Dojox Data Chart xaxis - dojo

I'm wonder is it possible to proper setting each xaxis in dojox.charting.DataChart
here is my data.JSON for example:
"label": "btmlabel",
"items": [
{ "mydata":"ANDT", "btmlabel":[{value: 1, text: "22 April 10.34AM"},{value: 2, text: "22 April 10.40AM"}], "data":[{"x":1,"y":1},{"x":2,"y":3}] }
and trying to draw xaxis which failed(show empty in xaxis) with below code:
var chartPrefs = {
chartPlot: {type:dojox.charting.plot2d.Markers, tension:"S"},
chart = new dojox.charting.DataChart("chartNode", chartPrefs);
chart.setStore(store, {mydata:"*"}, "data");

It looks like your json object structure is invalid for charting. It would be better use the following structure:
var storeData = {
"label": "btmlabel",
"btmlabel": "22 April 10.34AM",
"data": 1
"btmlabel": "22 April 10.40AM",
"data": 3
and creating chart:
dojo.addOnLoad(function () {
var storeForChart = new{ data: storeData });
var chartPrefs = {
chartPlot: { type: dojox.charting.plot2d.Markers, tension: "S" },
comparative: true,
xaxis: { labelFunc: "seriesLabels" }
chart = new dojox.charting.DataChart("chartNode", chartPrefs);
chart.setStore(storeForChart, { data: "*" }, "data");
View source of this page - here working example.
Read good article about chart building - introducing-dojox-datachart
Also look this page. I think it will be very helpful for you.


push array instead o string in react native

I want to push my data in array but it shows me string in react native.
My code is like that:
const dataSource = responseJson.old_cases.reduce(function (sections, item) {
let section = sections.find(section => section.gender === item.gender);
if (!section) {
section = { gender: item.gender,data:[] };
return sections;
}, []);
this.setState({dataSource: dataSource // Pass the dataSource that we've processed above});
Output of my code is
{"gender": "Male", "data": ["name_1", "name_2"]},
{"gender": "Female", "data": ["name_3", "name_4",'name_5']},
as you see names are string I need that kind of output
{"gender": "Male", "data": [{"name_1"}, {"name_2"}]},
{"gender": "Female", "data": [{"name_3"}, {"name_4"},{'name_5'}]},
We cannot apply string values inside the objects.
{"gender": "Male", "data": [{"name_1"}, {"name_2"}]},
{"gender": "Female", "data": [{"name_3"}, {"name_4"},{'name_5'}]},
We have to apply key-value pairs like below:{ []: })
Copy this and replace for your code, I think it's what you need. But I'm not sure.
const dataSource = responseJson.old_cases.reduce(function (sections, item) {
let section = sections.find(section => section.gender === item.gender);
if (!section) {
section = { gender: item.gender,data:[] };
return sections;
}, []);
this.setState({dataSource: dataSource // Pass the dataSource that we've processed above});

How to pass array object parameter from vue website to google appscript to set google spreadsheet column value

First I create a website by vue and I pass parameter to my google appscript
vue function
var appurl = "my google appscript url"
this.$http.get(appurl, {
params: {
settingLink: this.settingLink,
albumLink: this.albumLink,
stepControl: this.stepControl,
nav: this.navSetting,
}).then(response => {
and I send parameter to google appscript
my google appscript
function doGet(e) {
var params = e.parameter;
var settingLink = params.settingLink;
var albumLink = params.albumLink;
var stepControl = params.stepControl;
var nav = params.nav;
var SpreadSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(settingLink);
var SheetName = SpreadSheet.getSheetByName("gameSetting");
The parameter albumLink and stepControl are string so I success push it to my spreadsheet (figure 1)
but nav is an array object like (in vue data)
How could I let spreadsheet F2 as "red", G2 as "blue", and H2 as "green"
figure 1
enter image description here
By checking the output of JSON.stringify(e), it seems that each property of objects become different parameters and are received as something like the following:
"queryString": "settingLink=settingLinkTest&albumLink=albumLinkTest&stepControl=stepControlTest&nav%5B0%5D%5Bstyle%5D=red&nav%5B0%5D%5Bcontent%5D=test&nav%5B1%5D%5Bstyle%5D=blue&nav%5B1%5D%5Bcontent%5D=test&nav%5B2%5D%5Bstyle%5D=green&nav%5B2%5D%5Bcontent%5D=test",
"contextPath": "",
"parameters": {
"nav[1][style]": [
"nav[1][content]": [
"albumLink": [
"nav[2][style]": [
"settingLink": [
"nav[2][content]": [
"nav[0][style]": [
"stepControl": [
"nav[0][content]": [
"contentLength": -1,
"parameter": {
"nav[2][content]": "test",
"nav[1][content]": "test",
"albumLink": "albumLinkTest",
"settingLink": "settingLinkTest",
"nav[0][style]": "red",
"stepControl": "stepControlTest",
"nav[0][content]": "test",
"nav[1][style]": "blue",
"nav[2][style]": "green"
Since the index of a particular nav and its properties become names of parameters, you can get their values by changing your doGet() to:
Alternatively, as suggested in the comments of the question, you can stringify the nav object when sending it:
this.$http.get(appurl, {
params: {
settingLink: settingLink,
albumLink: albumLink,
stepControl: stepControl,
nav: JSON.stringify(nav)
}).then(response => {
And then parsing when you receive it to use as you intended:
var nav = JSON.parse(params.nav);

Update Amcharts4 chart dynamically using vue js

I'm using AmCharts4 with Vue.JS,
For the moment I've added default chart design when page loads, But when I trying to add dynamic values after page loads (Using Button click), It doesn't reflect on view.
Code:- gist
data: () => ({
dataForChart: {
data: [{
"name": "Anne",
"steps": 32
}, {
"name": "Rose",
"steps": 30
}, {
"name": "Jane",
"steps": 25
chart creation on mounted()
let chart = am4core.create("chart-div", am4charts.XYChart); =
when dynamically change values using button click those data doesnt reflect on chart.
method followed to change data set. = {
data: [{
"name": "Anne",
"steps": 54
}, {
"name": "Rose",
"steps": 44
}, {
"name": "Jane",
"steps": 33
The reason for this is that although is reactive (it's a vue instance property) the (amcharts chart property) is not.
You have to manually set array values whenever your property changes. I've done this by setting a watcher on like so:
watch: {
dataForChart: {
data(values) { = values;
deep: true

Use object instead of array in datatables

When using datatables, I get 'no data available in table' when using an object instead of array:
var data1 =
"status": "success",
"districts": {
"1": {
"district_number": "1",
"district_name": "district one"
"2": {
"district_number": "2",
"district_name": "district two"
"time": "1.109s"
var table1 = jQuery("#data_table1").DataTable({
"data": data1.districts,
"aoColumns": [
{ "mData": "district_number" },
{ "mData": "district_name" }
I can get an array to display in a datatable using mData as follows:
var data2 =
"status": "success",
"districts": [
"district_number": "1",
"district_name": "district one"
"district_number": "2",
"district_name": "district two"
"time": "1.109s"
var table2 = jQuery("#data_table2").DataTable({
"data": data2.districts,
"aoColumns": [
{ "mData": "district_number" },
{ "mData": "district_name" }
Is there a way to get datatables to utilize the object in the original format, or must I convert the object to an array?
You can write your own function to convert one format to another, for example:
function formatData(data){
var result = [];
for(prop in data){
result.push( data[prop] );
return result;
You can then later use it to pass data to jQuery DataTables as shown below.
var table1 = jQuery("#data_table1").DataTable({
"data": formatData(data1.districts),
"aoColumns": [
{ "mData": "district_number" },
{ "mData": "district_name" }
See updated jsFiddle for code and demonstration.

dataTables make <tr> clickable to link

I have a dataTables table at
My problem is I need to make an entire table row clickable to a link based on a game#. The table lists games and user should click on a row and the actual game loads.
I am unable to understand the previous solutions to this problem. Can somebody please explain this in simple terms?
I previously did this at (but that version is too verbose and does disk writes with php echo)
echo "<tr onclick=\"location.href='basic.php?game=$game'\" >";
<script>$(document).ready(function() {
$('#cccr').dataTable( {
"ajax": "cccr.json",
"columnDefs": [
"targets": [ 0 ],
"visible": false,
"columns": [
{ "data": "game" },
{ "data": "date" },
{ "data": "event" },
{ "data": "eco" },
{ "data": "white_rating" },
{ "data": "white" },
{ "data": "black_rating" },
{ "data": "black" }
} );
} );</script>
"cccr.json" looks like this and is fine:
"data": [
"game": "5086",
"date": "09/02/2013",
"event": "135th NYS Ch.",
"eco": "B08",
"white": "Jones, Robert",
"white_rating": "2393",
"black": "Spade, Sam",
"black_rating": "2268"
You can do it this way:
Use fnRowCallback to add a game-id data-attribute to your datatable rows
{ "data": "black" }
"fnRowCallback": function (nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull) {
//var id = aData[0];
var id =;
$(nRow).attr("data-game-id", id);
return nRow;
This will give each row in your table a game id attribute e.g:
<tr class="odd" data-game-id="5086">
Then create a javascript listener for the click event and redirect to the game page passing the game id taken from the tr data-attribute:
$('#cccr tbody').on('click', 'tr', function () {
var id = $(this).data("game-id");
window.location = 'basic.php?game=' + id;