Add CSS to individual tab in tab panel Sencha Touch - sencha-touch

I'm trying to change the color of a tab in a tabpanel I have when my app goes online or offline. I have the online and offline events already setup but now I need to be able to change the color of the tab from these events.
How do I go about accessing an individual tab and setting it's CSS?

you could use ext component query to get the handle of the component and then add/remove class

You can get the individual tab from tabpanel by referring it as following inside the controller class (inside the refs):
myDesiredTab: '#myTabPanelId container[title=myDesiredTabTitle]'
and afterward you can try:
This idea hasn't been tested but might just work as the tabbar does have cls config and we have a way to access the individual tab.


Components for only tabs in React-Native

I want to achieve this in react-native,
Is there a component that have this tab switching animation with also capability off adding an icon next to tabName if possible.
P.S: I found a component react-native-material-tabs but without the ability to an icon. Also found components that requires container component, where I just need one for tabs for my use case.

Open link in newtab missing from context menu

The new tab is missing from the browser context menu in Nuxt.js projects. I need to make sure my clients can freely open links in a new tab.
How can I add this feature globally in Nuxt.js?
Do you use the v-btn component with the link prop?
If the generated HTML is not an actual Go to blog, you will not have it on the context menu.
You could inspect in the DOM and see how it is.
Buttons are for actions, links for navigation.
If it's a link, should be able to open it in a new tab, if it's a button with something like #click="$router.push('/blog')", this won't work with the context menu.

How to create Framework7 side panel in normal vue?

I'm working with Vue+F7.
Is it possible to create new side panel in Vue, according to my scenario I need something like when app open the first page will come with one left side panel. Now when the user logged in I need to another side panel rather than the first one, because the content I would like to place is different.
If possible can anyone tell me how to create that panel in my example.vue?
You can create a component where you sent a Json with the menu data.
For example:
{"name":"name_route1", "route":"#/miRuta1.vue"},
{"name":"name_route2", "route":"#/miRuta1.vue"},
{"name":"name_route3", "route":"#/miRuta1.vue"}
This way you would have the same component (you would use the same panel) but dynamically you would pass the elements that it is going to mount.
you can simply make both panels and show them conditionally based on the loggedIn boolean. with v-show this is very easy. check these out:
v if
v else if
v show

Nested tabs display in bootstrap 3

I'm trying to include several tabs into an existing tab, it works but I have a display problem when I try to display the tab containing the nested tabs.
When I click on it, the content of all the children tabs are displayed instead of the first tab only.
Here is a link to check the problem:
I can't find where I'm wrong.
You have the wrong css class assigned to tab-memory and tab-activity. 'tab-io' should have the class "tab-pane fade in active", while the rest should have "tab-pane fade in".
Here is the link to the working code:

xpages tab container partial refresh

I make a partialRefresh on a tab container with 4 tabs:
<xp:eventHandler event="onchange" submit="true"
refreshMode="partial" refreshId="djContentPane1">
<xp:this.action><![CDATA[#{javascript:viewScope.put("hideRelatedDocuments", true);}]]></xp:this.action>
The viewScope is then used to some fields which I want to hide/show. Those fields lay on the tab container.
And after this, the tab container looks strange:
What might be the problem? Thanks for your time.
I tried adding a mainPanel, and on this panel I added the TabContainer. Then, I updated the panel but sttill, no work. The result:
You can refresh the fields to show/hide them depending on current value in combobox field if you
put the fields into panels which have an id and always gets rendered
place the panels into the Tab Panels
refresh all panels on onchange event of your combobox with XSP.partialRefreshPosts
Look for the sample code here.
It's because you're refreshing the content pane. I've not pinned down the cause, but refresh either an area outside the Dojo Tab Container or a panel/div that's inside the Tab Container Pane you want to refresh.
I suspect it's something to do with Dojo then processing the response HTML. As a client-side framework, I don't think Dojo is really designed to handle replacing HTML by injection into an existing page.
Tommy Valand added a snippet to handle this problem: