Spring Webflux returning null back to controller - spring-webflux

Every time I think I understand Webflux and project reactor, I find out I have no idea.
So I making some API calls... I want to call 1 first ... Get information back use that information, to make subsequent calls.
so I do this like so
public Mono<ResponseObject> createAggregatedRecords(RecordToPersist recordToPersist){
return randomApiClient.createRecord(recordToPersist)
.flatMap(result -> {
return Mono.zip(
.map(tupple -> {
ResponseObject respObj = new ResponseObject();
return respObj;
}).doOnSuccess(res -> log.info("This throws an error: {}", res.getChildResult1.getFirstField()))
Now, for some reason, I am returning a null object with this very code to my Controller and I am not printing out the object in Json.
I suspect it is because I am nesting the Mono.zip inside the flatmap, and am not returning the results back correctly. I am making all of those API calls though as my End-to-End integration tests are succeeding.
Now I thought that I would return that response object from the .map function from the Mono.zip chain and then return that to the flatMap call in the chain. If I put observers on the chain like a doOnSuccess and print out response object fields I get a null pointer ... Not sure what I am missing
Is this a good pattern to achieve that goal? Or should I try a different path?
Why can I not get the response Object to return?


Spring Reactor and Vavr Either

We are trying to combine reactive programming with Either from Vavr.
The basic idea is to have a controller that returns a Mono but the input has to go through a bunch of filters which should return an Either with the reason for the filter rejecting it on left and a possibly augmented input on right.
Next are a few API calls which again should return an Either with the error response on left and the success response on right so we can act accordingly.
We are currently struggling to get this together but there is too much unwrapping in each map.
The ugly fallback solution is to throw custom errors instead so we could catch them in the onErrorResume.
I currently have something like this just for the filter part where are the filters are looped over in the doFilter which returns one Either for all of them, but then it gets tricky with the API calls as this currently only return the happy path and catches exceptions.
public Mono<OutputType> runPipeline(InputType input) {
return Mono.just(input)
o -> doFilter(o)
.onErrorResume(err -> {
return getFallback(input);
private Either<String, InputType> doFilter(InputType input) {
for (Filter next : filters) {
var result = next.filter(input);
if (!result.equals(SUCCESS)) {
return Either.left("A filter denied processing");
return Either.right(input);
Maybe we are just looking at it wrong, so any alternative solution would be welcome.

Flux collectList() on list of WebClient exchanges always empty

I'm trying to execute a list requests using WebClient, then filter them finding the first one that succeed (if any) and return that. Or fall back to a default response if non succeeded.
The problem I'm facing is that when I call .collectList() on a Flux<ServerResponse>, the list is always empty. I would have expected the list to contain N number of ServerResponse based on the number of requests I issued earlier.
public Mono<ServerResponse> retry(ServerRequest request) {
return Flux.fromIterable(request.headers().header(SEQUENCE_HEADER_NAME))
// Build a "list" of responses
.flatMap(uri -> webClientBuilder.baseUrl(uri.toString()).build()
.headers(headers -> request.headers().asHttpHeaders().forEach((key, values) -> {
if (!SEQUENCE_HEADER_NAME.equals(key)) {
headers.addAll(key, values);
.flatMap(clientResponse -> ServerResponse.status(clientResponse.statusCode())
.headers(headers -> headers.addAll(clientResponse.headers().asHttpHeaders()))
// "Wait" for all of them to complete so we can filter
.flatMap(clientResponses -> {
List<ServerResponse> filteredResponses = clientResponses.stream()
.filter(response -> response.statusCode().is2xxSuccessful())
if (filteredResponses.isEmpty()) {
log.error("No request succeeded; defaulting to {}", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.toString());
return ServerResponse.badRequest().build();
if (filteredResponses.size() > 1) {
log.error("Multiple requests succeeded; defaulting to {}", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.toString());
return ServerResponse.badRequest().build();
return Mono.just(filteredResponses.get(0));
Any ideas why .collectList() always returns an empty list?
Well, it seems to me you have a confused requirement in that you want the First Mono that responds but you are trying to put that functionality into a Flux which is meant to process all items in the flow efficiently. Mono in Webflux is meant to create a flow that will perform a series of transformations on the item in the flow efficiently. Nothing in your requirement of testing a bunch of URIs for the first one that succeeds is what WebFlux is good for so I have to question why try to force that into the framework.
You might argue that a Flux is giving you better asynchronous processing but I don't think that's the case when it is a bunch of WebClient calls. WebClient is still HTTP under the hood and so each item in the flow stops and starts around WebClient. If you want to do HTTP asynchronously you should use a ThreadPool and Callable.

Kotlin Kovenant returns the same object for all promises

I'm trying to use Kotlin Kovenant because I want a promise-based solution to track my retrofit calls.
What I did first was this:
all (
) success { responses ->
//Do stuff with the list of responses
where the promises I pass are those that are resolved at the completion of my retrofit calls. However "responses" is a list of two identical objects. When debugging, I can confirm that two different objects with different values are being passed to the respective resolve methods. However kovenant returns two identical objects (same location in memory)
My next attempt was this:
task {
} then {
var returnval = it.get()
walkingDTO = returnval.deepCopy()
} success {
val returnval = it.get()
drivingDTO = returnval.deepCopy()
mapRoutes = MapRoutes(walkingDTO!!, drivingDTO!!)
currentRoute = mapRoutes!!.walking
Where I tried to do the calls one at a time and perform deep copies of the results. This worked for the first response, but then I found that it.get() in the success block - the success block of the second call - is the same unchanged object that I get from it.get() in the "then" block. It seems Kovenant is implemented to use one object for all of its resolutions, but after you resolve once, the single object it uses for the resolutions cannot be changed. What am I supposed to do if I want to access unique values from promise.resolve(object)? Seems like a very broken system.

Return 404 when a Flux is empty

I am trying to return a 404 when a Flux is empty, similar to here:WebFlux functional: How to detect an empty Flux and return 404?
My main concern is that, when you check if the flux has elements it emmits that value and you loose it. And when I try to use switch if empty on the Server Response it is never called (I secretly think it is because the Mono is not empty, only the body is empty).
Some code of what I am doing (I do have a filter on my Router class checking for DataNotFoundException to return a notFound):
Flux<Location> response = this.locationService.searchLocations(searchFields, pageToken);
return ok()
.body(response, Location.class)
.switchIfEmpty(Mono.error(new DataNotFoundException("The data you seek is not here.")));
^This never calls switchIfEmpty
Flux<Location> response = this.locationService.searchLocations(searchFields, pageToken);
return response.hasElements().flatMap(l ->{
return ok()
.body(response, Location.class);
return Mono.error(new DataNotFoundException("The data you seek is not here."));
^This looses the emitted element on hasElements.
Is there a way to either recover the emitted element in hasElements or to make the switchIfEmpty only check the contents of the body?
You could apply switchIfEmpty operator to your Flux<Location> response.
Flux<Location> response = this.locationService
.searchLocations(searchFields, pageToken)
.switchIfEmpty(Mono.error(new DataNotFoundException("The data you seek is not here.")));
while the posted answers are indeed correct, there is a convenience exception class if you just want to return a status code (plus a reason) and do not want to fiddle with any custom filters or defining your own error response exceptions.
The other benefit is that you do not have to wrap your responses inside of any ResponseEntity Objects, while useful for some cases (for example, created with a location URI), is an overkill for simple status responses.
see also https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/web/server/ResponseStatusException.html
return this.locationService.searchLocations(searchFields, pageToken)
.switchIfEmpty(Mono.error(new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, "these are not the droids you are lookig for")));
What Alexander wrote is correct. You call switchIfEmpty on the Object that is never empty ServerResponse.ok() by definition is not a empty Publisher. I like to handle this cases in revers so invoke the service and then chain all the methods that create the response.
this.locationService.searchLocations(searchFields, pageToken)
.map(t -> ResponseEntity.ok(t))
UPDATE (not sure if it works, but give it a try):
public Mono<ServerResponse> myRestMethod(ServerRequest serverRequest) {
return serverRequest.bodyToMono(RequestDTO.class)
.map((request) -> searchLocations(request.searchFields, request.pageToken))
.flatMap( t -> ServerResponse
.body(t, ResponseDTO.class)

Transforming a Spring Webflux Mono to an Either, preferably without blocking?

I'm using Kotlin and Arrow and the WebClient from spring-webflux. What I'd like to do is to transform a Mono instance to an Either.
The Either instance is created by calling Either.right(..) when the response of the WebClient is successful or Either.left(..) when WebClient returns an error.
What I'm looking for is a method in Mono similar to Either.fold(..) where I can map over the successful and erroneous result and return a different type than a Mono. Something like this (pseudo-code which doesn't work):
val either : Either<Throwable, ClientResponse> =
.fold({ throwable -> Either.left(throwable) },
{ response -> Either.right(response)})
How should one go about?
There is no fold method on Mono but you can achieve the same using two methods: map and onErrorResume. It would go something like this:
val either : Either<Throwable, ClientResponse> =
.map { Either.right(it) }
.onErrorResume { Either.left(it).toMono() }
I'm not really familiar with that Arrow library nor the typical use case for it, so I'll use Java snippets to make my point here.
First I'd like first to point that this type seems to be blocking and not lazy (unlike Mono). Translating a Mono to that type means that you'll make your code blocking and that you shouldn't do that, for example, in the middle of a Controller handler or you will block your whole server.
This is more or less the equivalent of this:
Mono<ClientResponse> response = webClient.get().uri("/").exchange();
// blocking; return the response or throws an exception
ClientResponse blockingResponse = response.block();
That being said, I think you should be able to convert a Mono to that type by either calling block() on it and a try/catch block around it, or turning it first into a CompletableFuture first, like:
Mono<ClientResponse> response = webClient.get().uri("/").exchange();
Either<Throwable, ClientResponse> either = response
.handle((resp, t) -> Either.fold(t, resp))
There might be better ways to do that (especially with inline functions), but they all should involve blocking on the Mono in the first place.