SQL Check if the User has IN and Out - sql

I need help getting the User which has an 'IN' and 'Out' in Column isIN. If the user has an IN and OUT do not select them in the list. I need to select the user who has only had an IN. Please I need help. Thanks in advance.
This is the table:
| Users | IsIN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907867 | IN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907867 | OUT |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907922 | IN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907922 | OUT |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907923 | IN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907923 | OUT |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907924 | IN | - I need to get only this row
| MHYHDC61TMJ907925 | IN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907925 | OUT |
| MHYHDC61TMJ908054 | IN | - I need to get only this row
| MHYHDC61TMJ908096 | IN | - I need to get only this row
| MHYHDC61TMJ908109 | IN | - I need to get only this row
Need to get the result like
| Users | IsIN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907924 | IN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ908054 | IN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ908096 | IN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ908109 | IN |
I tried using this query and sample query below but it doesn't work.
select s.[Users], s.[isIn] [dbo].[tblIO] s
where not exists (
select 1
from [dbWBS].[dbo].[tblIO] s2
where s2.[Users] = s.[Users] and s2.isIn = 'IN'

You can use not exists:
select s.*
from sample s
where not exists (select 1
from sample s2
where s2.user = s.user and s2.inout = 'OUT'
If you want only users that meet the condition (and not the full rows):
select user
from sample s
group by user
having min(inout) = max(inout) and min(inout) = 'IN';

Bearing in mind that an 'OUT' IsIn must be always preceded by an 'IN' record, you could use a query like this:
select s.Users, 'IN' as IsIn
from sample s
group by s.Users
having count(distinct s.IsIn) = 1


How to use wm_concat one a column that already exists in the query?

So... I am currently using Oracle 11.1g and I need to create a query that uses the ID and CusCODE from Table_with_value and checks Table_with_status using the ID to find active CO_status but on different CusCODE.
This is what I have so far - obviously does not work as it should unless CusCODE and ID are provided manually:
SELECT wm_concat(CoID) as active_CO_Status_for_same_ID_but_different_CusCODE
FROM Table_with_status
CoID IN (SELECT CoID FROM Table_with_status WHERE ID = Table_with_value.ID AND CusCODE != Table_with_value.CusCODE)) AND Co_status = 'active';
|CoID | CusCODE | ID | Value |
|354223 | 1.432 | 0784296L | 99 |
|321232 | 4.212321.22 | 0432296L | 32 |
|938421 | 3.213 | 0021321L | 93 |
|CoID | CusCODE | ID | Co_status|
|354223 | 1.432 | 0784296L | active|
|354232 | 1.432 | 0784296L | inactive |
|666698 | 1.47621 | 0784296L | active |
|666700 | 1.5217 | 0784296L | active |
|938421 | 3.213 | 0021321L | active |
|938422 | 3.213 | 0021321L | active |
|938423 | 3.213 | 0021321L | active |
|321232 | 4.212321.22 | 0432296L | active |
|321232 | 4.212321.22 | 0432296L | active |
|321232 | 1.689 | 0432296L | inactive |
Expected output:
|CoID | active_CO_Status_for_same_ID_but_different_CusCODE | ID | Value |
|354223 | 666698,666700 | 1.432 | 0784296L | 99 |
|321232 | N/A | 4.212321.22 | 0432296L | 32 |
|938421 | N/A | 3.213 | 0021321L | 93 |
Any idea on how this can be implemented ideally without any PL/SQL for loops, but it should be fine as well since the output dataset is expected < 300 IDs.
I apologize in advance for the cryptic nature in which I structured the question :) Let me know if something is not clear.
From your description and expected output, it looks like you need a left outer join, something like:
wm_concat(s.CoID) as other_active_CusCODE -- active_CO_Status_for_same_ID_but_different_CusCODE
FROM Table_with_value v
LEFT JOIN Table_with_status s
ON s.ID = v.ID
AND s.CusCODE != v.CusCODE
AND s.Co_status = 'active'
GROUP BY v.CoID, v.CusCODE, v.ID, v.value;
SQL Fiddle using listagg() instead of the never-supported and now-removed wm_concat(); with a couple of different approaches if the logic isn't quite what I interpreted. With your sample data they all get:
------ -------------------- ----------- -------- -----
321232 (null) 4.212321.22 0432296L 32
354223 666698,666700 1.432 0784296L 99
938421 (null) 3.213 0021321L 93
Your code looks like it should work, assuming you are referring to the correct tables:
SELECT wm_concat(s.CoID) as active_CO_Status_for_same_ID_but_different_CusCODE
FROM Table_with_status s
FROM Table_with_value v
v.CusCODE <> s.CusCODE
s.Co_status = 'active';

Postgresql query substract from one table

I have a one tables in Postgresql and cannot find how to build a query.
The table contains columns nr_serii and deleteing_time. I trying to count nr_serii and substract from this positions with deleting_time.
My query:
select nr_serii , count(nr_serii ) as ilosc,count(deleting_time) as ilosc_delete
from MyTable
group by nr_serii, deleting_time
output is:
| "666666";1;1 |
| "456456";1;0 |
| "333333";3;0 |
| "333333";1;1 |
| "111111";1;1 |
| "111111";3;0 |
The part of table with raw data:
| "666666";"2020-11-20 14:08:13" |
| "456456";"" |
| "333333";"" |
| "333333";"" |
| "333333";"" |
| "333333";"2020-11-20 14:02:23" |
| "111111";"" |
| "111111";"" |
| "111111";"2020-11-20 14:08:04" |
| "111111";"" |
And i need substract column ilosc and column ilosc_delete
nr_serii:333333 ilosc:3-1=2
Expected output:
| "666666";-1 |
| "456456";1 |
| "333333";2 |
| "111111";2 |
| ... |
I think this is very simple solution for this but i have empty in my head.
I see what you want now. You want to subtract the number where deleting_time is not null from the ones where it is null:
select nr_serii,
count(*) filter (where deleting_time is null) - count(deleting_time) as ilosc_delete
from MyTable
group by nr_serii;
Here is a db<>fiddle.

SQL - Given sequence of data, how do I query the origin?

Let's assume we have the following data.
| UUID1 | 2020-11-10T05:00:00 | |
| UUID2 | 2020-11-10T05:01:00 | 2020-11-10T05:00:00 |
| UUID3 | 2020-11-10T05:03:00 | 2020-11-10T05:01:00 |
| UUID4 | 2020-11-10T05:04:00 | 2020-11-10T05:03:00 |
| UUID5 | 2020-11-10T05:07:00 | 2020-11-10T05:04:00 |
| UUID6 | 2020-11-10T05:08:00 | 2020-11-10T05:07:00 |
Each data is connected to each other via LAST_SEENTIME.
In such case, is there a way to use SQL to identify these connected events as one? I want to be able to calculate start and end to calculate the duration of this event.
You can use a recursive CTE. The exact syntax varies by database, but something like this:
with recursive cte as
select uuid as orig_uuid, uuid, seentime
from t
where last_seentime is null
union all
select cte.orig_uuid, t.uuid, t.seentime
from cte join
on cte.seentime = t.last_seentime
select orig_uuid,
max(seentime) - min(seentime) -- or whatever your database uses
from cte
group by orig_uuid;

MS-Script query unable to get working or to run

I am trying to create a query to show the top 24 most-viewed pages by joining 3 tables.
But, I am having trouble getting it to work. Either it has an issue with the use of UNION, JOIN or a part of the written function/script, in general.
The tables are:
| dbo_Good_URLs |
| Url |
| HTTPAlias |
| PortalID |
| page_title |
| dbo_vw_GoodURLs |
| URL |
| PortalID |
| HTTPAlias |
| Title |
| dbo_analytics_history |
| URL |
| PortalId |
| HTTPAlias |
| Page_Title |
| Report_Month |
| Report_Year |
| Pageviews |
| Unique_Pageviews |
| Entrances |
| Total_Time_on_Page |
| Bounces |
| Exits |
| Avg_Time_on_Page |
| Bounce_Rate |
| Exit_Rate |
I've tried to use an IIF(Is Null(**) And I've looked through to script itself to see why UNION and JOIN seem to not work and I can't seem to figure it out.
I've been playing around with this all week and it's just not coming to me.
SELECT TOP 24 dbo_Good_URLs.Url, Nz(dbo_analytics_history.Pageviews, 0) AS Total_Pageviews,
Nz(dbo_analytics_history.Pageviews, 0) AS Month1
FROM (SELECT Url FROM dbo_Good_URLs WHERE HTTPAlias IN ('x.org', 'ab.x.org'))
SELECT Url FROM dbo_vw_GoodURLs WHERE dbo_Good_URLs.HTTPAlias IN ('x.org', 'ab.x.org')
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo_analytics_history
ON dbo_Good_URLs.Url = dbo_analytics_history.URL AND dbo_analytics_history.HTTPAlias IN ('x.org', 'ab.x.org') AND dbo_analytics_history.Report_Month = 10
GROUP BY dbo_Good_URLs.Url, dbo_analytics_history.Pageviews
ORDER BY Nz(dbo_analytics_history.Pageviews, 0) DESC;
The result that I am looking for is for it to show the top 24 pages viewed for the month of October(I.e. month 10)
I would hazard a guess that you're actually looking for something like the following:
select top 24 q.url, nz(a.pageviews, 0) as Total_Pageviews, nz(a.pageviews, 0) as Month1
select dbo_good_urls.url from dbo_good_urls
where dbo_good_urls.httpalias in ('x.org', 'ab.x.org')
select dbo_vw_goodurls.url from dbo_vw_goodurls
where dbo_vw_goodurls.httpalias in ('semcog.org', 'loggedin.semcog.org')
) q
left join dbo_analytics_history a on q.url = a.url
a.report_month is null or a.report_month = 10
order by
nz(a.pageviews, 0) desc;
Here, the target URLs are selected by the two unioned subqueries, with the result of such union left joined to your dbo_analytics_history table on the url field.

SQL GROUPING with conditional

I am sure this is easy to accomplish but after spending the whole day trying I had to give up and ask for your help.
I have a table that looks like this
| PatientID | VisitId | DateOfVisit | FollowUp(Y/N) | FollowUpWks |
| 123456789 | 2222222 | 20180802 | Y | 2 |
| 123456789 | 3333333 | 20180902 | Y | 4 |
| 234453656 | 4443232 | 20180506 | N | NULL |
| 455344243 | 2446364 | 20180618 | Y | 12 |
Basically I have a list of PatientIDs, each patient can have multiple visits (VisitID and DateOfVisit). FollowUp(Y/N) specifies whether the patients has to be seen again and in how many weeks (FollowUpWks).
Now, what I need is a query that extracts PatientsID, DateOfVisit (the most recent one and only if FollowUp is YES) and the FollowUpWks field.
Final result should look like this
| PatientID | VisitId | DateOfVisit | FollowUp(Y/N) | FollowUpWks |
| 123456789 | 3333333 | 20180902 | Y | 4 |
| 455344243 | 2446364 | 20180618 | Y | 12 |
The closest I could get was with this code
Max(DateOfVisit) AS LastVisit
FROM mytable
WHERE FollowUp = True
The problem is that when I try adding the FollowUpWks field to the SELECT I get the following error: "The query does not include the specified expression as part of an aggregate function." However, if I add FollowUpWks to the GROUP BY statement than I get all visits, not just the most recent ones.
You need to match back to the most recent visit. One method uses a correlated subquery:
FROM mytable as t
WHERE t.FollowUp = True AND
t.DateOfVisit = (SELECT MAX(t2.DateOfVisit)
FROM mytable as t2
WHERE t2.PatientID = t.PatientID