Open link in newtab missing from context menu - vue.js

The new tab is missing from the browser context menu in Nuxt.js projects. I need to make sure my clients can freely open links in a new tab.
How can I add this feature globally in Nuxt.js?

Do you use the v-btn component with the link prop?
If the generated HTML is not an actual Go to blog, you will not have it on the context menu.
You could inspect in the DOM and see how it is.
Buttons are for actions, links for navigation.
If it's a link, should be able to open it in a new tab, if it's a button with something like #click="$router.push('/blog')", this won't work with the context menu.


Vuetify dialog adds new dialog to dom each time it is opened and exon't remove the previous on close

We have a large scale application but in Vue 2, Composition API and Nuxt.
However we load a lot of content in dialogs. After using the application for several minutes you can see a build up of these dialogs in the DOM.
Is there a way for Vuetify to use the existing dialog one instead of creating a new instance.
Or remove the existing one on close?
I can't see anything in the docs or similar issues from other users.
Each v-dialog with a v-model will be added to the DOM first time it's active/opened, then the visibility is changed on subsequent toggles. It's more "expensive" to add and remove DOM elements (size depending on its nested content) than toggle an active class and add a simple overlay. Probably why it's not recommended to nest v-dialog within a v-for loop, the DOM will get too crowded. If the dialog content is interchangeable, you could have one dialog on the page where the content is toggled too.

Set the parent of an Aurelia Dialog

Aurelia Dialog puts all the UI elements for itself at the root of the document (or very near).
Is there a way to configure where the dialog places itself in the document?
(I am trying to make the dialog be part of my router page rather than part of the overall document.)
Yes you can, as stated by the official doc:
In the controller settings part, there is a config property name host, which you can pass an element here to be anchor for the dialog, instead of the default document.body
host: allows providing the element which will parent the dialog - if not provided the body will be used.

Add CSS to individual tab in tab panel Sencha Touch

I'm trying to change the color of a tab in a tabpanel I have when my app goes online or offline. I have the online and offline events already setup but now I need to be able to change the color of the tab from these events.
How do I go about accessing an individual tab and setting it's CSS?
you could use ext component query to get the handle of the component and then add/remove class
You can get the individual tab from tabpanel by referring it as following inside the controller class (inside the refs):
myDesiredTab: '#myTabPanelId container[title=myDesiredTabTitle]'
and afterward you can try:
This idea hasn't been tested but might just work as the tabbar does have cls config and we have a way to access the individual tab.

How to hide the "Set Encoding..." menu in eclipse

Do you have any idea how to hide the Set Encoding menu in the Edit Menu? I had spend some hard time looking for a way to hide this menu.
I try to dig the plugin.xml in many plugins with no luck to look for this Set Encoding action command.
I can't get the action definition id from plug-in spy that I can use to hide this menu in my developed plugin. I only get the info below:
The active contribution item class:
The contributing plug-in:
org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor (3.5.1.r352_v20100105)
The org.eclipse.ui.edit.text.changeEncoding action is usually added to the Edit menu dynamically by the IEditorActionBarContributor specified for the contriubutorClass attribute of the declared org.eclipse.ui.editors extension point.
E.g. the org.eclipse.ui.DefaultTextEditor gets declared by the org.eclipse.ui.editors plugin itself, and specifies the class TextEditorActionContributor as the contriubutorClass. TextEditorActionContributor does add the ChangeEncoding action like so:
public void init(IActionBars bars) {
IMenuManager menuManager= bars.getMenuManager();
IMenuManager editMenu= menuManager.findMenuUsingPath(IWorkbenchActionConstants.M_EDIT);
if (editMenu != null)
So to completely remove this action from the Edit menu, you would need to define your own editors by extending org.eclipse.ui.editors and providing you own implementation of IEditorActionBarContributor.
You must edit the perspective, right click on the toolbar in Eclipse and you should get a context menu with the alternative Customize perspective.... Then go to the tab Menu visibility and disable the menu item you want to hide.

Open jQuery accordion panel within jQuery tab-panel with outside link

On I am using a jQuery accordion inside a jQuery tab-panel. My client wants to open the second panel on page-load with a link on another page. Is this possible?