Training dataset repeatedly - Keras - tensorflow

I am doing an image classification task using Keras.
I used the vgg16 architecture, I thought it is easier to do, the task is to classify the image having tumor or not in MRI images.
As usual, I read and make all the images in same shape (224×224×3) and normalised by dividing all the images by 255. Then train test split, test dataset is 25% and training dataset is 75%.
train, test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25)
Then, I trained and got val_loss as 0.64 and val_accuracy as 0.7261.
I save the trained model in my google drive.
Next day, I used the same procedure, to improve the model performance by loading the saved model.
I didn't change the model architecture, I simply loaded the saved model which scores 0.7261 accuracy.
This time, I got better performance, the val_loss is 0.58 and val_accurqcy is 0.7976.
I wonder how this gets high accuracy. Then, I found that when splitting the dataset, the images will splits in random, and thus some of the test data in the 1st training process will become training data in the 2nd training process. So, the model learns the images and predicted well in 2nd training process.
I have to clarify, is this model is truly learns the tumor patterns or it is like that we train and test the model with same dataset or same image samples.

When using train_test_split and validating in different sessions, always set your random seed. Otherwise, you will be using different splits, and leaking data like you stated. The model is not "learning" more, rather is being validated on data that it has already trained on. You will likely get worse real-world performance.


Validation loss and accuracy has a lot of 'jumps'

Hello everyone so I made this cnn model.
My data:
Train folder->30 classes->800 images each->24000 all together
Validation folder->30 classes->100 images each->3000 all together
Test folder->30 classes -> 100 images each -> 3000 all together
-I've applied data augmentation. ( on the train data)
-I got 5 conv layers with filters 32->64->128->128->128
each with maxpooling and batch normalization
-Added dropout 0.5 after flattening layers
Train part looks good. Validation part has a lot of 'jumps' though. Does it overfit?
Is there any way to fix this and make validation part more stable?
Note: I plann to increase epochs on my final model I'm just experimenting to see what works best since the model takes a lot of time in order to train. So for now I train with 20 epochs.
I've applied data augmentation (on the train data).
What does this mean? What kind of data did you add and how much? You might think I'm nitpicking, but if the distribution of the augmented data is different enough from the original data, then this will indeed cause your model to generalize poorly to the validation set.
Increasing your epochs isn't going to help here, your training loss is already decreasing reasonably. Training your model for longer is a good step if the validation loss is also decreasing nicely, but that's obviously not the case.
Some things I would personally try:
Try decreasing the learning rate.
Try training the model without the augmented data and see how the validation loss behaves.
Try splitting the augmented data so that it's also contained in the validation set and see how the model behaves.
Train part looks good. Validation part has a lot of 'jumps' though. Does it overfit?
the answer is yes. The so-called 'jumps' in the validation part may indicate that the model is not generalizing well to the validation data and therefore your model might be overfitting.
Is there any way to fix this and make validation part more stable?
To fix this you can use the following:
Increasing the size of your training set
Regularization techniques
Early stopping
Reduce the complexity of your model
Use different hyperparameters like learning rate

Augmenting on the fly: running out of data and validation accuracy=0.5

My validation accuracy is stuck at 50% while my training accuracy manages to converge to 100%. The pitfall is that i have very few data: 46 images in train set and 12 in validation set.
Therefore, I am augmenting my data while training but i am running out of data too early. and as i saw from previous answers that i should specify steps_per_epoch.
however, using steps_per_epoch=46/batch_size is not returning that much of iteration (maximum of 10 if i specify a very low batch size).
I assume data augmentation is not being applied? How can i be sure my data is indeed being augmented? Below is my data augmentation code:
# steps_per_epoch=len(x_train)/batch_size,
I will really appreciate your help!
I think the mistake is not in your code.
You have a very small dataset, you are using only 2 augmentations, and (I assume) you initialize your model with random weights. Your model expectedly overfits.
Here are a couple of ideas that may help you:
Add more argumentations. Vertical and horizontal flips - are just not enough (with your small dataset). Think about crops, rotations, color changes etc. BTW here is a good tutorial on image augmentation where you'll find more ideas on what types of data augmentation you can use for your task:
Transfer learning - is a must-do for small datasets. If you are using popular/default architecture, PyTorch and Tensorflow allow you to load model weights trained on ImageNet, for instance. If your architecture is custom - download some open-source dataset (better similar to your task) and pretrain model with this data.
Appropriate validation. Consider n-fold cross-validation, because a fixed train and test set is not a good idea for the small datasets. Your validation accuracy may be low by chance (for instance, all "hard" images are in the test set), but not because the model is bad.
Let me know if it helps!

YOLOv4 loss too high

I am using YOLOv4-tiny for a custom dataset of 26 classes that I collected from Open Images Dataset. The dataset is almost balanced(850 images per class but different number of bounding boxes). When I used YOLOv4-tiny to train on just 3 classes the loss was near 0.5, it was fairly accurate. But for 26 classes as soon as the loss goes below 2 the model starts to overfit. The prediction are also very inaccurate.
I have tried to change the parameters like the learning rate, the momentum and the size but whatever I do the models becomes worse then before. Using regular YOLOv4 model rather then YOLO-tiny does not help either. How can I bring the loss further down?
Have you tried training with mAP? You can take a subset of your training set and make it the validation set. This can be done in the same way you made your training and test set. Then, you can run darknet.exe detector train data/ yolo-obj.cfg yolov4.conv.137 -map. This will keep track of the loss in your validation set. When the error in the validation say goes up, this is the time to stop training and prevent overfitting (this is called: early stopping).
You need to run the training for (classes*2000)iterations. However, for the best scores, you need to train your model for at least 6000 iterations (also known as max_batches). Also please remember if you are using a b&w image, change the channels=3 to channels=1. You can stop your training once the avg loss becomes something like this: 0.XXXX.
Here's my mAP graph for 6000 iterations that ran for 6.2 hours:
avg loss with 6000 max_batches.
Moreover, you can follow this FAQ documentation here by Stéphane Charette.

Image classification model re-calibration

I built an image classification model (CNN) using tensorflow-keras. I have some new images which I need to feed into the same model in order to increase the accuracy of the existing model.
I tried using the following code. But it decreases the accuracy.
re_calibrated_model = loaded_model.fit_generator(new_training_set,
validation_steps = 50)
Is there any method that I can use to re-calibrate my CNN model?
Your new training session does not start from previous training accuracy if you use completely different dataset to do second training.
You need to feed (old_images+new_images) for your intention.
What I normally do is to train the CNN model on the first batch of images and save that model. If I need to "retrain" the model with additional images, I load the previous saved model from disk and apply the inputs (test and train) and call the fit method. As mentioned before this only works if your outputs are exactly the same i.e. if you are using the same input and output classes.
In my experience training models using different image batches does not necessarily make your model more or less accurate, but rather increase the training time with each batch. Since I am using a CPU to train, my training time is about 30% faster if I train two batches of 1000 images each as oppose to training one batch of 2000 images for example.

when to stop training object detection tensorflow

I am training faster rcnn model on fruit dataset using a pretrained model provided in google api(faster_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_atrous_coco).
I made few changes to the default configuration. (number of classes : 12 fine_tune_checkpoint: path to the pretrained checkpoint model and from_detection_checkpoint: true). Total number of annotated images I have is around 12000.
After training for 9000 steps, the results I got have an accuracy percent below 1, though I was expecting it to be atleast 50% (In evaluation nothing is getting detected as accuracy is almost 0). The loss fluctuates in between 0 and 4.
What should be the number of steps I should train it for. I read an article which says to run around 800k steps but its the number of step when you train from scratch?
FC layers of the model are changed because of the different number of the classes but it should not effect those classes which are already present in the pre-trained model like 'apple'?
Any help would be much appreciated!
You shouldn't look at your training loss to determine when to stop. Instead, you should run your model through the evaluator periodically, and stop training when the evaluation mAP stops improving.