push array instead o string in react native - react-native

I want to push my data in array but it shows me string in react native.
My code is like that:
const dataSource = responseJson.old_cases.reduce(function (sections, item) {
let section = sections.find(section => section.gender === item.gender);
if (!section) {
section = { gender: item.gender,data:[] };
return sections;
}, []);
this.setState({dataSource: dataSource // Pass the dataSource that we've processed above});
Output of my code is
{"gender": "Male", "data": ["name_1", "name_2"]},
{"gender": "Female", "data": ["name_3", "name_4",'name_5']},
as you see names are string I need that kind of output
{"gender": "Male", "data": [{"name_1"}, {"name_2"}]},
{"gender": "Female", "data": [{"name_3"}, {"name_4"},{'name_5'}]},

We cannot apply string values inside the objects.
{"gender": "Male", "data": [{"name_1"}, {"name_2"}]},
{"gender": "Female", "data": [{"name_3"}, {"name_4"},{'name_5'}]},
We have to apply key-value pairs like below:
section.data.push({ [item.name]: item.name })

Copy this and replace for your code, I think it's what you need. But I'm not sure.
const dataSource = responseJson.old_cases.reduce(function (sections, item) {
let section = sections.find(section => section.gender === item.gender);
if (!section) {
section = { gender: item.gender,data:[] };
section.data.push({[item.name]: item.name})
return sections;
}, []);
this.setState({dataSource: dataSource // Pass the dataSource that we've processed above});


restrict collection.find() should only return non-empty object but not empty objects inside array

const response = await simpleSurveyResponsesModel
"metaKey.projectId": 7,
Where answers feild is array of objects containing both empty ad non-empty objects.
collection.find() returns the selected objects but also empty objects as well, inside answers array which i dont need.
My Output
"_id": "61840979fcbea215bc61ed03",
"answers": [
"Urban_City": {
"text": "Hyderabad"
Expected Output
"_id": "61840979fcbea215bc61ed03",
"answers": [
"Urban_City": {
"text": "Hyderabad"

How to pass array object parameter from vue website to google appscript to set google spreadsheet column value

First I create a website by vue and I pass parameter to my google appscript
vue function
var appurl = "my google appscript url"
this.$http.get(appurl, {
params: {
settingLink: this.settingLink,
albumLink: this.albumLink,
stepControl: this.stepControl,
nav: this.navSetting,
}).then(response => {
and I send parameter to google appscript
my google appscript
function doGet(e) {
var params = e.parameter;
var settingLink = params.settingLink;
var albumLink = params.albumLink;
var stepControl = params.stepControl;
var nav = params.nav;
var SpreadSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(settingLink);
var SheetName = SpreadSheet.getSheetByName("gameSetting");
The parameter albumLink and stepControl are string so I success push it to my spreadsheet (figure 1)
but nav is an array object like (in vue data)
How could I let spreadsheet F2 as "red", G2 as "blue", and H2 as "green"
figure 1
enter image description here
By checking the output of JSON.stringify(e), it seems that each property of objects become different parameters and are received as something like the following:
"queryString": "settingLink=settingLinkTest&albumLink=albumLinkTest&stepControl=stepControlTest&nav%5B0%5D%5Bstyle%5D=red&nav%5B0%5D%5Bcontent%5D=test&nav%5B1%5D%5Bstyle%5D=blue&nav%5B1%5D%5Bcontent%5D=test&nav%5B2%5D%5Bstyle%5D=green&nav%5B2%5D%5Bcontent%5D=test",
"contextPath": "",
"parameters": {
"nav[1][style]": [
"nav[1][content]": [
"albumLink": [
"nav[2][style]": [
"settingLink": [
"nav[2][content]": [
"nav[0][style]": [
"stepControl": [
"nav[0][content]": [
"contentLength": -1,
"parameter": {
"nav[2][content]": "test",
"nav[1][content]": "test",
"albumLink": "albumLinkTest",
"settingLink": "settingLinkTest",
"nav[0][style]": "red",
"stepControl": "stepControlTest",
"nav[0][content]": "test",
"nav[1][style]": "blue",
"nav[2][style]": "green"
Since the index of a particular nav and its properties become names of parameters, you can get their values by changing your doGet() to:
Alternatively, as suggested in the comments of the question, you can stringify the nav object when sending it:
this.$http.get(appurl, {
params: {
settingLink: settingLink,
albumLink: albumLink,
stepControl: stepControl,
nav: JSON.stringify(nav)
}).then(response => {
And then parsing when you receive it to use as you intended:
var nav = JSON.parse(params.nav);

Datatables with nested array

I've posed a question about Bootstrap Tables but meanwhile I moved to Datatables as I was feeling blocked. My problem, however, is the same.
None of the two can easily handle nested JSON results. For instance if I choose "field: author", it processes the following as "[Object Object], [Object Object]".
"author": [
"family": "Obama",
"given": "Barack"
"family": "Obama",
"given": "Michelle"
I can select the results individually, say "field: author[, ].family", which returns a list like "Obama, Obama". But I want an output like "given+family1, given+family2, ..".
You can use custom rendering. DataTables allows you to define custom rendering for each column.
Here is a sample that I worked out. I am doing custom rendering for Author column.
$(document).ready(function() {
var dataSet = [
{ "name": "How to DataTables", "author": [{ "firstname": "jack", lastname: "d" }, { "firstname": "dick", lastname: "j" }] },
{ "name": "How to Custom Render", "author": [{ "firstname": "bill", lastname: "g" }, { "firstname": "scott", lastname: "g" }] }
data: dataSet,
columns: [
{ title:"Book Name",
data: "name" },
title: "Authors",
data: "author",
render: function(data, type, row) {
//return data.length;
var txt = '';
data.forEach(function(item) {
if (txt.length > 0) {
txt += ', '
txt += item.firstname + ' ' + item.lastname;
return txt;

React Native -- Loop through array of objects to return value

"contextTag": {
"value": "Bittersweet",
"valueLabel": "Bittersweet"
"tags": [
"name": "tag",
"value": "Creamy"
"name": "tag",
"value": "Colorful"
"name": "tag",
"value": "Bright"
"rating": 5,
"userNickName": "HelloGames",
"userLocation": "UK",
"title": "Great!",
"reviewText": "Yada yada yada yada",
"submissionTime": "30 Nov 16"
I currently have this working for getting contextTag valueLabels:
(o) => {
return o.contextTag && o.contextTag.valueLabel ? o.contextTag.valueLabel.trim() : '';
And this for tags:
(o) => {
return o.tags && o.tags.value ? o.tags.value.trim() : '';
But it's coming back empty. How do I loop through tags to grab each of the values?
You can cache the tags, then map over it to get the values. Like below:
const tags = this.props.reviewData.reviews.tags;
const tags_values = ( tags ? tags.map((tag) => (tag.value ? tag.value : '' ) : []); // this an array of the tags values.
Your code does not return what you want because the tags attributes is an array of objects, so to get the tag values you have to map over it as I did above.
Hope this helped.

Dojox Data Chart xaxis

I'm wonder is it possible to proper setting each xaxis in dojox.charting.DataChart
here is my data.JSON for example:
"label": "btmlabel",
"items": [
{ "mydata":"ANDT", "btmlabel":[{value: 1, text: "22 April 10.34AM"},{value: 2, text: "22 April 10.40AM"}], "data":[{"x":1,"y":1},{"x":2,"y":3}] }
and trying to draw xaxis which failed(show empty in xaxis) with below code:
var chartPrefs = {
chartPlot: {type:dojox.charting.plot2d.Markers, tension:"S"},
chart = new dojox.charting.DataChart("chartNode", chartPrefs);
chart.setStore(store, {mydata:"*"}, "data");
It looks like your json object structure is invalid for charting. It would be better use the following structure:
var storeData = {
"label": "btmlabel",
"btmlabel": "22 April 10.34AM",
"data": 1
"btmlabel": "22 April 10.40AM",
"data": 3
and creating chart:
dojo.addOnLoad(function () {
var storeForChart = new dojo.data.ItemFileWriteStore({ data: storeData });
var chartPrefs = {
chartPlot: { type: dojox.charting.plot2d.Markers, tension: "S" },
comparative: true,
xaxis: { labelFunc: "seriesLabels" }
chart = new dojox.charting.DataChart("chartNode", chartPrefs);
chart.setStore(storeForChart, { data: "*" }, "data");
View source of this page - here working example.
Read good article about chart building - introducing-dojox-datachart
Also look this page. I think it will be very helpful for you.