Is there a way to add another user to my account? - authentication

I am currently using here api as free plan.
I am wondering if I can add some other users to my account in order to let them edit or update some information in my account.

This feature is not available in Developer Portal.


Whatsapp Cloud API can go live on production

I have successfully setup my account on whatsapp developer app by meta and can send messages to 5 free users. Now the question is how can I go live with the app. I have no verified business manager account, is that necessary?
What will I need to do after verification of business account? Do I need to generate permanent access token and it would work fine?
Plus I need to know how can I send messages to groups on whatsapp?
Yes, you need to become a verified business account and all would work as you saw with the demo account, with no restriction on the number of destinations.
First 1000 conversations/month it's free, you can check details here:
Bear in mind, you will NOT be able to message groups with the WA Cloud API. If you need to, you will need to rely on custom APIs that do that. There are some available, see the one shown here:

Is it possible to fetch data with Google Ads API for others ads?

So in short, my task is to extract data from Google, and I'm curious if it's possible to fetch data using Google Ads API for different customers without all the required keys (developer token, refresh token, client_id and client secret). Is this possible or not? If yes, what privileges do I need, and what are the steps? If you know where I can find some clear documentation about this, it will be a lifesaver.
No, it isn't possible unless you have MCC credentials and the account is within that. Otherwise you will need to get credentials for each account.

Disallow sharing Google Mobile Developer Services data with Google after allowed

When creating a new app on, I got the following to check or uncheck:
Share your Google Mobile Developer Services data with Google to help
improve Google's products and services. This includes sharing with
Google technical support, account specialists, and anonymous data for
benchmarking. If you disable this option, data can still flow to other
Google products that are explicitly added.
Unfortunately I accidentally checked the field/allowed sharing.
How can I disable/disallow it now after project is already created? Does anybody know how to do that?
Nothing is explicitly stated on which service this data sharing will be applied. However, just doing a quick search of that statement points to it being used for Analytics only.
And if you want to turn the data sharing off for Analytics, you can refer to this help doc:
Change your data sharing settings
You need edit permission to use this feature.
You must customize your data sharing settings when you sign up for an Analytics account, but you can return to the Admin section of an account and change the settings any time.
To change the data sharing settings:
Sign in to Google Analytics.
Select the Admin tab and navigate to the account you want to edit.
In the ACCOUNT column, click Account Settings.
Edit any setting and click Save.
If you just intend to use the project for GCM, I think it doesn't really matter if you allow it or not.

Policy of data generated using Plaid API or Yodlee

I'm working on a startup and we plan to use Plaid API or Yodlee for banking data aggregation ie credit history and previous transactions. I wanted to know about the data policy of these services from a fellow programmer who has worked on it. The sales guys give a pretty garbled view.
My questions are mainly
If one of my users had previously given their data to these
aggregators (ie maybe used Yodlee for mint) do they have to put in
each of their bank login details again if they use my service or do
they have a sort of user profile with which they can authorize my
app to view the data stored in their service.
Does Plaid API/Yodlee use the data I generate for its own uses and
do my users owe these data to these services and not me?
If I want to move out do they still hold my users data (the bank
accounts they have signed up with)as a profile on their desk?
PS: I think this question follows SO's policy but feel free to correct me if not.

How do I get Google Analytics data into a CMS without asking the user to authenticate?

I have a web application backend for my clients web site. Authorised staff can log in to the backend and view data.
I want to pull some data from Google Analytics to be viewed in the backend, but GA seems to insist that the user is logged in to their Google account themselves using OAuth2
I want to be able to authenticate the server not the user. They already have permission and it seems unnecessary and possibly intrusive to ask them to link their Google accounts to the GA account and possibly even have to create one first.
The server already has to supply a client id, client secret and an api key, so it's not as if there isn't already an authenticated connection.
I'm guessing that there must be a way to pass the Google Analytics account credentials to OAuth2 somehow but I am not that familiar with OAuth2
Is this possible and how would it be done. A simple example or a nudge in the right direction would be appreciated
There are similar questions around but the ones I have found do not answer my question in the way I need.
Yes you need to store the authentication, but you may be able to use Google Analytics Super Proxy for your needs. At the very least you can see its code on how it stores the authentication.
You authenticate once, input the data you need scheduled from the GA Reporting API, then take the data feed and use it to build charts in your intranet. Any user can view those charts without needing to login to GA themselves.