matter what.
Try like this:
const [connected, setConnected] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribe = NetInfo.addEventListener((state) => {
console.log("Connection type", state.type);
console.log("Is Internet Reachable?", state.isInternetReachable);
if (connected !== state.isInternetReachable)
return () => unsubscribe();
}, [connected]);
I found a problem its when I use İf condition or switch my connection state doesn't change. When I don't use switch or if connection state works well.

Screen redirection takes time to execute after asynchronous call in React-native

I am developing a small app with Expo, React-native-router-flux, firebase and react-redux. I am trying to implement a launch screen that appears after the splash screen and checks if the user is loaded or not. The launch screen calls the following action inside componentDIdMount function:
export const tryToSignInSilently = user => {
return () => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (user != null) Actions.tabbar();
else Actions.LoginScreen();
}, 1000);
I had to add that setTimeout to be able to redirect the screen otherwise, it would not change screen. 1) Is that the recommended solution to the problem?
After It redirects to the login screen and the submit button is pressed, another action is created:
export const login = (email, password) => {
return dispatch => {
dispatch({ type: LOGIN });
console.log("This executes");
FirebaseService.signIn(email, password)
.then(user => {
console.log("This takes almost a minute to execute");
dispatch({ type: LOGIN_SUCCESS, payload: user });
.catch(error => {
dispatch({ type: LOGIN_FAIL });
if (error) {
[{ text: i18n.t("app.ok") }],
{ cancelable: true }
}); };};
FirebaseService.signIn function =>
static async signIn(email, password) {
return await firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password); }
The interesting note is: If I press the submit button in the login screen, and save the code (causing the live reload), the firebase function is executed immediately and the page is correctly redirected to the home screen.
2) What could be causing that behavior?
Thank you very much!
Try to encapsulate your component with a using useContext hook approach.
Do all the login inside the context component by using useEffect hook with the Firebase function onAuthStateChanged. See sample code below:
const AuthProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [userObject, setUserObject] = useState(null);
const [loggedIn, setLoggedIn] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribe = firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
else {
// Cleanup subscription on unmount
return () => unsubscribe();
}, []);
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, []);
<AuthContext.Provider value={{ loggedIn, userObject }}>{ children }</AuthContext.Provider>
export { AuthProvider, AuthContext };
Then on the launch screen use the context variable 'loggedIn' to detect if the user is already loggedin or not.

react native async getting data when running app first time

I have two components, in first components storing data in asyncstorage, in second component display data, when install app and save data does not get data from asyncstorage, when open app second time data are displayed.
storeData = async (item, messave, messrem) => {
const checkarary = this.state.favorite;
if(checkarary.some(e => === {
const value = this.state.favorite;
const position = value.filter((lists) => !==;
favorite: position
}, () => {
try {
AsyncStorage.setItem('favoriti', JSON.stringify(this.state.favorite), () => {{
text: messrem,
buttonText: "Okay",
duration: 3000,
type: "danger"
} catch (error) {
} else {
favorite: [...this.state.favorite, item]
}, () => {
try {
AsyncStorage.setItem('favoriti', JSON.stringify(this.state.favorite), () => {
// AsyncStorage.getItem('favoriti', (err, result) => {
// console.log(result);
// });{
text: messave,
buttonText: "Okay",
duration: 3000,
type: "success"
} catch (error) {
Getting data in second component
_retrieveData = async () => {
try {
AsyncStorage.getItem('favoriti').then((value) => {
const parsed = JSON.parse(value);
this.setState({ favorite: parsed })
} catch (error) {
componentDidMount() {
setTimeout(() => {
loading: false,
}, 2000)
componentDidUpdate() {
How fix this issue, is there some solution. Can I set Item and reload app when install app or somthing else.
Use this
componentWillMount() {
setTimeout(() => {
loading: false,
}, 2000)
instead of
componentDidMount() {
setTimeout(() => {
loading: false,
}, 2000)
As componentWillMount is called after constructor is called for class and componentDidMount is called after screen is once rendered.