Webrtc custom codec and dynamically change its configuration - webrtc

In my android project, I am using org.webrtc:google-webrtc:1.0.32006 prebuilt library.
Is there any way, to use custom audio codecs? Also, how can I dynamically change codec configuration during the stream without recreating the stream/connection?


How can I bundle .proto files with a React Native app?

I am trying to build an app to communicate with embedded devices using Protocol Buffers with protobuf.js
I want to load the content of .proto files at runtime. The files are pulled from a shared repo and I want to have them bundled with the app at build time.
I know I can read files with RNFS from DocumentDirectoryPath, but how do I tell React Native to put them there when building the app? Or is there a better way to do this?
probably a duplicate of In React Native how do you bundle a text file and read it's value at runtime?.
if you put anything inside android/app/src/main/assets folder it will be in your final .apk file, and you can read it with
Also there are more customized libraries like This one

using the Youtube Data API v3 in Processing

I have an processing sketch that shows and records the webcam feed. It exports the video to an .mp4.
How can I use the Youtube Data API v3 in processing? I want to upload the .mp4 to Youtube.
I saw this example: http://www.benfarahmand.com/2013/09/tutorial-using-youtube-data-api-in.html
But I didn't got it to work.
So how can I use the Youtube Data API v3 in processing?
Are you using the Processing editor, or are you using Processing as a library itself?
If you're using the Processing editor, then you just need to drag the YouTube libary .jar file(s) onto the Processing editor. Then you can use them exactly like you'd use any other library.
If you're using Processing as a library itself (in an IDE like eclipse), then you have to add the YouTube library .jar file(s) to your classpath.
If you're using Eclipse go to the Eclipse Marketplace and search for the Google Plugin for Eclipse. After downloading it click on your project. Then click on the blue Google button in the toolbar and select "Add API..". Search for the Youtube API you want and select it. This will add all the relevant JAR files to your project in one swoop, big time saver!

How to avoid reverse engineering of an apk build with Appcelerator?

I am developing a schedule app using Appcelerator, and I want to prevent a hacker from accessing any resources, assets or source code from the APK file.
If someone changes the .apk extension to .zip then they can unzip it and easily access all the app's resources and assets, and using dex2jar and a Java decompiler, they can also access the source code. It's very easy to reverse engineer an Android APK file.
Is there any functionality available in titanium SDK that prevent reverse engineering? I am using Titanium SDK Version 3.4.1.GA I tried following code but nothing works
<property name="ti.deploytype">distribution</property>
<property name="ti.android.compilejs" type="bool">true</property>
You'll drive yourself crazy trying to protect your code from someone determined to get into it. Generally, Appcelerator is getting you the ability to convert your code from JavaScript into something that resembles a mix of native with JavaScript controlling logic. If the Android platform doesn't accomplish what you want, I don't believe Appcelerator is attempting to do it either. I believe the JavaScript that doesn't get turned into native code is being obfuscated. I'm pretty sure that the Appcelerator project gets turned into an Android project. Perhaps you'll want to look for protections at that level and compile your app with the Android SDK tools.

using a usb fingerprint scanner with monodroid

I'd like to use monodroid to build an app that reads fingerprints from a USB device. Is there an SDK out there that I can use to do this?
If I used an existing fingerprint java SDK like http://www.neurotechnology.com/ , can it be mixed into a monodroid project? If I use the usb api in monodroid, will I be able to somehow use an existing driver to an external usb fingerprint device?
I doubt that there is an SDK written for Mono for Android for fingerprint biometrics. However you can mix Java with C#, so you are not out of luck.
So what you essentially can do is write a bunch of classes using the Fingerprint SDK you link to and compile and package it in a jar. If you are smart you also write a couple of helper classes in Java which does the heavy lifting, and the only thing you have to do is to bind it so that it can be invoked from Mono for Android.
More information on how to bind jars can be found in the Mono for Android documentation.

Audio and Video file

I am using mono 2.10.4 and monobjc. I want to be able to play H264 video file and an mp3 file. Monotouch has examples of playing the same on their web site(http://wiki.ios.xamarin.com/HowTo/Video/HowTo%3a_Playback_a_Video.).
But can the same be accomplished using mono and monobjc ?. What would be the libraries that I would need ?.
There is a sample application named QTKitPlayer that demonstrate how to play a movie by using the QuickTime API; it is part of the Monobjc distribution.