No 'Create DNS Zone' button in Networking Tab - amazon-lightsail

I am trying to create a new website on Amazon Lightsail.
I followed the tutorials and now I am at where I should create the DNS Zones. The tutorial says to go to the LightSail Console > Networking > Create DNS Zone. But I don't see that button.
Has anything recently got amended on LightSail because Amazon's tutorials still say to find that button under the Networking tab.

I experienced the same problem. I found the mistake I made. You should not enter the networking tab of a individual instance but the networking tab of the main console page.
For simlicity its' link is here : Main Networking Tab and as shown below.


Hosting several sites on a server... change default site?

I have an AWS instance running Amazon Linux 2.
I'm currently hosting several sites on it using vhosts.conf
my problem is that if the IP address of the server is entered into the browser then the first site i setup on this server is shown.
I'd like to just show a blank page rather than one specific site.
This seems to have become an issue because when one of my hosted clients put their URL into an email in outlook live it shows a thumbnail and excerpt from the site, but it's showing the wrong site!
Apparently outlook live uses Bing to show this information, and i can only think that it's looking up the IP address and being presented with contents from the (incorrect) default website.

Trying to enable my apps script bot for whole domain

I am trying to enable my bot for "Everyone in your own domain". An getting this error.
If I enable it via "Specific people and group in your domain" - it works.
Does anybody have an idea what I missed?
When using the HEAD deployment, Apps script bots cannot be shared across an entire domain.
Though subtle, it is mentioned in the docs at
Image of description here
To fix this you can just create a new deployment and it should run just fine.
Go back to your Apps Script project
Click on Publish > Deploy from Manifiest
Click "Create"
Use the new Deployment ID for your project.

Reaching website through IIS from an other computer

I think I'm almost done with this problem but there is something off. Perhaps you guys can help me out.
I've created a website which I can reach through C:\inetpub\wwwroot\KLABrowser\publish.htm.
I've created a website through IIS called KLABrowser. The http binding is listed on port 1111, with * as IP adress.
When going to http://xxx.xx.xx.xx:1111/KLABrowser/publish.htm, I get a Cannot find page error. When I go to http://xxx.xx.xx.xx/KLABrowser/publish.htm, I get a blank page but no error. When I hit the first link (the psychical path), I get to see the website.
What am I missing? What should I configure so that I can reach the website through my IP on an other computer in the local network?
This answer provided the solution.
You must specifically choose "Static Content" under Common HTTP Features in the same Add/Remove Windows Features list to show the page.

Amazon Git Eb Tools not deploying

I followed the help page here
and I created my application through the eb tools command line tools. I can see the application on command line, however when I log into my AWS Management console and select the region area, and click on "elastic beanstalk" I see the welcome screen asking me to create a new application,my question is why cant I see my application on the web interface? Also the application is running on the web because when I visit the url the link is active, but I see this message "Could not find rake-10.0.2 in any of the sources (Bundler::GemNotFound)" (which if anyone knows how to fix that would also help)
Thanks in advance
It turns out that somehow amazon changed my secret keys, and my instanced where not showing. When I updated the keys on my local machine everything began working correctly.

IE10 in Win RT can not connect server on local network

When I browse the web with IE10 in win8's Metro part there is no problem but when I try to view page that is located on server in my local network(the same subnet) it displays this message:
This page can't be displayed
•Make sure the web address is correct.
•Look for the page with your search engine.
•Refresh the page in a few minutes.
If following these suggestions didn't work, resetting your connection might help.
Reset connection [<-a button here]
Get more help with connection problems
Now the funny part is that there is an option in metro version of ie10 to open page on desktop (in regular IE10) and than it works with no problem.
I can't find or think of any security setting that would restrict browsing websites inside your own local network.
(this is Windows 8 32Bit Release Preview build 8400)
Any ideas?
This is related to EPM (Enhanced Protected Mode) in IE10. It's hard to summarize in an answer here, but Eric Lawrence (a PM on the IE team) has an excellent post detailing everything about EPM:
In particular, read the "Loopback-blocked" and "Private Network resources" sections.
In your case, you might try one of these approaches:
Try aliasing the dotted hostname ( via a custom DNS entry (e.g. http://myservice)
Change the Trusted Zones settings
See if your network connection was established as sharing or non-sharing, which would trigger private vs. public mode.
Again, see Eric's post for the details of each of these.