Display translation on a component in Vuejs - vuejs2

I want to show a translation on the title of a component.
Here is the HTML code:
user-title="Total users"
On my user-card component I have this:
<b-card class="text-center">
<div class="truncate">
<h2 class="mb-25 font-weight-bolder">
{{ totalUser}}
<span>{{ user-title }}</span>
And to use translation I have this syntax where I get the translated terms from the JSON file:
{{$t("Total users")}}
How can I implement this on the user-title?

Have a look at this, I have tried to replicate your scenario in code sandbox.
sample app
What you are doing wrong is that $t is a function that accepts variable name which has an actual message in it, first you have to define a variable e.g totalUserTitle: 'Total users' for multiple languages like I did in index.js, and then you can use it as $t(totalUserTitle).

Just use v-bind and pass the expression to your user-card component directly:
:user-title="$t('Total users')"
You're actually already using this syntax in multiple places, this directive just tells Vue to "dynamically bind one or more attributes, or a component prop to an expression", which is exactly what you're looking for here.
This will evaluate $t('Total users') as an expression and then pass the result to your component as a prop.


how to use template in vue3 instead of native template?

I'm tring to make a SelectBox component
v-for="person in people"
{{ person.name }}
And I want Option to be a dynamic component:
<component :is="props.as || 'li'">
<slot />
So I can custom content in Option (not only with <li> tag), for example use div or template to render
v-for="person in people"
<span>{{ person.name }}</span>
But if prop.as is 'template', it's rendered in html native template and can't see it in browser
I expect the result:
Vue document show some detail
But it can't work for me to add any director on it, like this
:is="props.as || 'li'"
Anyone can help me?
You probably shouldn't be using the component tag for what you're trying to do.
According to the Vue docs, here are the options of what you can pass for the is prop:
The actual component to render is determined by the is prop.
When is is a string, it could be either an HTML tag name or a component's registered name.
Alternatively, is can also be directly bound to the definition of a component.
You are trying to pass a template instead of a Vue component, which component is not designed to work with. It is unclear exactly what you are trying to do, but you can probably use a slot to accomplish it. Otherwise, to get the component tag working, define a Vue component and pass that in.

VueJS 2 - Re-useable parent component that can accept different children

I have a parent component, SearchComponent:
<div class="relative pl-8 pr-10 rounded bg-white border focus-within:bg-white focus-within:ring-1">
<input v-focus #keyup.escape="clearSearch" #keyup="doSearch" v-model="searchTerm"
class="w-full ml-4 h-12 pl-1 text-gray-700 text-lg rounded-full border-0 bg-transparent focus:outline-none placeholder-gray-400"
placeholder="Search..." autocomplete="off">
<ul class="bg-white mt-4">
<quick-search-item v-for="item in searchResults" :key="item.id" :item-data="item.itemData">
This is responsible for receiving user input and getting results from an ajax call, handling errors etc. and generating the result list.
What I'd like to do is to make this generic so that instead of having a quick-search-item child component I can pass in different types of child component (like car-search-item, person-search-item etc.) depending on the context of where the user is in the app and what they're searching for
I've read a number of tutorials and I couldn't find quite what I'm trying to do. This may mean I'm approaching this in the wrong way - but if anyone could point me in the right direction, or has a better approach, I'd be very grateful.
I would try to make use of the <slot> element. Check out the documentation here
Hope this can put you on the right path.
Schalk Pretorius was quite right: slots are the answer to this, specifically scoped slots. I found the Vue docs a little confusing as it refers to getting data from the child component and I wanted to do it the other way around, so as an aide memoire for myself and to help anyone else here's what I did:
In my parent component I defined the slot like this:
<slot name="results" v-bind:items="searchResults">
The v-bind binds searchResults (a data item in the parent component) to the value 'items'. 'items' then becomes available in the slot.
In my child component I have a simple property setup called items:
props: {
items: {type: Array},
Then to hook it all together in my Blade file I did this:
<search-component endpoint="{{ route('quick_search.index') }}">
<template v-slot:results="props">
<food-results :items="props.items">
This creates the search-component. Inside that -as I'm using named slots - we need a template and use v-slot to tell it which slot to use (results), then the ="props" exposes all the properties we've defined on that slot (in this case just one, 'items').
Inside the template we put our child component and then we can bind items to props.items which will be the searchResults in our parent component.
I'm happy to have this working and I can now create lots of different results components while reusing the search component - and at least I learnt something today!

Vue get children of a component passed in a parent component

How do I get access the children that were passed into the children component in the parent component?
I understand the explanation may be confusing, what I want is this, similar to React "children" prop.
<div class="layout">
<item-component v-for="i in 10" :key="i">{{ i }}</item-component>
And in the item-component I want to access the i variable. Is this possible?
If I understand your question correctly, you want to use Slots.
In item-component you need to put in:
exactly where you want the value of i to be.
If you want to use i in scripts, just add property in item-component, for example named no and put it in for:
<div class="layout">
<item-component v-for="i in 10" :key="i" :no="i" ></item-component>

b-field value is getting updated only #select and not #input?

I am using the Buefy UI components in my VueJS project. I have a drop-down in a page:
<b-field label="Business Unit">
placeholder="select a business unit..."
#select="(option) => {updateValue(option.id,'businessUnit')}"
<template slot-scope="props">
<div class="container">
<template slot="empty">No results found</template>
As you can see from the above code, the updateValue function is responsible for updating the value, but it will currently be called only when the user selects something from the drop-down suggestions. I want the value to be updated even when the user starts to type something. Example: #input="(newValue)=>{updateValue(newValue,'businessUnit')}". However, there is already a debounce function called getAsyncDataBusinessUnit that I am calling to fetch the filtered autocomplete results based on what the user has typed during the #typing event.
According to the Buefy Autocomplete API documentation found here, you could probably use v-model instead of using value directly.
Alternatively you could actually implement the #input like you wrote yourself, the #typing event shouldn't interfere with it.
Or you could just handle the value updating in #typing:
// then later in JS...
methods: {
onTyping(value) {
this.updateValue(value, 'businessUnit')

is special attribute vs v-if / v-show

is special attribute is:
<!-- Component changes when currentTabComponent changes -->
<component v-bind:is="currentTabComponent"></component>
conditional rendering is:
<div v-if="type === 'A'">
<div v-else-if="type === 'B'">
<div v-else-if="type === 'C'">
<div v-else>
Not A/B/C
I know the different between using v-if and v-show, but I don't know the difference between using a list of v-ifs for different cases vs using the is special attribute. When should I use them?
Does is work like v-if or v-show? I mean, does it render all the components anyways? Is is like a syntactic sugar for a list of subsequent v-ifs?
is would be useful if the list of v-ifs would all render a component if true.
Like so:
<template v-if="component == "firstComponent">
<template v-else-if="component == "secondComponent">
<template v-else-if="component == "thirdComponent">
This can then be reduced to:
<component :is="component"></component>
Concerning your second question
Wether component :is works like v-if or v-show depends on wether you wrap it in <keep-alive> or not. Read the documentation on this here. Note though, that using <component> a component only gets created until it is necessary the first time, wether you use <keep-alive> or not.
v-if (re)creates the component everytime the condition is met.
<component :is="..."> creates the component everytime the condition is met (like v-if).
<keep-alive><component :is="..."></keep-alive> creates the
component at most 1 time (but possibly 0).
A component with only v-show on it is created exactly once.