Flux collectList() on list of WebClient exchanges always empty - spring-webflux

I'm trying to execute a list requests using WebClient, then filter them finding the first one that succeed (if any) and return that. Or fall back to a default response if non succeeded.
The problem I'm facing is that when I call .collectList() on a Flux<ServerResponse>, the list is always empty. I would have expected the list to contain N number of ServerResponse based on the number of requests I issued earlier.
public Mono<ServerResponse> retry(ServerRequest request) {
return Flux.fromIterable(request.headers().header(SEQUENCE_HEADER_NAME))
// Build a "list" of responses
.flatMap(uri -> webClientBuilder.baseUrl(uri.toString()).build()
.headers(headers -> request.headers().asHttpHeaders().forEach((key, values) -> {
if (!SEQUENCE_HEADER_NAME.equals(key)) {
headers.addAll(key, values);
.flatMap(clientResponse -> ServerResponse.status(clientResponse.statusCode())
.headers(headers -> headers.addAll(clientResponse.headers().asHttpHeaders()))
// "Wait" for all of them to complete so we can filter
.flatMap(clientResponses -> {
List<ServerResponse> filteredResponses = clientResponses.stream()
.filter(response -> response.statusCode().is2xxSuccessful())
if (filteredResponses.isEmpty()) {
log.error("No request succeeded; defaulting to {}", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.toString());
return ServerResponse.badRequest().build();
if (filteredResponses.size() > 1) {
log.error("Multiple requests succeeded; defaulting to {}", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.toString());
return ServerResponse.badRequest().build();
return Mono.just(filteredResponses.get(0));
Any ideas why .collectList() always returns an empty list?

Well, it seems to me you have a confused requirement in that you want the First Mono that responds but you are trying to put that functionality into a Flux which is meant to process all items in the flow efficiently. Mono in Webflux is meant to create a flow that will perform a series of transformations on the item in the flow efficiently. Nothing in your requirement of testing a bunch of URIs for the first one that succeeds is what WebFlux is good for so I have to question why try to force that into the framework.
You might argue that a Flux is giving you better asynchronous processing but I don't think that's the case when it is a bunch of WebClient calls. WebClient is still HTTP under the hood and so each item in the flow stops and starts around WebClient. If you want to do HTTP asynchronously you should use a ThreadPool and Callable.


Spring Webflux returning null back to controller

Every time I think I understand Webflux and project reactor, I find out I have no idea.
So I making some API calls... I want to call 1 first ... Get information back use that information, to make subsequent calls.
so I do this like so
public Mono<ResponseObject> createAggregatedRecords(RecordToPersist recordToPersist){
return randomApiClient.createRecord(recordToPersist)
.flatMap(result -> {
return Mono.zip(
.map(tupple -> {
ResponseObject respObj = new ResponseObject();
return respObj;
}).doOnSuccess(res -> log.info("This throws an error: {}", res.getChildResult1.getFirstField()))
Now, for some reason, I am returning a null object with this very code to my Controller and I am not printing out the object in Json.
I suspect it is because I am nesting the Mono.zip inside the flatmap, and am not returning the results back correctly. I am making all of those API calls though as my End-to-End integration tests are succeeding.
Now I thought that I would return that response object from the .map function from the Mono.zip chain and then return that to the flatMap call in the chain. If I put observers on the chain like a doOnSuccess and print out response object fields I get a null pointer ... Not sure what I am missing
Is this a good pattern to achieve that goal? Or should I try a different path?
Why can I not get the response Object to return?

How to make several synchronuous call of rxjava Single

I have difficulties making sequential calls of RxJava Single observerable. What I mean is that I have a function that makes http request using retrofit that returns a Single.
fun loadFriends(): Single<List<Friend>> {
Log.d("msg" , "make http request")
return webService.getFriends()
and if I subscribe from several places at the same time:
I want that loadFriends() makes only one https request but in this case I have two http request
I know how to solve this problem in blocking way:
The solution is to make loadFriends() blocking.
private val lock = Object()
prival var inMemoryCache: List<Friends>? = null
fun loadFriends(): Single<List<Friend>> {
return Single.fromCallable {
if(inMemoryCache == null) {
synchronize(lock) {
if(inMemoryCache == null) {
inMemoryCache = webService.getFriends().blockingGet()
But I want to solve this problem in a reactive way
You can remedy this by creating one common source for all your consumers to subscribe to, and that source will have the cache() operator invoked against it. The effect of this operator is that the first subscriber's subscription will be delegated downstream (i.e. the network request will be invoked), and subsequent subscribers will see internally cached results produced as a result of that first subscription.
This might look something like this:
class Friends {
private val friendsSource by lazy { webService.getFriends().cache() }
fun someFunction() {
// 1st subscription - friends will be fetched from network
// 2nd subscription - friends will be fetched from internal cache
Note that the cache is indefinite, so if periodically refreshing the list of friends is important you'll need to come up with a way to do so.

Wait for Multiple Spring WebClient Mono Responses

I am trying to call external service in a micro-service application to get all responses in parallel and combine them before starting the other computation. I know i can use block() call on each Mono object but that will defeat the purpose of using reactive api. is it possible to fire up all requests in parallel and combine them at one point.
Sample code is as below. In this case "Done" prints before actual response comes up. I also know that subscribe call is non blocking.
I want "Done" to be printed after all responses has been collected, so need some kind of blocking. however do not want to block each and every request
final List<Mono<String>> responseOne = new ArrayList<>();
IntStream.range(0, 10).forEach(i -> {
Mono<String> responseMono =
System.out.println("create mono response lazy initialization");
Flux.merge(responseOne).collectList().subscribe( res -> {
Based on the suggestion, I came up with this which seems to work for me.
StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();
final List<Mono<String>> responseOne = new ArrayList<>();
IntStream.range(0, 10).forEach(i -> {
Mono<String> responseMono =
System.out.println("create mono response lazy initialization");
CompletableFuture<List<String>> futureCount = new CompletableFuture<>();
List<String> res = new ArrayList<>();
Mono.zip(responseOne, Arrays::asList)
.flatMapIterable(objects -> objects) // make flux of objects
.doOnComplete(() -> {
}) // will be printed on completion of the flux created above
.subscribe(responseString -> {
res.add((String) responseString);
List<String> response = futureCount.get();
// do rest of the computation
If you want your calls to be parallel it is a good idea to use Mono.zip
Now, you want Done to be printed after the collection of all the responses
So, you can modify your code as below
final List<Mono<String>> responseMonos = IntStream.range(0, 10).mapToObj(
index -> WebClient.create("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts").post().retrieve()
.bodyToMono(String.class)).collect(Collectors.toList()); // create iterable of mono of network calls
Mono.zip(responseMonos, Arrays::asList) // make parallel network calls and collect it to a list
.flatMapIterable(objects -> objects) // make flux of objects
.doOnComplete(() -> System.out.println("Done")) // will be printed on completion of the flux created above
.subscribe(responseString -> System.out.println("responseString = " + responseString)); // subscribe and start emitting values from flux
It's also not a good idea to call subscribe or block explicitly in your reactive code.
is it possible to fire up all requests in parallel and combine them at one point.
That's exactly what your code is doing already. If you don't believe me, stick .delayElement(Duration.ofSeconds(2)) after your bodyToMono() call. You'll see that your list prints out after just over 2 seconds, rather than 20 (which is what it would be if executing sequentially 10 times.)
The combining part is happening in your Flux.merge().collectList() call.
In this case "Done" prints before actual response comes up.
That's to be expected, as your last System.out.println() call is executing outside of the reactive callback chain. If you want "Done" to print after your list is printed (which you've confusingly given the variable name s in the consumer passed to your subscribe() call) then you'll need to put it inside that consumer, not outside it.
If you're interfacing with an imperative API, and you therefore need to block on the list, you can just do:
List<String> list = Flux.merge(responseOne).collectList().block();
...which will still execute the calls in parallel (so still gain you some advantage), but then block until all of them are complete and combined into a list. (If you're just using reactor for this type of usage however, it's debatable if it's worthwhile.)

Spring webflux difference between block, flatmap and subscribe

I have an api which needs to call 3 other apis, the second and third api calls rely on the result of the first.
I'm slightly confused about the best way to do this and the difference between using block, subscribe and flatmap. All 3 of these methods work for me but I am not sure which one is the best one to use.
This is what I currently have:
.subscribe(api1Response -> {
if (api1Response.hasData()) {
Mono<ApiTwoResponse> monoTwo = webClient2
monoTwo.subscribe(two -> log.info(two));
Mono<ApiThreeResponse> monoThree = webClient3
monoThree.subscribe(three -> log.info(three));
I've also tried block although this seems to be discouraged:
Api1Response response = webClient1.getApi1(request.getId()).block()
and i also tried flatmap although this forces you to return something:
.flatmap(api1Response -> {
return Mono.empty();
Any help and feedback on the above code is appreciated.
block operation, stops and waits essentially. It would be the equivalent to Future.get() in java. It defeats the purpose of non-blocking code.
Flatmap flattens a sequence of sequence into a single sequence, so a List {List{?}} will turn into a list{Object}.
subscribe essentially starts to listen, and can perform actions. Usually nothing happens until subscribe.
But for your use case, you can use filter here is an example,
Which looks filters over the {true, false} items, then for each filter that is true,
I zip the results of two mono's together, then subscribe with an action
Flux<Boolean> bool = Flux.just(true, false);
Mono<Integer> mono1 = Mono.just(1);
Mono<String> mono2 = Mono.just("string");
bool.filter(b -> b)
.flatMap(b -> Mono.zip(mono1, mono2))
.subscribe(tuple -> System.out.println(tuple.getT1() + ", " + tuple.getT2()));

WebFlux: Only one item arriving at the backend

On the backend im doing:
#PostMapping(path = "/products", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_STREAM_JSON_VALUE)
public void saveProducts(#Valid #RequestBody Flux<Product> products) {
products.subscribe(product -> log.info("product: " + product.toString()));
And on the frontend im calling this using:
.uri(uriBuilder -> uriBuilder.path(this.sourceEndpoint + "/id")
.queryParam("date", date)
.bodyToFlux(Product.class), Product.class)
What happens now is that I have 472 products which need to get saved but only one of them is actually saving. The stream closes after the first and I cant find out why.
If I do:
instead, the request isnt even arriving at the backend.
I also tried fix amount of elements:
.body(Flux.just(new Product("123"), new Product("321")...
And with that also only the first arrived.
I changed the code:
#PostMapping(path = "/products", consumes =
public Mono<Void> saveProducts(#Valid #RequestBody Flux<Product> products) {
products.subscribe(product -> this.service.saveProduct(product));
return Mono.empty();
.uri(uriBuilder -> uriBuilder.path(this.sourceEndpoint + "/id")
.queryParam("date", date)
.bodyToFlux(Product.class), Product.class)
That led to the behaviour that one product was saved twice (because the backend endpoint was called twice) but again only just one item. And also we got an error on the frontend side:
IOException: Connection reset by peer
Same for:
Doing the following:
.uri(uriBuilder -> uriBuilder.path(this.sourceEndpoint + "/id")
.queryParam("date", date)
.bodyToFlux(Product.class), Product.class)
Leads to the behaviour that the backend again isnt called at all.
The Reactor documentation does say that nothing happens until you subscribe, but it doesn't mean you should subscribe in your Spring WebFlux code.
Here are a few rules you should follow in Spring WebFlux:
If you need to do something in a reactive fashion, the return type of your method should be Mono or Flux
Within a method returning a reactive typoe, you should never call block or subscribe, toIterable, or any other method that doesn't return a reactive type itself
You should never do I/O-related in side-effects DoOnXYZ operators, as they're not meant for that and this will cause issues at runtime
In your case, your backend should use a reactive repository to save your data and should look like:
#PostMapping(path = "/products", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_STREAM_JSON_VALUE)
public Mono<Void> saveProducts(#Valid #RequestBody Flux<Product> products) {
return productRepository.saveAll(products).then();
In this case, the Mono<Void> return type means that your controller won't return anything as a response body but will signal still when it's done processing the request. This might explain why you're seeing that behavior - by the time the controller is done processing the request, all products are not saved in the database.
Also, remember the rules noted above. Depending on where your targetWebClient is used, calling .subscribe(); on it might not be the solution. If it's a test method that returns void, you might want to call block on it and get the result to test assertions on it. If this is a component method, then you should probably return a Publisher type as a return value.
#PostMapping(path = "/products", consumes =
public Mono<Void> saveProducts(#Valid #RequestBody Flux<Product> products) {
products.subscribe(product -> this.service.saveProduct(product));
return Mono.empty();
Doing this isn't right:
calling subscribe decouples the processing of the request/response from that saveProduct operation. It's like starting that processing in a different executor.
returning Mono.empty() signals Spring WebFlux that you're done right away with the request processing. So Spring WebFlux will close and clean the request/response resources; but your saveProduct process is still running and won't be able to read from the request since Spring WebFlux closed and cleaned it.
As suggested in the comments, you can wrap blocking operations with Reactor (even though it's not advised and you may encounter performance issues) and make sure that you're connecting all the operations in a single reactive pipeline.