SQL GROUPING with conditional - sql

I am sure this is easy to accomplish but after spending the whole day trying I had to give up and ask for your help.
I have a table that looks like this
| PatientID | VisitId | DateOfVisit | FollowUp(Y/N) | FollowUpWks |
| 123456789 | 2222222 | 20180802 | Y | 2 |
| 123456789 | 3333333 | 20180902 | Y | 4 |
| 234453656 | 4443232 | 20180506 | N | NULL |
| 455344243 | 2446364 | 20180618 | Y | 12 |
Basically I have a list of PatientIDs, each patient can have multiple visits (VisitID and DateOfVisit). FollowUp(Y/N) specifies whether the patients has to be seen again and in how many weeks (FollowUpWks).
Now, what I need is a query that extracts PatientsID, DateOfVisit (the most recent one and only if FollowUp is YES) and the FollowUpWks field.
Final result should look like this
| PatientID | VisitId | DateOfVisit | FollowUp(Y/N) | FollowUpWks |
| 123456789 | 3333333 | 20180902 | Y | 4 |
| 455344243 | 2446364 | 20180618 | Y | 12 |
The closest I could get was with this code
Max(DateOfVisit) AS LastVisit
FROM mytable
WHERE FollowUp = True
The problem is that when I try adding the FollowUpWks field to the SELECT I get the following error: "The query does not include the specified expression as part of an aggregate function." However, if I add FollowUpWks to the GROUP BY statement than I get all visits, not just the most recent ones.

You need to match back to the most recent visit. One method uses a correlated subquery:
FROM mytable as t
WHERE t.FollowUp = True AND
t.DateOfVisit = (SELECT MAX(t2.DateOfVisit)
FROM mytable as t2
WHERE t2.PatientID = t.PatientID


SQL Check if the User has IN and Out

I need help getting the User which has an 'IN' and 'Out' in Column isIN. If the user has an IN and OUT do not select them in the list. I need to select the user who has only had an IN. Please I need help. Thanks in advance.
This is the table:
| Users | IsIN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907867 | IN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907867 | OUT |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907922 | IN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907922 | OUT |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907923 | IN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907923 | OUT |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907924 | IN | - I need to get only this row
| MHYHDC61TMJ907925 | IN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907925 | OUT |
| MHYHDC61TMJ908054 | IN | - I need to get only this row
| MHYHDC61TMJ908096 | IN | - I need to get only this row
| MHYHDC61TMJ908109 | IN | - I need to get only this row
Need to get the result like
| Users | IsIN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ907924 | IN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ908054 | IN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ908096 | IN |
| MHYHDC61TMJ908109 | IN |
I tried using this query and sample query below but it doesn't work.
select s.[Users], s.[isIn] [dbo].[tblIO] s
where not exists (
select 1
from [dbWBS].[dbo].[tblIO] s2
where s2.[Users] = s.[Users] and s2.isIn = 'IN'
You can use not exists:
select s.*
from sample s
where not exists (select 1
from sample s2
where s2.user = s.user and s2.inout = 'OUT'
If you want only users that meet the condition (and not the full rows):
select user
from sample s
group by user
having min(inout) = max(inout) and min(inout) = 'IN';
Bearing in mind that an 'OUT' IsIn must be always preceded by an 'IN' record, you could use a query like this:
select s.Users, 'IN' as IsIn
from sample s
group by s.Users
having count(distinct s.IsIn) = 1

Postgresql query substract from one table

I have a one tables in Postgresql and cannot find how to build a query.
The table contains columns nr_serii and deleteing_time. I trying to count nr_serii and substract from this positions with deleting_time.
My query:
select nr_serii , count(nr_serii ) as ilosc,count(deleting_time) as ilosc_delete
from MyTable
group by nr_serii, deleting_time
output is:
| "666666";1;1 |
| "456456";1;0 |
| "333333";3;0 |
| "333333";1;1 |
| "111111";1;1 |
| "111111";3;0 |
The part of table with raw data:
| "666666";"2020-11-20 14:08:13" |
| "456456";"" |
| "333333";"" |
| "333333";"" |
| "333333";"" |
| "333333";"2020-11-20 14:02:23" |
| "111111";"" |
| "111111";"" |
| "111111";"2020-11-20 14:08:04" |
| "111111";"" |
And i need substract column ilosc and column ilosc_delete
nr_serii:333333 ilosc:3-1=2
Expected output:
| "666666";-1 |
| "456456";1 |
| "333333";2 |
| "111111";2 |
| ... |
I think this is very simple solution for this but i have empty in my head.
I see what you want now. You want to subtract the number where deleting_time is not null from the ones where it is null:
select nr_serii,
count(*) filter (where deleting_time is null) - count(deleting_time) as ilosc_delete
from MyTable
group by nr_serii;
Here is a db<>fiddle.

SELECTing Related Rows Based on a Single Row Match

I have the following table running on Postgres SQL 9.5:
|ID | trans_id | message |
| 1 | 1234567 | abc123-ef |
| 2 | 1234567 | def234-gh |
| 3 | 1234567 | ghi567-ij |
| 4 | 8902345 | ced123-ef |
| 5 | 8902345 | def234-bz |
| 6 | 8902345 | ghi567-ij |
| 7 | 6789012 | abc123-ab |
| 8 | 6789012 | def234-cd |
| 9 | 6789012 | ghi567-ef |
|10 | 4567890 | abc123-ab |
|11 | 4567890 | gex890-aj |
|12 | 4567890 | ghi567-ef |
I am looking for the rows for each trans_id based on a LIKE query, like this:
WHERE message LIKE '%def-234%'
This, of course, returns just three rows, the three that match my pattern in the message column. What I am looking for, instead, is all the rows matching that trans_id in groups of messages that match. That is, if a single row matches the pattern, get all the rows with the trans_id of that matching row.
That is, the results would be:
|ID | trans_id | message |
| 1 | 1234567 | abc123-ef |
| 2 | 1234567 | def234-gh |
| 3 | 1234567 | ghi567-ij |
| 4 | 8902345 | ced123-ef |
| 5 | 8902345 | def234-bz |
| 6 | 8902345 | ghi567-ij |
| 7 | 6789012 | abc123-ab |
| 8 | 6789012 | def234-cd |
| 9 | 6789012 | ghi567-ef |
Notice rows 10, 11, and 12 were not SELECTed because there was not one of them that matched the %def-234% pattern.
I have tried (and failed) to write a sub-query to get the all the related rows when a single message matches a pattern:
SELECT sub.*
SELECT DISTINCT trans_id FROM table WHERE message LIKE '%def-234%'
) sub
WHERE table.trans_id = sub.trans_id
I could easily do this with two queries, but the first query to get a list of matching trans_ids to include in a WHERE trans_id IN (<huge list of trans_ids>) clause would be very large, and would not be a very inefficient way of doing this, and I believe there exists a way to do it with a single query.
Thank you!
This will do the job I think :
WITH sub AS (
SELECT trans_id
FROM table
WHERE message LIKE '%def-234%'
FROM table JOIN sub USING (trans_id);
Hope this help.
Try this:
SELECT ID, trans_id, message
SELECT ID, trans_id, message,
COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE message LIKE '%def234%')
OVER (PARTITION BY trans_id) AS pattern_cnt
FROM mytable) AS t
WHERE pattern_cnt >= 1
Using a FILTER clause in the windowed version of COUNT function we can get the number of records matching the predefined pattern within each trans_id slice. The outer query uses this count to filter out irrelevant slices.
Demo here
You can do this.
WITH trans
WHERE message LIKE '%def234%')
FROM t1,
WHERE t1.trans_id = trans.trans_id;
I think this will perform better. If you have enough data, you can do an explain on both Sub query and CTE and compare the output.

How to optimize nested innner hive query

I have a table with following stock data where we have couple of columns like date, ticker, open and close(stock prices).
To query this data, I want to know which stock has given the highest margin on particular date. So if I have 516 different stocks, my query should return 516 rows of ticker, date, open, close and a new column Margin(which will be max(close-open)).
| deep_stocks.date_ | deep_stocks.ticker | deep_stocks.open | deep_stocks.close |
| 20100721 | A | 27.68 | 27.58 |
| 20100722 | A | 27.95 | 28.72 |
| 20100723 | A | 28.56 | 29.3 |
| 20100726 | A | 29.22 | 29.64 |
| 20100727 | A | 29.73 | 28.87 |
| 20100728 | A | 28.79 | 28.78 |
| 20100729 | A | 28.97 | 28.15 |
| 20100730 | A | 27.78 | 27.93 |
| 20100802 | A | 28.35 | 28.82 |
| 20100803 | A | 28.7 | 27.84 |
I have written a query where my approach was:
Step 1 - Get the difference between Close and Open prices (Inner/Sub query)
Step 2 - Get the maximum of margin for every stock (used group by with max function)
Step 3 - Join the results with Main Table and get the data.
I'll put my query in solution or comments can someone please correct it as it is taking more time. Also I would like to know can we have any other alternative approach.
As already told about my approach please find below query:
SELECT ds.ticker, ds.date_, ds.close, ds.open, ds.Margin FROM
(SELECT ticker, date_, close, open, case(close-open)>0 when true then round(close-open,2) else 0 end as Margin FROM DataStocks) ds
(SELECT dsIn.ticker, max(dsIn.Margin) mxMargin FROM
(select ticker, case(close-open)>0 when true then round(close-open,2) else 0 end as Margin FROM DataStocks ) dsIn group by dsIn.ticker) dsEx
ON ds.ticker=dsEx.ticker AND ds.Margin=dsEx.mxMargin ORDER BY ds.Margin;
Do we have any other alternatives for this query or can it be possible to optimize it.

How to check date in postgresql

my table name is tbl1. The fileds are id,name,txdate.
| 1 | RAJ | 1-1-2013 |
| 2 | RAVI | |
| 3 | PRABHU | 25-3-2013 |
| 4 | SAT | |
Now i want to use select query for check txdate < 2-2-2013 in which rows have txdate not empty and the select also retrun which rows have txdate empty.
The Result is like this
| 1 | RAJ | 1-1-2013 |
| 2 | RAVI | |
| 4 | SAT | |
Any feasible solution is there?.
With out using union it is possible?.
Assuming that the TXDATE is of data type DATE then you can use WHERE "TXDATE" < '2013-2-2' OR "TXDATE" IS NULL. Something like:
FROM table1
WHERE "TXDATE" < '2013-2-2'
See it in action:
SQL Fiddle Demo
I don't now what database your are using and what data type the TXDATE is.
I just tried on my postgreSQL 9.2, with a field "timestamp without time zone".
I have three rows in the table , like:
ac_device_name | ac_last_heartbeat_time
Nest-Test1 |
Nest-Test3 |
Nest-Test2 | 2013-04-10 15:06:18.287
Then use below statement
select ac_device_name,ac_last_heartbeat_time
from at_device
where ac_last_heartbeat_time<'2013-04-11';
It is ok to return only one record:
ac_device_name | ac_last_heartbeat_time
Nest-Test2 | 2013-04-10 15:06:18.287
I think you can try statement like:
select * from tbl1 where TXDATE<'2-2-2013' and TXDATE is not NULL
this statement also works in my environment.